Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 402 Chapter 402 Ending (4)

She glanced at the sender reflexively, that's right, it was Lu Yanchen.

However, he actually posted an emoji? ? ?
Or this kind of... cute? ?
Song Yan was stunned, and she was stunned for a while, not knowing how to respond.

After hesitating and hesitating, Song Yan finally put down the phone and didn't reply.

She got up and went to the bathroom to remove her make-up, changed into her home clothes, then leaned against the head of the bed, and habitually picked up the copy of the script that had been read countless times on the bedside table. It seemed that Lu Yan's voice sounded.

"Sleep, three hours."

Song Yan couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, reached out and tapped her forehead, and put the script back.

She said to herself: "Forget it, the drama on the crew side is not very rushed, let's take a rest for now."

Lu Yanchen said that she would ask the butler to watch the time for her.Song Yan absolutely believed that he could do what he said, not to mention that she herself agreed.

Lying on the soft and comfortable big bed, tiredness suddenly flooded in like a tide.

Song Yan yawned involuntarily, her eyelids covered heavily, and she fell asleep in a short while.

I don't know how long I slept for.

In a vague way, Song Yan seemed to hear the sound of piano playing, which seemed to come from far away.

She opened her eyes bewilderedly, and found that the light in the room was dim, and the curtains that were originally opened were pulled up at some point, leaving only a shallow slit, and the moonlight shone in through the slit, and the lines of the furniture in the room could barely be seen.

what time is it?
Song Yan sat up and became a little more awake. The night light with the sensor mode on the bedside automatically turned on, and the soft and hazy warm light dispelled the darkness in the room.

She glanced at her mind on the bedside table and realized that it was already 01:30 in the morning.

It was less than eight o'clock in the evening when she fell asleep, and she didn't expect to sleep for such a long time.

The curtains in the bedroom were probably drawn by the maid. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, she didn't dare to wake her up.

Song Yan felt a little thirsty, so she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, ready to go to the kitchen to drink water, but as soon as she opened the bedroom door, the sound of the piano suddenly became clear.

The music is coming from upstairs.Song Yan remembered that there was a piano room on the second floor of the apartment.

It's weird, though... it's so late, who can play in the piano room?
That piano belongs to Lu Yanchen, and the maid and housekeeper will definitely not move it. Lu Yanchen and Cheng Cheng are not here tonight... who will be in the piano room?

Song Yan couldn't help but feel curious, but she didn't feel much fear.

Because for a high-end apartment like the Rongya Club, the security measures must be complete and comprehensive. There are many checkpoints and 24-hour security patrols, so it is impossible for thieves to break into the house.

Besides, even if a thief really came in, it's impossible to just go to the piano room to play without touching anything, right?

An idea came to Song Yan's mind, and she couldn't help but stepped up the stairs and walked towards the piano room.

The piano room is located in the innermost part of the second floor.As soon as Song Yan went up to the second floor, she saw that the door of the piano room was not closed tightly, and a ray of light shone on the carpet.

She suddenly realized.

It is important to know that the walls of the piano room, including the doors and windows, have been professionally sound-proofed for sound insulation. As long as the doors and windows are closed, even if the music is loud in the room, there will be no movement outside.

But now, the door is not closed tightly, no wonder she can hear the sound of the piano downstairs.

Song Yan stepped lightly and walked over.

The closer it is, the clearer the sound of the piano.

But I don't know if the player's level is limited, or he is very unfamiliar with the piece he is playing, and the pitch does not sound very smooth, stumbling.However, Song Yan quickly recognized the name of the song.

Because this song is so classic.Even ordinary people who have never learned the piano at all know it.

Beautiful and romantic, dreamy and elegant, with a faint hint of sadness.

"Dream Wedding", a joint work of French pianist composers Paul Senevere and Oliver Tucson.

It is also one of Song Yan's favorite piano pieces.

Song Yan learned piano before, when she was very young, so she has a little musical foundation.But after she left the Song family, she never touched the piano again during these years of running around for a living.

With a feeling of nostalgia and melancholy, Song Yan pushed open the door of the piano room, and she saw Lu Yanchen sitting in front of the pure white grand piano, with her eyes slightly lowered, playing slowly.

He was wearing a black suit, a dark red tie, and a snow-white shirt buttoned up to the collar. Even in the middle of the night, he still wore an elite business attire, which collided with the pure white piano color, forming a perfect An indescribably harmonious aura.There was still a faint scent of red wine on him, as if he had just returned from a dinner party.

Although Song Yan had also guessed that it might be Lu Yanchen who had returned, she couldn't help being a little surprised when she saw him sitting in front of the piano.

Didn't he go back to the Lu family's ancestral house to attend the family banquet?Why are you back again?

What about Cheng Cheng?

Did you come back with him, or did you stay in the ancestral house?

Song Yan thought to herself, but before she had time to ask, Lu Yanchen seemed to know that she was here, and suddenly said, "Song Yan, I have something to tell you."

"Huh?" Song Yan looked at his back suspiciously.

Lu Yanchen didn't look back, nor did he stop playing, his calm voice flowed slowly with the beautiful piano sound, "I've thought about it for a long time, what should I tell you, but I never thought of a perfect The answer. Until today, I suddenly figured it out."

"Some things don't need to be perfect. Some things don't count until they are said."

He spoke slowly word by word, every word seemed to contain strong emotion, but he forcibly suppressed it.

Song Yan froze for a moment, "What do you want to say?"

Lu Yanchen didn't speak, and continued to play.He didn't stop until he finished playing "Dream Wedding" completely, and turned to look at Song Yan: "I learned the piano when I was young, but I haven't played it since I was 15. This piece is the first time Playing, not very smooth, do you like it?"

Song Yan was surprised.

If I remember correctly, this seemed to be the first time that Lu Yanchen had spoken such a long word to her.

She couldn't help laughing, "I like it. It sounds nice."

"That's good." Lu Yanchen seemed to relax a little, and nodded, "This song... is for you."

"Give it to me?"

Song Yan was surprised again. She looked at Lu Yanchen strangely, and said hesitantly, "You should know the meaning of this song, right?"

Lu Yanchen said, "I know."

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