Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 348 Chapter 348 Shouldn't and Wouldn't Reject

In this regard, although Ning Ning is young, he has done much better than many adults who think they are mature.

Perhaps it is because he is young, does not understand the conflicts of interests in the adult world, and has a pure mind, so when faced with certain things, he is more able to respond involuntarily.

And this kind of heart is exactly what Lu Yanchen likes most about him.

After hearing Ning Ning's words, Lu Yan had a noncommittal expression on his face, and didn't say much.

But in my heart, I suddenly thought of Song Yan again... Chengcheng really didn't like to go to places like amusement parks, even if Lu Yanchen took the time to accompany him to go, he might not be very happy.

That's all before.

No one in the Lu family can force Cheng Cheng's temper.

But... now it's different.

If Song Yan spoke, whether Cheng Cheng would readily agree to it was hard to say.

Lu Yanshen originally thought that if Ning Ning really wanted to go to the amusement park.

Since the child was sick and weak since he was a child and never really enjoyed the joy of childhood, he couldn't bear to refuse.

Instead, I can ask Song Yan for help.

She has always been very kind to Cheng Cheng, and she is patient enough, and she doesn't seem to hate children.

If you have plenty of time and it doesn't affect her work, please spare a day and take the two children, Ning Ning and Cheng Cheng, to the amusement park. She... probably won't refuse.

It's just that Lu Yan thought so in his heart, after all, Song Yan hadn't obtained consent yet.

So it's not easy to make a guarantee with Ningning directly.

If Song Yan's future work schedule is very tight, and she won't be able to find free time for a while, and he speaks out early, it will be embarrassing.

It is not an honorable thing to contradict one's own nephew... Besides.

Although Cheng Cheng likes Song Yan, he almost obeys her words.

However, Ningning has never seen her.

Most likely don't even know who she is, a total stranger.

Because of being sick and weak since childhood, Ning Ning rarely had the opportunity to meet outsiders, even if they were members of the Lu family, he didn't know many people.

Because there is no chance of knowing at all.

Although he couldn't see it on the surface, Lu Yanchen also knew the character of his little nephew.

When facing unfamiliar strangers, he is very withdrawn, and he doesn't know how to get along with people at all.

This kind of withdrawnness is different from Cheng Cheng's indifference.

Although they all seem to be quiet and have a small face that is not easy to get along with.

But Cheng Cheng's indifference is only because he doesn't like to deal with others, and he doesn't like to talk to them. He even thinks talking to people is a boring and time-wasting thing, completely meaningless.

If possible, he would rather spend this time reading books.

Even sleeping in the sun is fine.

But Ning Ning is different.

His personality is actually not as weird as Cheng Cheng's, but because of his illness, the doctor repeatedly told him to keep his emotions as stable as possible, especially the extreme emotions of great sorrow and joy. Avoid it, so as not to drag the body.

Ning Ning was originally young and immature, and was told by the elders of the Lu family to listen to the doctor, so naturally she obeyed obediently.

Before he knew what emotions were, he had been taught to learn to control his emotions.

You can't be too happy, you can't be too sad, and you can't get angry easily.

Things like willful mischief and temper tantrums have nothing to do with him.

Over time, under such repeated education, even the originally lively children will inevitably be suppressed, and gradually develop a lukewarm indifference.

For the current Ningning.

Probably only in front of trusted elders would he reveal a little of his true character.

For example, to Lu Yanshen, or to Cheng Cheng.

His attitude is very warm and natural, without any precaution or pretense.

But if it's an outsider, especially a stranger he doesn't know, his reaction and attitude will be different...Don't be warm and polite, I'm afraid he won't even take a second look.

Just like the secretary Li next to Xiang Yiqing, who logically took care of him abroad for a period of time, but Ning Ning ignored him completely and never thought about saying hello.

Even his biological mother Xiang Yiqing... Ning Ning didn't show a particularly close attitude, even... even worse than Lu Yanchen.

When Lu Yanchen took him away, he knew that Xiang Yiqing was chasing after him, but he didn't say a word, his attitude could be said to be indifferent, or rather indifferent.

Either Xiang Yiqing or Secretary Li.

They are all people close to him, and he always has such an attitude.

Not to mention the casual medical team with him, as well as the butler and servants prepared for him by the Lu family... I'm afraid Ningning never remembered the existence of such people from the beginning to the end.

So it is conceivable.

If Lu Yanshen didn't say anything, he would directly bring him in front of Song Yan, or even ask Song Yan to take him to play with Cheng Cheng.

Ning Ning's reaction probably would not be a direct rejection.

It's just that it's impossible to get close to Song Yan, eight out of ten, that is, to treat her as an "invisible person" that doesn't exist.

But if he really had such a reaction, in Cheng Cheng's eyes...it would probably make Xiaotuanzi unhappy.

After all, Song Yan is his "mother" at a glance, and even what Lu Yanchen does sometimes will make Xiaotuanzi unhappy, and even glared at his own father, but it would be even more difficult to say if it was Ningning... .

Although the relationship between the two children is good, they are both children after all, and sometimes conflicts cause headaches for adults.

So Lu Yanchen wasn't in a hurry to say anything more, and she had a little insight.

Waiting for the meeting to arrive at the restaurant, I saw Cheng Cheng and Song Yan herself, and it was not too late to say anything else.

The car continued to drive forward, passing through city intersections one after another.

Unknowingly, light rain began to fall in the sky.

The pattering rain fell from the clouds, one by one, looming, and only the little water vapor splashed on the ground could detect that it was really raining.

But the sunlight in the sky did not disappear, and still passed through the thin clouds, beams of light fell down, without dazzling the eyes, but shining countless silvery rays of rain, and small rainbows were faintly visible in the mid-air, Colorful.

Ning Ning lay on the car window, looking out of the window curiously, the sunshine and rainbow reflected in a pair of wide-open eyes, extremely beautiful.

But he didn't pay attention to his appearance at all, he just looked out of the window in amazement, and touched the glass window with his little hand, as if he wanted to catch the rain and rainbow outside the window.

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