Before boarding the plane, Ning Ning was still thinking about her precious suitcase. She asked the servants around her several times, and only after confirming that the suitcase was safe did she feel relieved.

However, after more than ten hours of flying, no matter how much he thought about it in his heart, he couldn't support it mentally.

After sleeping on the plane, it was hard to survive until the plane landed.

Originally, she thought she could go home immediately after getting off the plane, but unexpectedly, Ning Ning learned from her mother Xiang Yiqing that Lu Yanchen was coming to pick her up.

Ningning was suddenly overjoyed.

In his heart, Lu Yanchen is not just an ordinary second uncle, but an existence equivalent to his father.

After not seeing him for such a long time, Ning Ning was naturally eager to see him as soon as possible.

So, when Xiang Yiqing proposed to stay at the airport and wait for Lu Yanshen to come over, Ningning didn't object at all, and happily agreed.

It's just that no one expected that Lu Yanchen would waste so much time on the road.

Ning Ning waited and waited, his body couldn't hold on anymore, he was so tired that he dozed off, and he didn't eat much, he was hungry and sleepy, and his complexion turned bad.

Seeing him like this, the old housekeeper was very worried, so he went to Xiang Yiqing and tried to persuade her not to wait. It's not that the Lu family didn't send cars to come, and they could definitely take those cars back to the Lu family.

However, how could Xiang Yiqing be willing.

Wasn't she waiting so long for Lu Yanchen to meet her?Xiang Yiqing refused to give up halfway, and instead reprimanded the old housekeeper who kindly persuaded her.

The old butler had nothing to do.

Although he is a housekeeper and has worked in the Lu family for many years, he can be regarded as a decent old man, but if he is serious, he is just a servant of the Lu family. How can he really manage the private affairs of the employer's family?Although Xiang Yiqing was not a real member of the Lu family, she couldn't help it. After all, she was Ning Ning's biological mother, and she had a special status in the Lu family.

The old housekeeper had nothing to do with her, and he really couldn't resist her stubbornness.

In desperation, she had no choice but to carry Ning Ning to the rest room of the VIP room and let him sleep for a while.

Ning Ning slept in the rest room for more than two hours. When she just woke up and her mind was still a little confused, she heard that Lu Yanchen had arrived.

He was so excited that he ran out of the lounge without thinking. Just as he ran out of the door, he bumped into Lu Yanchen's arms who were about to enter.

Needless to say what happened next.

Because Lu Yanchen was annoyed at Xiang Yiqing's neglect of Ning Ning, he didn't even say hello, and left with Ning Ning in his arms.

And Ning Ning himself was immersed in the joy and excitement of reuniting with his second uncle. He couldn't care about anything else for a while, and he had forgotten all other things... So, Ning Ning was nervous all the way The precious suitcase with the gift hidden in it was left at the airport in a daze.

Until he was carried away by Lu Yanchen, he didn't even think about it.

...And now, Ning Ning, who finally remembered where her suitcase was now, was so wronged that she almost burst into tears.

I saw him with reddish eyes, guilt and self-blame on his face, lowering his head and whispering the whole story.

Only then did Lu Yanchen and Song Yan understand what was going on.

For a while, I couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

But seeing the grievance on the little guy's face about to cry, Song Yan suppressed the funny and embarrassing mood in her heart, and gave Lu Yanchen a wink, which meant to tell him to say something quickly to comfort the child, so as not to The little guy was really in tears.

It's not that she doesn't want to comfort herself.

If it was Cheng Cheng who had encountered such a thing, she would have hugged Xiao Tuanzi to comfort her, so she had no scruples.

But Ning Ning is different, after all, she is not very familiar with her.

Her comforting words didn't have much effect after all, Lu Yanchen had to speak in person.

Song Yan could tell that Ning Ning had a deep affection for Lu Yanchen, and she admired and adored him very much.

Even if Lu Yanchen said only one sentence, to Ningning, it might be more useful than other people's long-winded words, because what he cared most about was Lu Yanchen's thoughts.

Others are naturally inferior.

It's like in front of Cheng Cheng, no matter what happens, Song Yan is always the one who speaks the most.

Therefore, Song Yan didn't waste her words at all, but secretly reminded Lu Yanchen to let him speak.

Lu Yanchen saw Song Yan winking at him.

He raised his eyebrows for a while, pulled the corners of his mouth for a while, and widened his eyes for a while. His expression was lively and lively like never before, but he didn't make a sound. A beautiful face seemed to be performing a mime, which was so interesting. people laugh.

Lu Yanshen understood what she was implying, but still stared intently for a while, a faint smile flashed in his narrow eyes.

Song Yan was staring at him originally, so she naturally noticed the smile in his eyes.

Immediately, he stared with some reproach—this man!She hinted so clearly, couldn't he see it?Or did he not understand what she meant?Just when Song Yan was thinking about whether she should make a mouth shape to make the hint more obvious, Lu Yanchen seemed to have finally seen enough of her funny expression, nodded slightly calmly, and then looked away.

Song Yan was taken aback for a moment, and also breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Ning, who lowered her head, repented and blamed herself, did not notice at all the eyebrows of the two adults above her head.

He only felt that after a while, a gentle and broad palm fell gently on his head, and gently rubbed his hair.

"...Second Uncle?" Ning Ning raised her head in a daze, and saw Lu Yanchen's calm and handsome face.

There was still no expression on his face, and the indifference penetrated into his bones, which made people feel intimidated and did not dare to approach at will.

However, in his pair of deep and narrow phoenix eyes, the temperature contained is clear and gentle, without a trace of alienation or blame, only a touch of comfort, and a kind of peace that makes people feel reassured.

Those eyes and expressions seem to be saying - it's just such a big thing, what's there to be wronged about?Don't worry about it at all.

"..." Ning Ning blinked her eyes, and the water vapor accumulated in her eyes dissipated immediately.

Lu Yan said calmly: "Don't worry, no one dares to lose your things, and after dinner, Second Uncle will send you back and you will be able to see them.

""Really? "Although Ning Ning knew that Lu Yanchen would not lie to him, he was too nervous about his precious gifts, so he couldn't help but wanted to confirm it again, and looked at Lu Yanchen without blinking.

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