Mr. Lu also had to admit that what Lu Yanchen said made sense.

In a blink of an eye, Ning Ning is almost five years old, and after another year, she will be six years old, and she is almost at the age of elementary school.

You can't let him not even know such simple numbers as one, two, three, four, five, and be really "blind", right?

Of course, Mr. Lu couldn't bear it either, so he acquiesced.

At that time, Cheng Cheng was also three years old. Lu Yanshen was already hiring a tutor for him, planning to arrange for him an enlightenment education. Adding in the arrangements for Ning Ning, it was not a troublesome matter. .

Lu Yanchen has always treated the two children fairly and justly, never favoring any of them.

But whatever Cheng Cheng has, Ning Ning must also have a share, even the first teacher is no exception.

Because Ning Ning is abroad, unlike Cheng Cheng, who is convenient to take care of him at any time under his nose, so when choosing a teacher, Lu Yanshen even considered him more than Cheng Cheng, and was more careful.

On the other hand, Ning Ning himself, when he learned that Lu Yanchen was going to ask a teacher to teach him how to read and write, he was almost surprised and happy. Uncle helps him choose, any kind of teacher is fine.

From this sentence, it is not difficult to see Ning Ning's unhesitating trust in Lu Yanchen.

But Lu Yanchen couldn't just muddle along just because he made such a statement.

He arranged for Chengcheng to have six initial teachers, two of whom taught him Mandarin Chinese, one for mathematics and one for English, and the remaining two were interest teachers.

In addition, there are some additional temporary teachers who are good at different specialties, such as piano teacher, Chinese painting teacher, calligraphy teacher and so on.

If Chengcheng is interested, he can also name which teacher he wants to teach in the interest class every afternoon.

Lu Yanshen never restricts his choice of interests.

But it was different for Ning Ning.

Ning Ning is abroad, and the first teacher he needs to arrange for him is either directly selected from abroad, or selected in China and then sent abroad.

This back and forth and changing hands, there are too many troubles inside.

In addition, Lu Yanshen usually works in China, and when he is on a business trip, he travels all over the world, and he may not be able to contact people at any time. In case there is an emergency at Ningning's side, he will inevitably be beyond his reach When it is time, it is better to arrange things properly from the beginning, and save other things from happening in the future.

This is like the incident where Cheng Cheng played with Lego.

If Lu Yanshen wasn't around, Cheng Cheng alone might not be able to hit that tutor in the face, and the subsequent development of things might not be what it will be like.

If it was Ningning, the same thing happened for some reason.

There is not even an adult around him who can support him, only a group of doctors, nurses and servants.

Ning Ning's own personality is not too strong, she even seems limp in some respects, even less tempered than the usually unreasonable Cheng Cheng.

If Lu Yan Shen fails to pick a good person, and arranges for him a private tutor who likes to make his own decisions and is self-righteous, he may directly put Ning Ning on his head.

Lu Yanchen didn't want to see this kind of thing happen.

Although respecting teachers is a virtue, it is also a matter of course to maintain basic courtesy and respect for teachers.

But the children of the Lu family have no reason to be suppressed and manipulated by a tutor.

Respect is respect, courtesy is courtesy.

The duty of a family teacher is only to teach them something. As for whether they learn by themselves, or what method they use to learn, it is not something that the teacher should be overly concerned about.

The Lu family doesn't value their children's academic performance.

Asking a tutor to enlighten children is just to lay a foundation before formally going to school.

Whether the child learns or not, it is actually not that important.

On the contrary, the character and demeanor shown by the child in the matter of tutoring and enlightenment are what the Lu family values ​​more.

Just like the case of Cheng Cheng.

In order to show his dedication to work in front of Lu Yanchen, his tutor racked his brains to let Cheng Cheng get a good grade. For this reason, he secretly destroyed his beloved toy in an attempt to use this method to Indirectly force Cheng Cheng to concentrate on studying.

Faced with this situation, what is Cheng Cheng's reaction?Does he suffer silently, or directly resist?
If he wants to resist, what method will he take?
Is it good or bad?

In the end, what was the result of his resistance?Is it a success, or a failure?

——These questions are what the Lu family really values.

As the saying goes, when a person is young, he looks old at the age of three.

It means that when a person is still young, from his words, deeds and deeds, he can see the big from the small, and see clearly what kind of person he is in essence, and whether he has the value of growth and cultivation .

The reason why the Lu family chose to let all the children in the family start enlightenment at around the age of three, in fact, is probably not without this reason.

The descendants that the Lu family hopes to cultivate are not the kind of nerds who only study hard and know nothing else.

Instead, I hope that the children in the family can have their own strengths and let a hundred flowers bloom. Even after breaking away from the huge tree of the Lu family, they can still break new ground with their own strengths.

But to achieve such results, it is useless to focus only on academics and grades, because different children have different personalities and are good at different aspects.

Only by first understanding the character in general, and then teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, instead of suppressing children's instincts, but guiding and filling education in a targeted manner, the children cultivated in the end will naturally have their own strengths and differences.

For example, if the incident that Cheng Cheng encountered happened to Ning Ning, because the two children have completely different personalities, Ning Ning's possible reaction would naturally not be the same as Cheng Cheng's.

The same goes for other things, of course.

It's just that Ning Ning is alone, and there are not many people around him to rely on, so Lu Yanchen inevitably has to think more about him.

When selecting the first teacher, in addition to the professionalism of the necessary courses, other aspects of personality and character are also considered.

For this reason, Lu Yanshen spent a lot of time and effort, and finally settled on Ning Ning's first teacher. There were two more teachers than those who taught Cheng Cheng. Interlaced to guide Ning Ning.

As for the teachers of other interest classes, Lu Yanchen did not ignore them, but asked Ning Ning what he thought first.

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