Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 392 Chapter 392 The Caught Bunny

However, what he is really good at and best at is still his more accustomed English.

The English words he knows and is familiar with are much more than the Mandarin words he knows and understands...

Therefore, when he sees words or vocabulary that he doesn’t know on the menu, he can’t help but sneak a few glances at the English title page, and use English words he knows better to translate.

This is like a person who knows little about English. When he stumbles through an English book, if he encounters a word he does not know, he will naturally want to look through the dictionary and use the translation and explanation in the dictionary to give himself Same as puzzlement.

In fact, the principles are the same.

It's just that Ningning's situation is exactly the opposite of that of others.

He is more familiar with English words, but he has only a half-knowledge of Mandarin words. In addition, he reads another menu. Of course, it is impossible to find a dictionary to look up the explanation slowly.

It happened that the same English dish names were also printed on the menu. When Ning Ning came across unintelligible Mandarin characters, she naturally couldn't help but want to read the explanations on the English menu.

However, he didn't want Lu Yanchen beside him to find out about his little tricks...

After all, not long ago, he just boasted that he could understand the words on the menu, how long will it be before he changes his words?Ning Ning only felt that her little face was getting hotter and hotter, and she was really a little embarrassed.

So, he had no choice but to do some tricks secretly, praying secretly that his second uncle would not find out.

Naturally, Lu Yanshen would not be so bored as to observe his every move.

Those things that Ning Ning cares about are actually trivial things to him, he doesn't take them to heart at all, and he doesn't pay special attention to them.

It's just that children also have their own self-esteem.

Especially in front of people they admire, normal people will subconsciously want to show their best side, hoping to get the other party's approval and praise.

Such psychological traits are sometimes particularly obvious in young children.

So Ning Ning didn't want to lose face in front of Lu Yanchen and show her not-so-smart side.

Fortunately, Lu Yanchen didn't pay too much attention to his small movements, but took out his work mobile phone, as if he was dealing with some work emails, and couldn't pay attention to him for a while.

Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and was about to turn over the menu on the next page, but suddenly felt a playful look on him, which made his hair stand on end in a flash.

Ning Ning raised his head reflexively, and his somewhat frightened eyes happened to see Song Yan who was diagonally across the dining table, propped his chin with one hand, and looked at him with great interest...

A pair of beautiful dark peach blossom eyes seemed to hold a slight smile and a bit of lingering, looming banter.

Ning Ning's eyes widened suddenly: "..."

Just like a little rabbit who did something bad but was caught on the spot, because he was frightened, even his expression was stunned, with a pair of big round eyes bulging, looking at him at a loss.

It's really cute!
Song Yan almost couldn't help laughing.

Ning Ning's appearance was seven or eight points similar to Cheng Cheng's, standing together like twins.

Except for the different hair color, there is really no obvious difference in other aspects.

Oh no.

There is still a difference...

At least the expressions and reactions of the two children were different.

It may be because Ning Ning lived in hospitals and nursing homes all year round and didn't have much contact with outsiders.

So he looks quiet and indifferent on the surface, but in fact his personality is a bit soft.

Because I don't have much contact with people, so I don't know how to get along with people.
Whether it's the expression on the face, the emotion in the eyes, the tone of speech, or the body language between gestures, they all obviously carry a slightly jerky straightforwardness.

Ning Ning obviously didn't know how to hide his emotions.

Therefore, when he is happy, he is really happy, and when he is unhappy, he is unhappy.

When frightened and overwhelmed, the whole person appears blank and dazed, like a poor little rabbit whose long ears have been grabbed by someone.

Almost red eyes.

But the other way around.

On the face of Cheng Cheng who has almost the same face, it is almost impossible to show such a silly little expression as Ning Ning.

When Cheng Cheng usually faces outsiders, the expression on that small face is like a miniature version of Lu Yanchen, cold and restrained, even his eyes don't fluctuate too much, which makes people guess from his expression, completely I couldn't tell what was going on in his mind.

This kind of expression, to use a nice word to describe it, is called the expression of emotion and anger.

And if you use a less pleasant word to describe it...

In fact, it is a standard facial paralysis.

I can't wait for the expression on my face to be completely empty, and nothing will be the same when it is flat.

——If this is not facial paralysis, what is it?

Of course.

Even with facial paralysis, it should be treated by different people.

When Lu Yanshen faced Cheng Cheng and Ning Ning, the expression on his face was obviously much softer than usual, and he didn't look so cold and difficult to get close to.

When Chengcheng faced Song Yan, he couldn't bear the slightest bit of facial paralysis and indifference. He was completely an obedient and sensible boy, and his iconic facial expression was a sweet smile, like a cute girl. Like a little angel in the heart.

It can be seen that the facial paralysis of the father and son is actually a selective emotional reaction.

People who I don't want to see, don't want to talk to, and have no interest in...

The faces of the father and son were expressionless, their faces were paralyzed as if all the facial nerves were dead, and it was difficult to see them showing a clear expression even when the sky was falling.

But for people they are willing to accept, be close to, and even have different meanings, the father and son have never been stingy with their expressions, let alone put on an uncomfortable face in front of those close to them.

Just like Lu Yanchen's naturally gentle eyes towards the two children, even when facing Song Yan, his attitude and expression are obviously different from those towards others.

It's also like every time Chengcheng sees Song Yan, he always has a bright smile on his face uncontrollably, which is completely different from his usual cold, withdrawn and quiet appearance in front of outsiders.

Because a person's true emotions from the bottom of his heart cannot be realized or controlled by himself. It will travel along the nerve cells of the person to the face, and then express it uncontrollably through various expressions on the face.

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