It's not that Song Yan is mentally ill. Under such circumstances, how could she still listen to him?
So I refused without thinking.

Song Liguo was very angry at first and wanted to get angry, but he endured it and continued to persuade Song Yanhao, and even took the initiative to mention the liquidated damages.

At that time, Song Yan had already signed an artist contract with Huaxing Company for a full six years.

Counting from the signing date, if you want to terminate the contract early, not only will the process be complicated, but you will also have to pay the company a huge amount of liquidated damages.

Based on the annual liquidated damages of 200 million, the total amount of liquidated damages for a six-year contract is as high as 1000, [-] million...

If Song Liguo hadn't mentioned it, Song Yan at that time would not have thought of it.

But Song Liguo thought of...

Song Yan's first thought was incredible.

When she grows up to this age, the person who takes care of her has always been her mother, or even a servant at home. As a father, when did Song Liguo care about her so much?

Even taking liquidated damages into consideration, it's really not so thoughtful...

However, Song Yan didn't feel cared about at all, instead she subconsciously became suspicious.

It is impossible for a person to suddenly change an attitude that has been cultivated for a long time in a short period of time.

And it's such a completely subversive change...

If there is, it can only prove that there must be something special in it!

You know, even after Song Yan was kicked out of the Song family, Song Liguo ignored her and was completely indifferent to her during the most embarrassing years of life.

That's all...

What's even more chilling is that Song Yan also found out later that behind many things she encountered in those years, there was a faint shadow of Song Liguo...

Li Huilan, who is full of malice on the surface, is like a cover deliberately put on to attract attention, a knife that can kill people.

But this knife is always in the hands of another person.

Song Liguo was the one hiding behind her holding the knife.

Although Song Yan still can't figure it out, since they are both his own daughters, Song Liguo can hold Song Xuewei like a jewel in his palm, but why is he so cruel and indifferent to her?
It seemed as if he wanted to kill her.

But there is one thing that Song Yan is 100% sure of.

Song Liguo's kindness towards her may not necessarily mean genuine kindness, but may instead be malicious honey wrapped in poison.

But Song Liguo's malice towards her was real malice!Without the slightest adulteration, it was written brightly on his face, and soaked in every expression of his disgust and disgust.

Once you relax your vigilance and ignore such malice, the consequences may be unimaginable...

This is the lesson that Song Yan has learned from her own personal experience through countless hardships and secret losses.

As if stained with blood and tears, the more you understand, the more chilling you will feel.

Under such circumstances, unless Song Yan's head was filled with water and she made the whole person stupid, no matter what, she would not be able to easily believe Song Liguo's "good words" because she was afraid that he would not know how to hold him. What kind of thoughts, did she dig some traps for her again.

With such suspicion and vigilance, Song Liguo offered to pay the liquidated damages on his behalf. Not only did Song Yan not be moved in the slightest, but it made her tense up for a moment, and some malicious and dark thoughts involuntarily appeared in her mind.

Maybe, Song Liguo just wanted to coax her to terminate the contract. On the surface, he said that he would pay liquidated damages for her, but in fact he wanted to frame her deliberately.

After she soft-heartedly agreed, she formally proposed to terminate the contract with the company, and Song Liguo went back on his promise again, and just let go.The tens of millions of liquidated damages fell directly on Song Yan's head.

According to the regulations, if she fails to pay this huge amount of liquidated damages, Huaxing Company has the right to sue her in court. Whether it is jailed or enforced, Song Yan's bright future in the future will be completely ruined...

Thinking of such consequences, Song Yan's heart suddenly turned cold, and cold sweat faintly oozes from her back.

She was really suspicious.

Could this be the real purpose of Song Liguo repeatedly asking her to terminate the contract?
In order to verify her guess, Song Yan pretended to be wavering on the phone and asked Song Li to transfer the liquidated damages to her first, and then formally propose to the company to terminate the contract after she got the money.

This is naturally a kind of temptation, Song Yan never thought about really terminating the contract, and it's not because she was full...

She just found a reason that sounded impeccable, to test what Song Lihui would say.

I don't know if the reason she gave was too open and honest, or Song Liguo was hypocritical and wanted to do a full set of tricks. After listening to Song Yan's words, he thought about it for a while and asked her how much the liquidated damages were.


Song Yan was speechless at that moment.

When Song Liguo uttered wild words before and offered to pay liquidated damages for her, he actually didn't know how much it would cost?
He dared to say that kind of big talk without even clarifying the key issues, even in a tone of serious consideration for her? ?

Is this just teasing her, or trying to trick her on purpose?

After Song Yan was speechless, she became even more suspicious, so she simply reported the amount of liquidated damages to Song Liguo.

After Song Liguo heard it, he turned his face on the spot!

He didn't understand the rules of the entertainment company at all, so he naturally couldn't imagine that a rookie who had just signed a contract and hadn't made his debut wanted to terminate the contract, and the liquidated damages would be as high as tens of millions. Opportunity Lion opened his mouth, and immediately flew into a rage on the phone.

Song Yan didn't bother to explain to him wasted, she sneered and asked him to check it himself, and then hung up the phone directly.

It seems that Song Liguo really sent someone to investigate. For four or five days, Song Yan didn't receive his call. It was calm and there was no news at all.

Song Yan originally thought that Song Liguo had given up. After all, facing such a high breach of contract amount, even if the Song family was not short of money, they had to consider whether it was worth it.

Song Liguo is not a generous person, not to mention that he has always been full of disgust for Song Yan, a daughter, so naturally he would not be willing to waste so much money on her.

It's almost the same for Song Xuewei...

But Song Yan never expected that just a week later, she would receive a call from Song Liguo again. The meaning was completely unchanged, and she was still asked to terminate the contract.

When Song Yan deliberately asked about liquidated damages, although Song Liguo's tone was not very good, he still agreed to pay for her. Even when Song Yan proposed to get the money first before terminating the contract, Song Liguo hesitated for a moment. Actually agreed...

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