Song Yan gritted her teeth violently, "Damn it! He tricked me!!"

Her brain was spinning rapidly, her eyes were looking out of the window, and all kinds of wrong positions were connected in a very short time.

First of all, in the morning, Meng Yang suddenly called to inform her to attend the opening ceremony, and told her the exact address and time.

She felt that something was wrong at the time, and she didn't fully believe him. She even made a special call to ask the crew for confirmation, but the answer she got confirmed that Meng Yang was not lying.

Song Yan could not trust Meng Yang, but the staff of the film crew had no enmity with her, and they didn't even know who she was when they received her call, so there was no reason or need to lie to her.

It was with this in mind that Song Yan believed the words of the staff, and hurriedly began to prepare.

However, she didn't realize that she had made a mistake that she shouldn't have made until now!
She totally misses the point! !
What Meng Yang said to her was true and false, the time at twelve noon was true, but the address of Weitu Hotel was false!

At that time, Song Yan focused on the time, thinking that if Meng Yang wanted to lie to her, he might falsify the time, deliberately telling the wrong time to make her late, but instead ignored the correctness of the address.

So later, when she called the crew to ask for confirmation, she also focused on the time, and even asked twice, but never thought of asking if the address was correct.

damn it……

Why did I make such a low-level mistake, I didn't pay attention to the information that should be valued, and paid special attention to the information that shouldn't be valued!
No wonder she always felt that something was wrong this morning, but she couldn't tell. She just felt vaguely uneasy, but she never thought of asking the crew to confirm it again.

If only she had been more cautious...

It would be nice if I asked again at that time...

Anger and remorse fermented in her heart at the same time, and cold sweat gradually broke out on Song Yan's forehead.

After her thoughts were cleared up, she didn't bother to think too much, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone, called the crew,

The phone didn't go through once, and no one answered the other side.

Song Yan hung up in a hurry and called again, the cold sweat on her forehead became more and more dense, her cheeks that were originally bright red and tender after careful makeup gradually turned pale, and she kept praying in her heart: answer the phone quickly!Hurry up!

If you don't pick it up, it will be too late...

The phone was not connected for a long time, just when Song Yan was in a panic, a slender and powerful hand stretched out from the front, holding her slightly trembling cold fingertips.

The man's steady and calm voice reached the eardrums: "Don't worry! The matter hasn't reached the point of no return."


Song Yan was startled suddenly, then raised her head blankly.

Lu Yanchen unbuckled his seat belt, sat sideways on the driver's seat in front of him, and turned to look at her.

The handsome and indifferent face was against the light outside the window, and the brows looked more and more deep and cold, but the eyes were calm and introverted, so quiet that no waves could be seen, as if possessing magical power, making people calm unconsciously.

Song Yan stared at him blankly, only feeling that the anxiety and anger in her heart that could not be vented seemed to be slowly smoothed away by an invisible big hand, and her whole body became much calmer.

At this moment, the phone she had been holding in her hand, which had been redialed repeatedly, was finally connected.

The noisy noise was accompanied by the slightly impatient voice of the staff, but at this moment it was like the sound of heaven, "Hello? Who is it?"

Song Yan regained consciousness in an instant, and her spirits lifted.

Lu Yan withdrew his hand calmly, motioning for her to answer the phone.

"Hello, I'm Song Yan, an artist from Huaxing Entertainment. May I ask which hotel did you hold the opening ceremony today?" Song Yan asked impatiently on the phone.

"Crown Hotel." The staff member replied, with some doubts, "Didn't the crew inform your manager a long time ago? Why don't you even know about this?"

"It's just a temporary mistake, sorry, thank you!"

Song Yan didn't have time to talk to him, so she hurriedly thanked him, then hung up the phone, feeling anxious again.

The Crown Hotel is located in the outskirts of the capital, close to the film and television city. It is the same five-star hotel as the Vitu Hotel, but the geographical locations of the two hotels are exactly opposite.

One is in the south and one is in the north.

The distance between them is too far, and it takes Jin Ge several road sections that are congested all the year round.

Even if you can take the elevated road to avoid congestion, it will take at least an hour to drive there...

And now the time...

Song Yan subconsciously looked down at her phone, and the time displayed on the screen was 32:[-].

It's too late, it's too late...

Unless you put on your wings and fly over, you will definitely be late! !


At that moment, a strong sense of depression and despair bound the heart like vines.

Song Yan's complexion darkened instantly, as if all her energy had been taken away from her, she sat in the back seat sluggishly, not wanting to say anything.

She wholeheartedly wanted to avoid Meng Yang's calculations, but it backfired instead.

In the end, I was still tricked by him...

At this time, the sound of the vehicle engine starting suddenly came from the ear.

As soon as Song Yan looked up, she saw that Lu Yanchen had already sat back in the driver's seat, turned the steering wheel, turned the car around, and drove in the opposite direction, apparently also heard the phone call just now.

The speed of the car is very fast. Although it has just started, it has already exceeded the speed limit of urban roads.

The scenery outside the window flashed like light and shadow.

"Don't drive so fast..." Song Yan said nastily, a little self-defeating, "I can't catch up anyway, it doesn't matter if you drive slower, safety is more important."

Lu Yan drove the car with a stern expression, holding the steering wheel with his slender hands, staring straight ahead, and said calmly, "Who says you can't catch up."

He was not asking rhetorically, but in a determined tone.

It's a pity that Song Yan's mood was gloomy, and she didn't have the energy to think about the meaning of his words, so she replied weakly: "Isn't this obvious? It's more than an hour's drive, and now there are only [-] minutes left. Not so could it be possible to catch up..."

She has almost given up.

Even if being late is unavoidable anyway, there's no need to take the risk of driving too fast, it's better to be safer.

Half an hour or an hour late...

There really isn't much difference.

Song Yan sighed softly, stretched out her hand and patted her forehead to refresh herself a bit, and think about how to explain the lateness to the director and the others when they arrived at the scene later.

Meng Yang cheated her, but this is an internal issue of China Star Entertainment, and the company has regulations on it.Before the contract is completely terminated, she cannot expose the contradictions within the company.

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