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Chapter 66 Chapter 66 Which company is so blind

This question was asked, obviously to provoke trouble.

But as an artist, no matter how high the celebrity is, he will inevitably be made things difficult by the media reporters.

Xu Han is naturally used to it, and there is no sign of displeasure on his face. He laughed and said: "Of course not, hasn't Xuewei explained it already? It would be boring to ask me the same question again. As for me This one..."

He looked at Song Yan with a smile, and did not introduce her hastily.

In front of media reporters, if male and female artists do not make it clear that they want to stir up ambiguity, no matter how good the relationship is, they must maintain a certain distance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and guesses.

After all, in the entertainment industry, there is no one who is better at making up brains and making associations than reporters.

Maybe it's just a small inadvertent move of the artist, and they can make up a big show in their brains, and they don't care about the consequences at all, as long as there is news.

When the time comes, it will always be the artist who suffers.

Xu Han has suffered from this kind of hidden loss before, but after more times, he gradually learned to be good.

Don't do anything that shouldn't be done, don't say a word that shouldn't be said.

It is the most worry-free and most suitable way to protect yourself wisely and hang high.

What's more, he has nothing to do with Song Yan in the first place, so naturally he doesn't need to deliberately show intimacy, just be polite and make no mistakes.

Song Yan caught Xu Han's gaze, and the smile on her face remained unchanged.

To be honest, she has been in the entertainment industry for more than two years, but this is the first time she has attended such a grand and formal event.

The jobs that Meng Yang arranged for her before were either playing tricks or playing some little villains who didn't make it to the stage. Most of the time, they were inserted into the crew halfway, and had to leave after the filming. They were not considered real crew actors at all.

This is the first time that I have seriously participated in the filming work of the crew...

The opening ceremony was the first time ever.

Without any prior experience, and facing so many media reporters at the scene, pairs of eyes were like searchlights shooting at his body.

Even if Song Yan is mentally prepared, she will inevitably feel a little nervous...

Fortunately, she has a strong psychological quality. While the reporters' attention was still on Xu Han, she secretly adjusted her mood, and she quickly calmed down.

"Hi everyone, I am an artist from Huaxing Entertainment, Song Yan! This time I will play the role of Princess Chaoyang, the second daughter. Please give me your advice."

Song Yan smiled, her voice was clear and soft, she introduced herself unhurriedly, looking graceful.

She was not well-known before, and none of the media reporters at the scene knew her.

Before the crew held the last casting audition, the character released was the second female Princess Chaoyang, a beauty character who can be called a disaster queen, and attracted a lot of beautiful artists in the circle to fight for it.

Many media reporters had received the news in advance. They heard that the second-tier artist and the famous vase Liu Feifei, whose appearance is only inferior to the actress Yu Jie, also participated in the audition. She was determined to win the role of the second female lead and was full of confidence.

The reporters originally thought that the second female lead would definitely fall into the hands of Liu Feifei, after all Liu Feifei's appearance is obvious to all.

Since the production team made it clear that they wanted to choose beauties, besides the famous Yu Jie, the most promising candidate in the circle was Liu Feifei.

However, people are not as good as heaven.

Not knowing what went wrong on the day of the audition, Liu Feifei gave up the audition temporarily and walked away from the scene in despair.

And the female No. [-] role, which has attracted the attention of artists in the circle, finally fell into the hands of an [-]th-line artist whose name few people have heard, and even this [-]th-line artist is probably still a newcomer...

There is definitely an inside story!
Instead of choosing a beautiful artist like Liu Feifei, he actually chose an unknown young rookie.

Isn't this a trick of Chiguoguo?
The media reporters were not to mention how excited they were after receiving the news. They were not afraid that there would be insider information about the cast audition, but they were afraid that there would not be enough news hotspots to dig out.

If you can dig out the important news first, won't the bonus and fame keep rolling in?

What kind of newcomer could overwhelm Liu Feifei and steal her role abruptly?

The reporters were all curious.

Before they came to attend the opening ceremony, they had prepared a lot of provocative questions in their hearts.

After seeing Song Yan, they swarmed at her.

It would be best if the newcomer could be thrown into a daze, and then let go of the clues of the inside story without paying attention.

That would be great!
However, what no one expected was that before the reporters had time to ask the ambitious question, they collided head-on with Song Yan and died alive.

Seeing Song Yan standing next to Xu Han and smiling, even though she hadn't had time to introduce herself, many reporters who wanted to make trouble still gave a "thump" in their hearts.

I have a bad feeling...

Could this overly beautiful woman be... the second female lead chosen by the crew?

A little-known [-]th line artist?
Did you make a mistake? Hey! !

She's so pretty... you tell me she's [-]th?

No reputation, no works, and not valued by the company?
lie down...

Which company is so blind?
This girl is so beautiful that she almost overwhelms the actress Yu Jie, okay?A little bit of holding is a living cash cow! !

The company didn't even care about it, and just let her waste her youth and waste her capital as a small [-]th line? ?
Is the person in charge of this company out of his mind? ? ?

After complaining frantically in their hearts, some reporters still had the slightest expectation in their hearts. Maybe they made a mistake?
Maybe this girl is not the second female lead they thought?


Unfortunately not maybe.

Song Yan's self-introduction with a smile made the reporters speechless for several seconds.

She is the actress who plays the second female lead, and she is the [-]th-tier young artist that the crew would rather give up Liu Feifei's stunning beauty than fight against all consensus...

Oh, no.

In front of Song Yan's face, how could Liu Feifei be called stunning?

This is the most serious and stunning face of hers. The eyebrows and nose are all amazing, and they are obviously pure and natural. No knife has been touched on the face, so the beauty is so natural and harmonious.

The acquired beauties who have used knives are put together with the congenital beauties, and they are several grades behind.

What's more, Liu Feifei's face has been sculpted too much. She has a pretty good background and has her own taste. As a result, she has been in the entertainment circle for a long time, and she is more and more pursuing the so-called "exquisite beauty". Everything conforms to the golden aesthetics, and almost every inch of Liu Feifei's facial features has been fine-tuned.

The corners of the eyes have been cut, the nose has been raised, and the chin has been sharpened and narrowed.

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