Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 355 Chapter 355 The gift is lost (1)

Song Yan, who was sitting next to him, saw that his complexion suddenly changed, and his blushing little face, which was originally flushed with shyness, suddenly turned pale, and there was a bit of panic in his big eyes, and he subconsciously looked at him. Shen to Lu Yan.

Seeing his expression changes and reactions, Song Yan was also slightly taken aback, and randomly raised her eyebrows with interest.

A child's reaction in times of panic is often to subconsciously seek protection or help from those he or she trusts most.

Generally, such trusted people are almost the parents of the children.

Children always have a natural admiration and admiration for their parents, and no one can easily replace their parents' position in their hearts.

But Ning Ning's reaction just now surprised Song Yan a little... Logically speaking, Lu Yanchen is just his relative.

Either an uncle or an uncle, but they are not as close as parents.

But Ning Ning's first reaction when encountering something was to look at Lu Yanchen, as if an ordinary child reacted to his biological parents... From this point of view, Lu Yanchen should love this child very much, right? ?That's why he was so trusting and dependent.

... "Second Uncle..." Ning Ning's panicked voice sounded, and it seemed to be deeply annoyed.

Lu Yanchen put down the menu in his hand, turned around slightly, "What's the matter? Don't worry, talk slowly if you have something to do, Second Uncle will help you solve it.

"Second Uncle...? So Ningning is Brother Lu Yanchen's child? Song Yan thought about it, but she didn't forget to pay attention to Ningning's reaction. Lu Yanchen's tone of speech was always calm and indifferent, as if he couldn't hear How much emotion comes, it makes people feel cold.

However, when people are feeling flustered, when they hear his voice, there is inexplicably a calming power, which calms down anxiety and panic, and makes people calm down quickly.

Song Yan herself has experienced this feeling, and the effect is not bad at all when it is changed to Ning Ning, who is still a little bean.

Ning Ning really calmed down a lot, pursed her lips: "I, the gift I chose for my second uncle and Cheng Cheng... I forgot to bring it here, it seems that I still left it at the airport.

"As he spoke, the sockets of his eyes were slightly red.

Song Yan originally thought that he was going to say something important, and was mentally prepared to listen, but when she heard such a sentence, she was a little dazed.

Lu Yanchen was as calm as ever, and there was no strange expression on his face when he heard the words, he just asked Ning Ning, "Is that all?" "Hmm..." Ning Ning's expression was extremely depressed.

When he lived in a nursing home abroad, he didn't have time to go out at all throughout the year, and he was completely confined to that place.

Although Ning Ning's character is relatively precocious and sensible, because of his body, he has been living a dull life, and after forming a habit, he doesn't like to play and make trouble like other children.

But he is only a five or six-year-old child after all.

Being confined to live in a small area for a long time, even if you don't feel rebellious, you will inevitably be eager to go out and see the outside world.

So, for a certain period of time, Ning Ning thought of many excuses and reasons, trying to convince his attending doctor and the housekeeper who took care of him to give him a chance to get out of the nursing home and take a walk outside.

But it is a pity that neither the doctor nor the housekeeper agreed to his request. Instead, they tried hard to persuade him to think about his health and not to do willful things at will.

Ning Ning felt a little wronged, but there was no other way.

What the doctor and the housekeeper did was for his consideration, and at the same time it was their own duty.

Ning Ning couldn't blame them for anything, so he suppressed this thought in his heart sullenly, and never brought it up again.

The attending doctor was very pleased with this, and thought that Young Master Ning had listened to his words and had given up the idea of ​​going out.

But how did he know that although Ning Ning didn't say anything, in fact, he never forgot in his heart.

Until some time ago.

Ning Ning's physical condition has improved, and Xiang Yiqing can't wait to take him back to China.

Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu haven't seen their precious grandson in person for more than half a year, and they miss him so much.

After learning that his health improved and he could return to China to settle down, the two elderly people were overjoyed and eagerly urged Xiang Yiqing to take the child back to China.

Xiang Yiqing naturally agreed.

When she was busy ordering people to pack their luggage, Ning Ning didn't follow along, but secretly found the old housekeeper who had been taking care of him, and asked him to take him out to the mall. He wanted to pick out some gifts for his family members in China.

The old butler didn't agree at first, but later he really couldn't stand Ning Ning's soft and hard arguments, and finally agreed, Ning Ning was very happy.

You know, apart from the fact that he went abroad when he was a child, was sent from the airport all the way to the hospital, and then left the hospital and was sent to a nursing home, in the past few years, he has never really stepped out of the nursing home.

It was not until her health improved and she was ready to return to China that she finally had such an opportunity. Ning Ning was naturally happy and excited.

Plus, it's not just that.

He has settled abroad for such a long time, Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu, and even his younger cousin, Cheng Cheng, have always missed him very much.

Ning Ning was moved in her heart, and always remembered their kindness to her.

In the past, because of his illness, he couldn't do anything, the most he could do was to say hello on the phone.

Now that he finally had a rare opportunity to go out, and was about to go home, Ningning couldn't help thinking about it, and wanted to choose a few exquisite gifts with his own hands, and bring them back to the country for the Lu family. People, it can be regarded as a little thought of oneself.

So, Ning Ning thought so and did so.

It took him several days to drag the housekeeper to see him off, and he ran all over the shopping malls and stores in the city, and finally he carefully selected a few satisfactory gifts, carefully The package was finished, and it was received in his small suitcase. He was thinking of delivering the gift himself after returning to China.

The housekeeper, who was not young, was tormented almost half his life by him. He was worried all day long, for fear of being found out that he secretly took Master Ning out.

Fortunately, at that time, everyone was preparing to return to China, whether it was Xiang Yiqing, servants or doctors, everyone was very busy.

Xiang Yiqing was busy eating and saying goodbye to her friends abroad, and was busy ordering her servants to pack her clothes, jewelry and bags. A dozen servants were not enough for her alone, so how could she care about her son? matter?The servants were all too busy to go around, and they couldn't care less about Master Ning.

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