The director could understand her surprise.

After all, when he first heard Song Yan say that, he couldn't believe it.

But now...

The director shrugged and said indifferently: "I don't know about this. Anyway, Song Yan said it herself, and when the official contract is signed, she will bring the investment along with her, and she will naturally know when the time comes."

If Song Yan wanted to be an empty-handed white wolf, she could only cheat this moment at most.

When the official contract was signed, if the director couldn't see the investment, he would naturally not give her the contract.

The initiative is still on the director's side, so he doesn't need to worry at all, let alone think too much, just ask someone to prepare the contract as soon as possible.

"That's true, but..."

But it is impossible for Song Yan to have so much money!
Song Xuewei hesitated to speak, her eyes filled with disbelief.

No one knows Song Yan's current situation better than her.

Ever since she was kicked out of the house by the Song family, Song Yan has been in financial distress. It is not easy to support herself just by working, and she can't save much money at all.

When she was signed by Meng Yangxiang and could make money, Song Xuewei deliberately suppressed her and didn't give her any chance to stand out. With some food expenses, there is no need to think about saving money to make a fortune.

She is still living in the dilapidated dormitory arranged for her by the company, with little food and clothing. Where can she get a huge sum of 3000 million yuan?
In the past few years, Song Xuewei has been filming and accepting commercials, and even opened her own studio. After a year, it can be regarded as a lot of money.

But until now, her own private account has only 3000 to [-] million liquid funds.

The rest of the money was either spent by herself at will, or was locked up in investment. At the same time, she had to maintain the normal operation of the studio. It seemed very rich, but Song Xuewei had only a small amount of liquid funds that she could use at will. 2000.

Less is not less, but more is never too much...

Song Yan has already fallen to the point where she is now, how could she be richer than her?

It is impossible to borrow such a large amount by borrowing high/interest/loan!

If it wasn't Song Yan's empty-handed white wolf who was playing tricks on the air, then how could it be possible for her to get so much money out of thin air?
Song Xuewei thought hard for a long time, and suddenly she felt blessed, could it be...

Song Yan secretly found a very rich financial backer?

Is this money a selling/body/fee given to her by the patron?
Thinking about it this way, all the problems seem to be explained!
Song Xuewei's eyes lit up suddenly, and the unbelievable surprise and anger instantly disappeared without a trace, replaced by a hint of pleasure and viciousness.

It's been a long time since Song Yan entered the entertainment circle, she tried every means to chase and block her, refusing to give her any hope.

The reason for doing this is not just to make things difficult for Song Yan.

Let Song Yan have a hard time, and suffering a little bit is just an appetizer.

What Song Xuewei really wanted was to completely destroy Song Yan!
Letting her choose to degenerate willingly, and trample herself to the bone, this is the real pleasure for Song Xuewei.

Song Yan has a pretty face, and her acting skills are not bad, but she has been overwhelmed by her, how could she be reconciled?
Song Xuewei thought about it for a while.

If she was faced with Song Yan's predicament, she would probably take the wrong path. After all, there are too many female stars in the entertainment industry who rely on selling/body status, and it is no surprise that she has already seen it.

Even sometimes, it has become a normal state among female artists to compare each other with the financial backers behind them.

Song Xuewei had seen it a lot, so she took it for granted that after Song Yan was forced to a certain extent, she would definitely choose to do the same.

So she tried every means to suppress her, so that she couldn't get ahead, and made her feel strongly unwilling in despair. At that time, Song Xuewei didn't even need to get her hands dirty, Song Yan would choose to completely degenerate .

It's like, what she's doing now...

If Song Yan didn't have the support of the financial backer, where would she find 3000 million in Song Yan's current state?

at last……

She finally took this step!

It's really -- it's so refreshing! ! !
Song Xuewei felt refreshed for a moment, and a smile grew in her eyes.

All the jealousy and grievances that were suppressed in her heart seemed to disappear in an instant. If the director Xie Yihe was not still standing in front of her eyes, she could not help but laugh out loud.

After finally holding back, Song Xuewei showed a gentle and generous smile on her face again, as if nothing happened before, she smiled and said to the director: "So that's what happened! Song Yan spent 3000 million to invest in the crew, which is really a big deal , no wonder you are so determined to use her, director!"

As she said that, she changed her apologetic expression again, and said with a slight reproach: "In the future, if something like this happens, just tell me the director! I'm not an unreasonable person. If I had known about your difficulties earlier, I wouldn't have I will misunderstand you and say such angry words!"


The director couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Song Xuewei's attitude changed a little too quickly, it was completely different from before.

However, she said it with a sincere look, which made the director a little confused about what she was thinking in her heart.

Did you really understand his difficulties?Or did he have to change his rhetoric seeing that his attitude was firm and irreversible?

No matter which one it is, it seems that there is not much difference.

It doesn't really matter what Song Xuewei thinks in her heart, as long as she shows her superficial attitude, it's fine.

The director's face softened a little, and he smiled slightly, and said with relief: "I'm relieved to hear you say that! When Song Yan formally signs the contract in two days, you will be regarded as colleagues of the same crew. I hope Then you can get along and have fun."

It is impossible to get along and be happy.

But at least on the surface, don't tear your face apart and cause some scandal to affect the crew.

This is what the director really wanted to express.

Song Xuewei's mood recovered, and her IQ and EQ seemed to have returned. She understood the director's implication, and immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I still have a sense of proportion!"

The director was quite satisfied with these words, and after a few words of encouragement, he left the lounge.

Song Xuewei sent him out, and after closing the door, she couldn't wait to pick up her mobile phone, called Meng Yang, and asked him if he had noticed anything wrong with Song Yan recently, such as a sudden move and wealth.

Meng Yang was baffled when he heard this, and he didn't know what to ask.

It was also rare for Song Xuewei not to lose her temper. She thought that Song Yan had deliberately concealed the matter of the patron, so she simply asked Meng Yang to go back and investigate, and then tell her when he found out.

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