Even if you are sitting at the same table, the food is divided in advance, including tableware and supplies, all of which are for one person and rarely shared with other people.

For public food like hot pot, it is normal for ordinary people to eat all kinds of raw food directly in one pot, and chopsticks to pick it up, but for those who are used to the meal sharing system...

It seemed very unhygienic.

Not everyone can accept the flipping of chopsticks with other people's saliva in the dish. Maybe most people don't care, but there are always some people who are very repulsive to this kind of thing.

It's not that you are blind, but that everyone has different habits cultivated in the environment they live in since childhood.

Song Yan recalled that in the past few days when they lived in the apartment, Lu Yanchen and Cheng Cheng also adopted the meal sharing system when they ate and put away. The tableware was completely separated. The serving chopsticks were used to hold vegetables, and the serving spoons were also used to serve soup. There is never a time to mix it up.

It's the same even when eating snacks...

They probably can't accept hot pot, right?
When Song Yan thought about it, she immediately felt a little annoyed. Before Lu Yanchen could answer, she changed her mind and said, "Since you haven't eaten it, forget it. It's not bad to switch to a buffet."

"Why?" Lu Yanchen asked.

When the hot pot was mentioned just now, she was obviously very interested. Although he had never eaten it, he could tell that she should like it.

Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?Don't want to eat?
"I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it." Song Yan said helplessly. After thinking about it, she explained a little more, "You can't share meals when eating hot pot. Everyone boils vegetables in the same pot. You can cook whatever you want. Just put a pair of serving chopsticks, I'm afraid you won't be used to it."

It's not that there is no small hot pot without individual portions, but the taste of the kind is always a little bit less, and it is not as enjoyable as eating in a big pot.

Instead of running to eat small hot pot, it is better to eat something else.

The buffet is very good, and it can be divided into meals and can meet different preferences, which is very trouble-free.

Song Yan thought so in her heart.

Lu Yan Shen asked again: "Cheng Cheng's injury is still not healed, can he eat?"

Song Yan was slightly stunned, and replied without thinking too much: "Yes, you can choose the bone broth base, and it will be fine if you don't put heavy seasonings."

She thought about this question before she spoke.

Cheng Cheng is young, his stomach digestion is not as good as that of an adult, not to mention his body is injured, it is better to eat some light food as much as possible.

He can't eat Song Yan's favorite spicy hot pot, but the bone broth base is fine. If the store puts less ingredients, the little one can eat it happily.

After considering this point, Song Yan suggested to eat hot pot, otherwise Xiaotuanzi could see and touch, she couldn't eat with Lu Yanchen face to face, right?

That's too embarrassing...

Lu Yanchen nodded after listening, and made a decision, "Then go."

"Where are you going? Do you want to eat hot pot?" Song Yan was a little dumbfounded.

"En." Lu Yan responded deeply, and was about to start the vehicle, "You show the way."

"No, are you sure you really want to eat it? Doesn't it feel unhygienic?" Song Yan hurriedly stopped him and asked.

Lu Yan pondered for a while, then shook his head slightly, "I think it's okay."

He's not that particular, and besides...

"Chengcheng seems to be quite interested, so it's okay to try." Lu Yanshen said.

Song Yan subconsciously glanced at the little guy beside her, and sure enough, seeing his bright eyes, she nodded vigorously, with a small expression of anticipation.

uh, well...

Then go try it!At worst, they find it unacceptable when they arrive at the store, so they can change to another place.

Song Yan thought it didn't matter, so she agreed, took out her phone and started to navigate.

The Bentley drove slowly out of the gate of the hospital and headed in an unknown direction.


About two 10 minutes later.

Under Song Yan's guidance, Lu Yanchen drove the car into a narrow alley, turned a corner with difficulty, and finally stopped in front of an old wooden building.

A group of three people got out of the car.

Seeing the eyes of the father and son falling on the small building, Song Yan explained with a smile: "This is a private restaurant. It is said that it has been open for decades. It is run by the owner's family for generations, so the taste is unique. Although the location is relatively remote, but The business is very good, and it’s basically not ranked high during holidays. This small building was also handed down from the owner’s family in the early years. It has been repaired many times, and the style is a bit old, but don’t worry, the inside is very clean, and the sanitary conditions are absolutely up to standard.”

Hearing her explanation so clearly, Lu Yanchen couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, "Do you come here often?"

Song Yan shook her head, "It's not too often, I just came here a few times. After all, the price of this restaurant is still a bit expensive, and hot pot is one of the signature dishes. It's not cheap to eat a meal! I used to be short of money, and I didn't I am so willing to come here to eat often.”

Although she likes the taste of this restaurant very much, it is a private restaurant with a high standard, and the per capita consumption is generally higher than that of ordinary shops. She is already poor, so she is not willing to waste it like this.

Only when she was getting paid, or when she was in a particularly bad mood, would she come over for a meal, just to comfort herself.

Lu Yan Shen Wenyan nodded slightly, his eyes flicked across the winding and classic corners of the roof of the small building, and then to the old carved wooden door at the entrance, but he didn't say anything.

Cheng Cheng was very interested, blinking his eyes, looking at the little red lanterns hanging under the eaves, and at the two small stone lions in front of the door, he couldn't help running over to touch them.

The stone lion is really small, even less than Cheng Cheng's waist height. Compared with other majestic town house stone lions, it is as small as a toy. The stone material is also very ordinary, and the carving is simple and clumsy. Very petite and cute.

Because it has been placed for a long time, moss has spread on the bottom edge of the little lion, and its body is very smooth, with a moist luster, which was formed after being stroked by countless diners.

"This lion is so small, Chengcheng can hug it! It's completely different from the big lion at the gate of Grandpa's house!" Chengcheng said enthusiastically, and deliberately opened his short hand, measured it, and it was just enough to hold the stone. The lion embraced.

Song Yan laughed, "Let's go, the restaurant is on the second floor, I'll take you up."

Only then did Cheng Cheng reluctantly let go of the little lion, took Song Yan's hand, and entered the small building.

Lu Yanchen followed behind.

Walking through the old wooden stairs and going up to the second floor, there is a brand-new mahogany gate in front of you, with red lanterns on, and a gold plaque hanging on the gate, which is very imposing.

The door is open to welcome visitors from all over the world. On the left side of the door is the bar counter, which is also made in an antique style, and the air is filled with a seductive aroma.

"Good afternoon, welcome. How many are there?" The middle-aged woman sitting at the bar stood up with a smile and greeted gently.

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