Ning Ning is very obedient and obedient, and never refute the advice and obstruction of the people around her. She is so obedient that she hardly looks like a child.

However, no matter how different he was, he was still a young child.

The curious nature that belongs to children in the bones has not completely disappeared due to external influences.

It's just being suppressed deeper.

It is inevitable for children to yearn for the outside world. The world is countless times wider than a small house, and it seems to have endless attractions, tempting their eyes all the time.

On this point, Ning Ning is no exception.

He has always been full of curiosity about the outside world, even if he can't do many things due to physical reasons, it doesn't mean he doesn't have any thoughts in his heart.

Or maybe it was precisely because he had never gone out and never really seen what the outside world looked like, so he felt even more curious.

His favorite books are not fairy tales or stories, but books related to travel.

Because in this kind of book, not only will there be many interesting travel stories recorded, but also a lot of carefully photographed landscape pictures will be attached.

Whether it is mountains or waters, people or objects, they are all equally novel and interesting to Ningning.

It was a scene he had never seen before.

Including the documentary news programs he likes to watch, maybe it's because he is curious about the lives of ordinary people, so he tries to find out.

In the almost closed nursing home, apart from the two channels of books and TV, he has no other channels to get in touch with the outside world.

Even the computer and mobile phone were forbidden by the doctor because of his young age. He was only allowed to use it for a while when Lu Yanchen or Mrs. Lu called him.

So, over time, Ningning's interests and hobbies changed, and she was not interested in games, but developed this strange hobby like a little old man.

However, Lu Yanchen didn't know much about these things.

After all, in the past few years, most of his contact with Ning Ning has been maintained only through phone calls and online videos. He cares about Ning Ning's physical condition and asks about it in detail. Yan Chen didn't know that much anymore.

After all, they didn't live together, separated by a network, no matter how much Lu Yanchen wanted to care, there would always be places that his eyes couldn't reach.

Maybe I will ask a few words when I remember, but when I can't remember... naturally I can't take care of it.

Since it's just a trivial matter of life, it must not be particularly important. Compared with Ning Ning's physical condition, it is completely worthless.

Even the housekeeper and doctor who stayed by Ningning's side to take care of him, when they reported the situation to Lu Yanchen every once in a while, they only focused on his physical condition, and occasionally said a few words about life. , but it is impossible to report to Lu Yanchen everything that Ning Ning usually does.

Even if Lu Yanchen was willing to listen, he didn't have that much free time.

The doctor and housekeeper dared not bother him with such trivial matters.

In addition, Ningning herself is sensible and well-behaved.

He has always known that Lu Yanchen is busy with work, and usually has very little time to rest, but he has been able to keep in touch with him for several years. He remembers to call him every once in a while, and occasionally chats via video. Ning Ning was already very satisfied.

Of course, he was also reluctant to waste his second uncle's time and energy. Naturally, there was no need to say more about some trivial matters.

However, even so.

Lu Yanchen could still tell that Ning Ning was actually a very curious child, much stronger than Cheng Cheng's.

It's just that he never said it, and he didn't show it very well, which made people feel that he had no hobbies.

Only when he was in front of him, this little guy wouldn't deliberately cover up, instead he appeared much more lively than in the phone and video.

For this, Lu Yanshen was naturally happy to see the results.

So at this moment, seeing Ning Ning looking up curiously with his small head looking around, Lu Yanchen stopped for a while, and was not in a hurry to lead him in, and just stood there.

After the little guy had seen enough and looked away, he carried him into the door leisurely.

The first thing you see after entering the door is a huge screen wall.

The so-called shadow wall is actually a rectangular stone sculpture placed at the front entrance of the ancient wealthy compound, similar to a modern decorative partition, used to isolate the sight of outsiders and protect the privacy of the house. A special display of practical and aesthetic value.

However, in modern times, things like screen walls have lost their value.

After all, it is carved out of stone, it is big and heavy, and it takes up a lot of space.

Most people's houses are only so big, and it's not spacious enough for their own use. How can there be any extra space for a screen wall?What's more... Stone carving, a technical handicraft, if it is carved by a machine, it will inevitably lose a little bit of aura, and it will appear dull instead.

But if you are looking for a craftsman to carve by hand, the value is too expensive.

For ordinary people, not to mention buying a screen wall, even buying a small-sized stone lion is probably unbearable, let alone what kind of screen wall it is.

The reason why Lu Yanchen knew this was because there was a large screen wall in the old house of the Lu family.

It is as high as a wall, seven meters long, engraved with pictures of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, whether it is high mountains, dangerous valleys, waterfalls, rivers, all of which are exquisite in brushwork and meticulous in lines. It can be called an extremely magnificent painting. artwork.

I heard from Mr. Lu that such a screen wall was made when Mrs. Lu was young, when the Lu family was repairing the old house. Mrs. Lu's parents personally selected the stone materials, and specially invited more than a dozen skilled craftsmen to carve them out by hand bit by bit. It took three and a half years for the whole engraving process, from drawing sketches to getting started, from rough outlines to meticulous attention to detail. It took countless painstaking efforts of craftsmen to finally obtain such a work of art.

That's right, the screen wall in the Lu family's old house is no longer just an ordinary decoration, but a truly tested handicraft, which has been passed down for more than 70 years.

Not to mention how expensive the stone used for the screen wall is, the craftsmanship on it alone is already a priceless treasure.

All the craftsmen who carved this screen wall in the last century have all passed away, and the craftsmanship is almost lost.

Because the stone carving craft is not popular in modern society, the descendants of craftsmen have also diverted to other occupations, and the original craft of inheriting the father's business is naturally cut off.

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