When her mother died, she was repeatedly told to keep what she left behind and not tell anyone.

Song Yan also listened obediently.

At that time, she didn't know that her mother secretly sold all her property before she died, exchanged it for cash and deposited it on her card, leaving only a villa where her grandparents lived in before, which was proved by the will and finally fell to under her name.

Too bad she doesn't know...

At that time, Song Yan was really a flower raised in a greenhouse. Although she was a bit clever, she was so innocent that she didn't have any scheming.

Even if she hates her stepmother who makes trouble for nothing and rejects her illegitimate younger sister, she never knew or even thought about guarding against her own family...

If he hadn't experienced the most painful and unexpected betrayal, who in this world would deliberately guard against his loved ones?
So there is a word to say.

The most painful and hurtful cut will always come from the most trusted person behind you.

When Song Yan finally found out, her mother's will had mysteriously disappeared, and her bank card was also inexplicably stolen, and the head of the household changed directly from her to Song Liguo.

Even the huge inheritance left to her by her mother, who thought so hard before her death, finally secretly intercepted it, has also become something that does not belong to her.

When she was kicked out of Song's house, she was empty-handed and didn't take anything except a wallet.

After the wallet was stolen, he was even penniless, not even a change of clothes, not even money to buy a bun to fill his stomach.

The bank refused to admit that she was the owner of the lost card, refused to reissue it for her, and produced a lot of evidence to prove it.

Song Yan is only one person, how can she compete with the bank?

Didn't even call the police.

The chain of evidence produced by the bank was very complete, as if it had been prepared long ago, and the documents were directly placed in front of the police.

Therefore, Song Yan, the victim who called the police, was detained by the police according to the law on the charge of making a false report and provoking trouble. She was detained in a prison for [-] days and fined several thousand yuan.

Song Yan still finds it ironic when she thinks of this incident.

Things that were incomprehensible in the past are now clear at a glance.


Why else.

It was obvious that Song Liguo had greeted the bank in advance and was just waiting for her to come to the door.


Just for a mere 600 million, her biological father was able to frame his biological daughter into a guard without even blinking an eyelid.

Song Yancai at that time.

Until now, she still bears the case of seeking sympathy and provoking trouble, which is a criminal stain that will never be erased in her life.

With the background of the Song family and Song Liguo's worth at the time, is he really short of the 600 million?

Not necessarily.

Stepmother Li Huilan spent hundreds of thousands for a jewelry necklace, and Song Liguo bought hundreds of thousands for a random bottle of red wine.

What is 600 million?Not enough for the couple to spend a month!

But just for this little money, Song Liguo was willing to spend so much thought on the layout, as if he wanted to push Song Yan into prison...

Even using props that belonged to his wife's legacy, he didn't hesitate...

Song Yan thought about many things, but she couldn't figure it out, why did Song Liguo treat her so badly?It's not enough to sever ties and drive her out of the house, but you still want to force her to die?
Isn't she Song Liguo's biological daughter?

With such thoughts and curiosity, Song Yan even secretly went for a paternity test, but finally found out with great regret that Song Liguo was indeed her biological father. There is no doubt...

Is there really a father in the world who wants his own daughter to die?
Just because she gave birth to a child out of wedlock and lost face to Song Liguo?So he can't wait for her to die?

This reason is too ridiculous! !
After being angry and sad, Song Yan gradually began to have doubts.

She always feels... Maybe things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

If only she was afraid of losing face.

After Song Liguo severed her father-daughter relationship and kicked her out of the house, she had no contact with the Song family.

No matter how embarrassing you are, you can't lose face to the Song family.

Song Liguo could completely pretend that she didn't exist, that he had never had such a daughter, but he didn't need to make painstaking plots and try to kill them all...

In fact.

Among the many misfortunes that Song Yan encountered in the two years when she first left the Song family, Li Huilan and Song Xuewei were not the only ones to do it.

Among them, Song Liguo's own handwriting is indispensable!

It's just that he is more cautious and careful.

Hiding behind Li Huilan's mother and daughter all the time, using their hands and feet to do things, naturally she rarely showed her feet.

If it hadn't been for Song Yan who was forced to investigate ruthlessly, and with the help of some luck, she might not have discovered the good deeds Song Liguo did behind her back until now.

It's a pity that Song Liguo acted too cautiously, and she couldn't find any evidence at all.

In addition, there was Li Huilan standing in front of her as a shield. In the end, she couldn't even find out why Song Liguo did these things...

A person who has no power and no power is wandering outside, and he is always weak.

Song Yan did suffer a lot, her temper was tempered little by little, her innocence and ignorance gradually faded, she revealed her sharpness and edge, and she also learned how to fight and protect herself as much as possible.

Such a change made her life a little easier, and she could barely support herself, instead of being so poor that she couldn't even fill her stomach like she was at the beginning.

It's a pity that this was not enough. Considering the predicament she was facing at that time, she had to do her best even for the most basic life, so how could she talk about finding out the truth and seeking justice for herself?

It was at that time that Meng Yang appeared.

Although it was only half-coaxing and half-deceiving with sweet words, he did bring her a new choice.

So at the beginning, Song Yan was very grateful to Meng Yang and agreed to sign a contract with him. On the one hand, it was because Song Yan was really desperate and had no other better choice, and on the other hand, it was out of this gratitude.

At that time, she knew almost nothing about the entertainment industry, and she didn't have any background as an artist. She only had a beautiful face, and she was at the prime of her life.

Huaxing Entertainment's contracts for newcomers are very strict, with high commissions, many requirements, and a long time limit for signing contracts. The minimum is six years, and the highest is even a ten-year super-long contract. It is no different from a contract of sale...

Even if a newcomer who debuts can quickly become popular in the shortest time, it is impossible for him to be popular for more than ten years.

The most precious and golden time in an artist's career is at most ten years, and the Uranus superstar level can only reach 15 or 20 years.

Huaxing's minimum requirement for newcomers is six years, and many of them have signed for ten years. One can imagine how harsh it is...

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