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Chapter 369 Chapter 368 Three Special Exceptions

Cheng Cheng's personality is naturally quiet and introverted, and because he was born in a family like the Lu family, he doesn't like to contact people even more, and he has no playmates since he was a child.

Although there are few children of the same age as him in the Lu family, there are three or five in the collateral lineage, and the age difference is not too big. Logically speaking, they can become friends with Cheng Cheng.

However, those children either do not live in the Lu family, or they are not very likable in character, or they are influenced by their parents' identities, so they can hardly play with Cheng Cheng.

So Chengcheng grew up, and the only friend of the same age who can get along close to him is Ningning.

In a popular sense, Ning Ning's personality is actually not a particularly easy-going person.

He is usually quiet and silent, alienated and indifferent to outsiders, and has a natural defensiveness and repulsion. Whether it is an adult or a child, it is difficult for him to get along with him with an open heart.

But on the other hand, if it is someone he treats sincerely, he is a very gentle and well-behaved child, very considerate and sensible.

It's like treating Lu Yanshen.

There will never be another child who is more sensible and obedient than him.

Not even Cheng Cheng can compare.

As for Cheng Cheng, Ning Ning is a little older and more sensible than him.

Before Cheng Cheng had any feelings for him, Ning Ning remembered this little cousin early on, and liked him from the bottom of his heart.

Not to mention Cheng Cheng's similar facial features to his, it's just Cheng Cheng's identity.

He is Lu Yanshen's only biological child.This is special enough for Ning Ning, under the love of the house and black, no one can match Cheng Cheng's weight in his heart.

For Cheng Cheng, the status of the little cousin is naturally different.

They are not just ordinary blood relatives, but also their own little classmates and friends, a unique existence.

Cheng Cheng never cared about other people's eyes, whether it was a servant, a housekeeper, or other members of the Lu family, even Lu Yanshen and Mrs. Lu who always loved him very much, could not control him at will. his thoughts.

If he is convinced of something, or wants to do something, no one can change his mind, unless he is willing to change it himself.

This in itself is a kind of stubbornness.

However, after being stubborn, even though Cheng Cheng will not regret what he has done, but when facing his friends, he feels somewhat strange in his heart.

To put it simply, it is actually not reconciled.

He didn't regret that he delayed his studies because of his playfulness, even if Lu Yanshen ordered him to suspend class because of this, he wouldn't feel uneasy.

But after the fun, the strong sense of interest faded away, and Cheng Cheng was naturally a little unhappy when he learned that his little friend who was originally on par with him has now left him far behind. a feeling of.

He wasn't unhappy that Ningning's study progress surpassed his own, but simply didn't like the feeling of being left behind.

Although it doesn't look like it on the surface, in fact.

In some respects, Cheng Cheng is still a very strong kid.

However, his strong heart is usually only used to compete with himself, but is rarely wasted on others.

For example.

When playing the same game, he will not compete with others, but only compare with his own.

It doesn't matter if you don't play well the first time, but the result of the second play must be better than the first time.

At least there must be obvious progress, and there must be no regression.

Going forward in this way, comparing yourself again and again, until the end of that game, and when you can't get any better new results, Cheng Cheng's interest in this game will end.

The same goes for other things.

This is especially true for learning.

He doesn't compare himself with others at all, not because he is afraid, but simply because he is too lazy to waste his thoughts on comparing himself with others.

It's as if he doesn't like to communicate with people very much, more often, Cheng Cheng prefers to bury his head in doing his own things.

In his young heart, there seemed to be an innate concept that everyone was an individual, whether it was an adult or a child, he just had to do his own thing well.

Comparing yourself to others is pointless and a waste of time.

You might as well put your mind on yourself.

Cheng Cheng has clearly shown such thoughts in many aspects.

So in many cases, his personality is relatively cold and withdrawn, not like a young child at all, but like an adult with mature thinking and independent ideas.

However, no matter how unique the idea is, there will always be people and things with special exceptions.

For Cheng Cheng, there are probably only two or three people who can make exceptions to his personal views in front of him.

Lu Yanshen was one of them.

After all, it was his biological father, who took care of him without anyone else's hands since he was a child, so it is naturally a special status for Cheng Cheng.

No one can replace it.

And then, Song Yan was also one of them.

To Cheng Cheng, she is more like a beautiful accident brought by fate.

At a time when he had no specific concept of his mother and no expectations, Song Yan broke into his life by chance.

I don't know why, a strange woman like her, who has never met before, hit Chengcheng's heart so well that the concept and image of "mother" in his mind suddenly changed from a thin The comprehension of the text has become a vivid and real appearance.

Even, for Cheng Cheng.

Song Yan didn't look like someone he just met, who recognized "Mom" in a daze. On the contrary, she was more like someone who had been known by him for a long time, but was accidentally separated halfway, and finally returned to him. Old friends around.

There is an indescribable, incomparably similar and incomparably natural intimacy.

Therefore, Cheng Cheng recognized her at a glance.

Whoever says it doesn't work doesn't work.

With this kind of stubborn special feeling, Song Yan naturally became an exception in his heart.

All his concepts and principles seemed to be nothing to Song Yan, without any hindrance or influence. Even Song Yan never felt that there was something wrong with Cheng Cheng's character, because Cheng Cheng had always been obedient and obedient in front of her. I don't know how many times stronger than other children, and never show the slightest problem or bad place in front of her.

As for the last exception, it was naturally Ningning.

He is the only little friend Cheng Cheng recognizes, and he is also his cousin and relative.

For Cheng Cheng, Ning Ning and him have been very close almost from the time he can remember.

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