Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 389 Chapter 390 Reconstruction

In the stage of fetal pregnancy, any nutritional supplement and intake of pregnant women may affect the development and growth of the fetus.

The fetus itself is in the mother's body and cannot obtain any nutrition by itself, so it can only rely on the mother's nutritional supply. Once the mother's body can provide insufficient nutrients, the development of the fetus will naturally slow down, even if the pregnant woman Mental and psychological stress during pregnancy will also indirectly affect the growth of the fetus, resulting in some unpredictable results.

Under normal circumstances, as long as there are no major problems or hidden dangers in the genetic inheritance of both parents, the child born in the end will often not have too many problems.

A situation like Ningning's is actually very special and rare.

His biological father, Lu Junshen, and biological mother, Xiang Yiqing, are also very healthy people, and have never had any congenital genetic diseases.

If Ning Ning could develop and grow up healthily in his mother's womb like an ordinary child, then when he was finally born, he would never be as weak as he is now.

No more congenital diseases.

However, when his mother was pregnant with him, she suffered multiple blows, suffering mentally and physically.

Coupled with the problems of the immune system, it is not like the congenital diseases of the limbs and organs, which can be quickly detected during the pregnancy examination of pregnant women.

The human immune system, in a strict sense, is invisible and intangible, but it does exist.

As far as current medical technology is concerned, at most it can only measure the health and strength of an immune system from a side perspective through the detection data of some cells and organs.

Most of this detection method is aimed at children or adults who have already been born.

For an unborn fetus in the mother's womb, tests such as cell index are not very useful.

After all, the fetus has not yet been born, and even the most basic blood tests are difficult to do.

The pregnancy test for the fetus in ordinary hospitals is only through B-ultrasound image examination and some routine data tests on the pregnant woman itself to judge whether the fetus in her stomach is still healthy.

The examination of B-ultrasound and color Doppler ultrasound is mainly to check the limbs of the fetus to see if the fetus has congenital developmental deformities or other physical problems.

But for deeper issues, such as the physical condition of the fetus, neurodevelopment, immune system and so on.

Ordinary pregnancy test is actually very difficult to check out.

Even for the top experts, using the best and most accurate inspection instruments, it is difficult to find out the truly accurate data.

After all, the fetus is in the mother's womb, separated by seven or eight layers of human skin and fat, and separated by a thick layer of amniotic fluid. Once the detection wave of the instrument shines in, it will be more or less affected and distorted.

Of course, the data checked out in this way cannot be completely accurate, but it is just a large range of values.

Doctors use such values ​​to make judgments, of course, it is also impossible to get completely accurate results, at most it is a rough judgment and estimation.

In addition, doctors habitually only give seven points of their own diagnosis, and keep the remaining three points intentionally, so as not to say too much early. If you change your mouth, it will easily cause dissatisfaction among patients and family members.

This is almost a professional habit of doctors all over the world, whether they are experts or non-experts, it is almost the same.

During Xiang Yiqing's pregnancy, Mr. Lu and his wife attached great importance to the child in her belly, and they almost treated her like a baby bump.

Because Xiang Yiqing's mental state was very bad at the time, and she often tossed and tossed, Mr. Lu was also very worried that her state would affect the normal development of the fetus, so almost every half a month, he would arrange obstetrics and gynecology experts to give her Get a full physical exam.

Almost all of the various items that should be checked, should not be checked, and are not necessary to be checked are arranged for her.

Even, in order to obtain more accurate pregnancy test data, Mr. Lu personally contacted the medical research institute in country M, spent a huge sum of money, and purchased a complete set of the world's most advanced medical testing equipment, just to provide Yiqing and the child in her belly serve.

Everything that should be done, the Lu family has already done.

I have done my best where I can.

But even so, with so many doctors and such advanced testing equipment, they still failed to detect the congenital immunodeficiency that Ning Ning suffered from when she was in her mother's womb...

If the doctor could detect Ning Ning's symptoms before he was born, then the Lu family might be able to find a better medical expert and find other ways to make up for him, so that he would not suffer so much after birth. It was so hard to be locked up in a small sterile ward without even the freedom to step out of the room.

However, despite thinking this way, there are still some things that cannot be forced.

Ning Ning's illness was not detectable at all during the fetal period.

He would have such a rare immune disease, which was beyond the expectations of Mr. Lu and others, so that everyone was caught off guard when he was just born.

Fortunately, all unfortunate beginnings have a fairly happy ending after all.

The Lu family failed to find a suitable stem cell donor for Ning Ning outside, but the birth of Cheng Cheng also brought him hope for recovery.

After transplanting healthy hematopoietic stem cells, Ningning failed to develop a complete immune system in the mother's womb, but under the regeneration of new hematopoietic stem cells, new immune cells will be reborn to rebuild the body's hematopoiesis And the immune system, but the time required for this process is far longer than that of a baby developing in the mother's womb.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is not a difficult thing to understand.

Ordinary normal babies develop their body's immune system in the mother's womb, but this kind of development can't be completed in just ten months. At most, it just builds the framework of an immune system.

After the baby is born, it can be as short as five or six years, as long as eight/nine years, or even more than ten years. Until the baby grows up, his body is actually in a state of development, regardless of height Body weight, internal organs, and the human immune system, which is still invisible to the naked eye, are actually growing to perfection little by little with time.

It would take such a long time for a normal person to develop a complete immune system, let alone a patient like Ningning who was rebuilt in the later stage.

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