The beautiful woman in a high-end Chanel dress who was closely following Lu Yanchen's face changed slightly after hearing the words, and her eyes fell on Song Yan suspiciously and warily.

Because it was a temporary trip, Song Yan just changed a piece of clothes casually, without makeup, and ran out with her bare face. She also specially wore a pair of flat glasses with leopard print frames on her face, which blocked most of her face. Shengsheng lowered his appearance a bit.

But even so, she didn't look eclipsed when she stood there.

The small face without makeup is as tender as a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, smooth and firm, full of collagen, a long black curly hair casually tied sideways, making the face even more beautiful Under the small, bulky thick-rimmed glasses, there is an indistinguishable facial features, which are extremely delicate.

Women often have a magical supernatural power towards women.

When seeing the other party with heavy makeup, it is easy to imagine the other party's appearance without makeup, and when seeing the other party's plain makeup, you can also imagine the appearance of the other party with makeup.

Like now...

The woman in Chanel felt very unpleasant when she looked at Song Yan,
Although she has no make-up or dress up, and the clothes on her body from head to toe may not exceed 500 yuan, she is too poor to be on the stage, but the face is there, and the facial features alone can tell that she is a woman. Beauty embryo, if you dress up a little more, wouldn't it be even more annoying?

The woman was suddenly unhappy.

On the one hand, he felt that even though he had carefully dressed up, he still couldn't suppress the pure makeup of this strange woman.

On the other hand, it was because this woman obviously knew Mr. Lu!
It seems that the relationship is quite close...

With a personality like Mr. Lu who is so indifferent to everyone, he came over to talk to her on purpose, and even asked her a few questions.

For a man who always cherishes words like gold and never speaks easily unless necessary, there is no need to explain how rare it is.

But this woman had a look of getting used to it, and she didn't even answer immediately.

Mr. Lu didn't look unhappy at all.


The woman wearing Chanel frowned slightly, her eyes became more suspicious and sharp, and she stared at Song Yan vaguely.

Who is she?

Judging by her poor appearance, she doesn't look like a wealthy family in their circle, how could Boss Lu know such a woman?

What is their relationship?

Song Yan is not a fool, so she naturally felt the unkind eyes projected on her.

She turned her head sideways and found that she was standing next to Lu Yanchen, a strange woman she didn't know. She was dressed in a very elegant and elegant way. From head to toe, it was a top brand of high-end customization. A pair of small gemstone earrings on her ears was just like her. Enough for ordinary people to live the first half of their lives without worrying about food and clothing.

Much more luxurious than Song Xuewei!Moreover, he was able to stand beside Lu Yanchen. Eight out of ten he was also from a wealthy family.

The extraordinary kind.

In short, most people can't afford it.

However, the aristocratic daughter looked at her in a way that was not quite right, with a hint of hostility.

Song Yan didn't know where she offended the other party. Anyway, she didn't have much contact with someone, and she didn't want to cause trouble. She glanced at her and then looked away, answering Lu Yanshen's question, "I'm going to participate in an event later. I didn’t have any suitable clothes, so I had to come out temporarily to choose one.” home?
The Chanel woman's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and her eyes unconsciously looked back and forth between Lu Yanchen and Song Yan twice, with a burst of surprise in her eyes.

Lu Yanchen didn't pay attention to her reaction. After listening to Song Yan's words, he nodded slightly and asked again: "Have you chosen?"

"It's almost there, just pay a deposit." Song Yan looked at him curiously as she spoke, "What about you? Why are you here?"

Since the last time they ate hot pot together, Song Yan obviously found that the relationship between herself and Lu Yanchen was a little closer.

It's not the kind of ambiguous intimacy, but a bit like the kind of intimacy from a cooperative stranger to an acquainted friend, and getting along is a little more natural than the previous polite and alienated.

In the previous words, no matter how curious she was, she would not ask directly.Because it was inappropriate and unnecessary, it had nothing to do with her anyway.

Lu Yan took a deep look at her and said, "I have something to do."

This answer is too vague...

Is it inconvenient to explain clearly?

Song Yan blinked her eyes, couldn't help but glanced at the Chanel woman who was by his side, and felt that she seemed to understand something...

The entire top floor of the shopping mall is full of luxury stores, with everything from clothes, bags to jewelry.

It can be called a shopping paradise for women!
But under normal circumstances, men would not come to this kind of place specially, unless... they came with the woman beside them...

Lu Yanshen probably did the same, right?

He said he was going to attend some kind of work reception, but in fact, it was to spare time to go shopping with the beautiful woman?

Although it was unbelievable that this kind of thing happened to Lu Yanchen, after thinking about it, he was a man anyway, and he was a young, healthy, normal man who was never married and had no girlfriend.

As the saying goes, a fair lady is a gentleman, and it is understandable!
Song Yan not only felt that she understood, but also deeply felt that she was an eyesore as a light bulb...

No wonder that Chanel's daughter looked at her with that unkind look.

Maybe she just felt that her sudden appearance was too much of a nuisance, disturbing the date of the young couple...

Song Yan grinned secretly. She was not interested in being treated as a light bulb and continued to be an eyesore, so she said playfully: "In this case, Mr. Lu should go to work first! I will leave soon after I have dealt with it, you don't need to worry about it." I."

The tone suddenly became polite, and the relationship was cleared without leaving a trace.

Lu Yanshen didn't understand what she was thinking, frowned slightly, and said lightly, "I'm not in a hurry."

"..." You are not in a hurry, but the beauty beside you is in a hurry! ! !

Didn't you see that her eyes were about to burst into flames?

Song Yan complained desperately in her heart.

At this time, seeing the two of them "talking very happily", the beauty of Chanel finally couldn't bear it anymore, with a smile on her delicately made-up face, but her eyes were not smiling, and said tentatively: "This lady looks I don’t know which family’s daughter it is? I don’t think I’ve seen it before, and Mr. Lu won’t introduce it?”


The corner of Song Yan's mouth twitched, and she instantly felt the hostility coming towards her face, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

This is no longer treating her as a light bulb in the way...

This is treating her as an imaginary rival in love!I can't wait for her to explode in place and disappear immediately.

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