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Chapter 374 Chapter 374 Worrying Ning Ning

In the end, under Cheng Cheng's explicit request, the two tutors who had just returned from their travels immediately devoted themselves to teaching before they had time to rest for two more days.

And Chengcheng himself changed his previous casual attitude in learning, and became extra serious and focused, almost pouring all his thoughts that were wasted on Lego toys into the course study.

He was originally clever, and his progress in learning was even more remarkable after he became serious.

In addition to the formal courses, he also took the initiative to cancel the interest courses and play time originally scheduled in the afternoon, and used them all for learning.

Such an astonishing reversal of attitude almost flattered the teacher for a while. If they didn't dare to meddle in other people's business, they almost wanted to investigate secretly to see what the young master had experienced during their absence and how his attitude had changed. so fast...

No one knew that Cheng Cheng was secretly competing with his little friend.

He himself would not say this even if he was killed. Ning Ning is far away on the other side of the ocean and has no way to meet him. Naturally, he will not know what he is thinking in his heart, and he has almost nothing to do with his secretly competitive mentality. known.

Not to mention the teachers, they were completely confused...

The only person who could guess Xiaotuanzi's inner thoughts was probably Lu Yanchen.

It's a pity that Lu Yanchen is not a person who can talk casually. He is quite satisfied with the little guy's current attitude, and he is simply happy to see the results.

Among these people, the one who is most happy that Cheng Cheng has "returned to the right path" is none other than Ning Ning.

When he originally learned that his little cousin was addicted to toys and didn't like to study, although he could understand in his heart, he was more or less disappointed and worried.

Lost is thinking that I finally had a little partner who made progress together, but was hooked away by the toy goblin, and no one will study and progress with him in the future, leaving him alone to read books silently, think about it How lonely it must be.

The reason for worry is that he heard that his little cousin loves toys deeply, almost to the point where he doesn’t want to sleep all night. The little cousin is still young, and if this goes on for a long time, it will definitely hurt his body... What if , what if the little cousin doesn't grow taller in the future?

The worried Ning Ning couldn't help being extremely worried after thinking about it.

Because of his own poor health, Ning Ning had the attitude of "becoming a good doctor after a long illness" at a young age. He was almost familiar with various methods of health preservation, and he also paid great attention to this aspect.

He originally wanted to secretly convey his worries to his little cousin, but he didn't expect that his little cousin was addicted to toys and never answered his phone calls, so he had no chance to say anything.

Although he can also tell this to the Lu family servant who answered the phone, and ask the servant to pass it on to his little cousin.

But for some reason, Ning Ning had a strong intuition that it was better to tell the little cousin himself, and if the servant told him, something bad would happen...

For example, let the little cousin become angry with embarrassment, and ignore him in the future...

Ning Ning felt that he should not take such a risk.

Although I thought so in my heart, Ning Ning never waited for the opportunity for my little cousin to answer the phone in person for half a month. Instead, I heard that his addiction to toys was getting worse and worse. I can't control him anymore...

Ning Ning became more and more worried. With strong worries in his heart, he thought about it for a long time, and finally called Lu Yanchen secretly, and told Lu Yanchen what he was worried about. Ask him to tell his little cousin.

Lu Yanshen is Cheng Cheng's biological father, so his status as a servant is naturally different, and he is not an outsider at the same time.

Ning Ning felt that it didn't matter to tell Lu Yanchen those things that were not easy to be known by others. Maybe his little cousin would be able to listen to them if he told them himself?
Ning Ning thought this way in his heart. After talking about his worries on the phone, he vaguely seemed to hear Lu Yan on the other end of the phone laughing softly, which made him feel dazed for a while.

Before he could react, Lu Yanchen complied with his words, saying that he would find a chance to tell Cheng Cheng.

Ning Ning immediately felt relieved when she heard it, and put aside the doubts about Lu Yanchen's inexplicable laughter.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Ning began to look forward to the good news from Lu Yanchen silently, but how did he know that although Lu Yanchen agreed to his words, he didn't plan to tell Cheng Cheng at all, because of Ningning's worries... Although it is a good intention, it has to be said that it is quite nonsensical.

Children's kindness must be accepted, but there is no need to worry about it, so there is no need to spend a lot of money on publicity.

Anyway, from Lu Yanchen's point of view, no matter how capricious Xiao Tuanzi is, with so many servants watching him and Lu's family, it is unlikely that he will cause anything to happen.

But Ning Ning, who is far away across the ocean, is completely unaware of this...

He just felt that after a few days after he secretly called his second uncle to tell his worries, the little cousin suddenly stopped playing with toys, and even answered his calls on a rare occasion.

Ning Ning was overjoyed, and naturally thought that it was Lu Yanshen who did something in it that made his little cousin who was so obsessed with toys suddenly change his mind.He couldn't help adoring his second uncle even more in his heart, happily sharing his study progress with his younger cousin on the phone.

Even in the following week or so, Ning Ning was immersed in such joy, full of enthusiasm for the little cousin who had almost "lost and recovered", and continuously shared with him the things in study and life, and his emotions were once high , and even drove his own spirit and energy to improve a lot.

Cheng Cheng has always been the quiet one on the phone. No matter how happy and uplifting Ning Ning is speaking, his answers are always very short, talking as little as he can, even often just "um" "um" Twice, indicating that he was still listening.

This kind of habit is not formed in a day or two. As early as the first time Ning Ning communicated with him on the phone, he had already noticed his habit of not talking.

It is still like this until now.

Therefore, when Ning Ning was chatting with him on the phone in high spirits, Cheng Cheng rarely spoke on the other end, as if he seemed to be in a bad mood and didn't want to chat, but Ning Ning had already gotten used to him. He didn't take this attitude seriously, so he naturally didn't feel Xiaotang's true emotions.

In fact, at that time, Cheng Cheng was in a bad mood, but it wasn't because of Ning Ning.

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