This has nothing to do with fairness or unfairness, the Lu family's rules have been like this.

Unless those illegitimate children are particularly capable and can conquer a whole country with their own strength and trample the Lu family under their feet, they are qualified to create and change the rules.

The rules themselves are the right to speak of the strong, while the weak have no right to speak.

The existence of illegitimate children originally meant that other people's marriages and families were damaged, and it threatened the exclusive status of legitimate children.

Almost all the women who can marry into the Lu family come from celebrities. Even if the power of the family behind them is not as powerful as that of the Lu family, they are definitely not existences that can be bullied.

The children of the Lu family chose to use the method of marriage to conclude their marriage, because they wanted to have two surnames with their wives' natal family, and at the same time, they used the bargaining chip of marriage to strive for greater benefits and benefits for themselves.

In the marriage between aristocratic families, personal feelings are not the focus, but are just icing on the cake.

If the two families decided to marry, it would be best if the young couple had feelings for each other.But if two people have no feelings for each other, it doesn't hurt, it's just a couple who respect each other after marriage.

Both parties should have a certain tacit understanding in their hearts. As long as their IQs are still online and their brains are not flooded, they will never easily do scandalous things that make the other party lose face.

The illegitimate child was originally an existence that could not see the light, and was born with stains that could not be erased.

For wealthy wives married by aristocratic families, if the husband has an illegitimate child outside, as long as they don't cause trouble in the face, they may still turn a blind eye, pretend that they don't know anything, and continue to maintain a respectful marriage.

But if the husband is not smart enough, or the illegitimate child is ambitious and makes a scandal in public, it will undoubtedly slap them in the face, and even the natal family behind her will lose face because of it.

As the saying goes, hit people don't hit people in the face.

This is true for people, but for a family that values ​​family reputation, being beaten and humiliated like this is really a big feud...

The most fundamental purpose of commercial marriage is to use marriage as a bridge to establish a good relationship between the two surnames, and then maximize the interests of the two families. Personal feelings are just a foil and embellishment.

If for the sake of a mere illegitimate child, the two marriages that were so hard-won are turned into enemies, this approach is not only stupid, it can even be said to be selfish, completely disregarding the sense of responsibility and family integrity for the sake of one's own personal preferences. interest reputation.

If it is before the official marriage and marriage, you directly reject the family's request and do not covet the benefits and benefits brought by the marriage. Although such a person seems a little willful, he is brave enough to act bravely, and he will not be forced to act because of his own choice. And cause interests and mental harm to others.

An unmarried person has an illegitimate child, and a married person with a wife and children has an illegitimate child, the meaning is completely different.

As long as the former is willing to take responsibility, he can barely say that he is young and romantic, and dare to act, and he will not be too disgusted by others.

But the latter's behavior can only be described as "disgusting".

Regardless of the family's wife and children, regardless of the family's interests and reputation, and only caring about one's own preferences, secretly derailed and gave birth to an illegitimate child, then, no matter what the reason is, his actions are selfish and disgusting enough to make people cast aside .

So no matter what the reason is, a family that really respects the rules has no affection for illegitimate children.

Even under the established rules of the aristocratic family, it is generally difficult for illegitimate children to affect legitimate children and married families, but this does not mean that the attitude of people in the aristocratic family towards illegitimate children will improve.

The more rigid and disciplined the person, the more stubborn they are in this regard.

Even Ning Ning's background is very disgraceful in their eyes. They even wanted to treat Ning Ning as an ordinary illegitimate child, not allowing him to be surnamed Lu, and not allowing him to live in the Lu family.In the final analysis, he was unwilling to admit Ning Ning's identity, thinking that he would only tarnish the reputation of the Lu family.

If it weren't for the strong protection of Mr. Lu and the old lady, and later escorted by Lu Yanshen, Ning Ning's life in Lu's house would have been so sad.

As the saying goes, one does not blame the public.

Both Mr. Lu and Lu Yanshen knew in their hearts that apart from them, there were not many people in the Lu family who really liked Ning Ning.

But just looking at the face of their father and son, the Lu family will not make things difficult for Ning Ning, but they don't necessarily like him very much.

This can be seen from the fact that when Ning Ning was seriously ill and was hospitalized when he was a child, there were so many people in the Lu family, but few people were willing to visit him in the hospital.

The attitude of dislike has almost shown on his face.

The same thing happened to Cheng Cheng, because Cheng Cheng was also born as an illegitimate child, but his situation was slightly better than that of Ning Ning. With Lu Yanshen around, even if the rest of the Lu family had any thoughts in their hearts, they would not easily Show it on your face.

Ning Ning and Cheng Cheng are the only two grandchildren of Mr. Lu, but the background of these two children is not so bright.

When they were still young, with Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu around, considering the face of the two old people, the situation of the two children was not bad.When Mr. Lu was treating his own grandsons, he naturally tried every means to consider them, and tried his best to win more right to speak and family status for them.

However, Mr. Lu is old after all, and if he lives for one year, his life expectancy will be reduced by one year, while the two children are still very young, and they still have a long time to live in the future.

Once Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu passed away, the only person in the huge Lu family who could protect the two children regardless of the consequences and costs would be Lu Yanshen.

Cheng Cheng is Lu Yanchen's biological child, so no one needs to worry too much.

No matter how irresponsible Lu Yanchen was, he still loved his own flesh and blood very much.

There is no need for Mr. Lu to say more, he will naturally take good care of Cheng Cheng.

What is more worrying is Ning Ning.

He doesn't have a calm and stable father to rely on like Cheng Cheng, but his mother Xiang more embarrassing in the Lu family than himself, she can't help him much at all, maybe it will be on the contrary Drag him back.

However, if Ning Ning is to leave Lu's house and live with Xiang Yiqing in Xiang's house...

No matter what, Mr. Lu would never agree to it. He couldn't accept it at all.

How could his own grandson, who was the only heir of the Lu family left behind by the eldest son, be raised in someone else's house?

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