Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 343 Chapter 343 Amusement Park

It's not that Lu Yanshen never thought of asking his secretary and housekeeper to take Cheng Cheng to play, but it's not this kind of ordinary amusement park that is open to the public, but a private amusement park specially given to him by Mr. Lu when Cheng Cheng celebrated his birthday. paradise.

The address of the amusement park is located on a private island, which must be reached by yacht or helicopter.

The island is quite large, and it is more than enough to build an amusement park.

Mr. Lu bought the island directly, and started designing and building it when Cheng Cheng could not speak. It took more than four years and the cost was tens of millions before he finally created a beautiful island. The Kingdom of Fairy Tales was given to Cheng Cheng as his birthday present when he was five years old.

In the fairy tale kingdom of that island, there are almost all amusement parks on the market that can be seen in the game items, such as the conventional roller coaster, pirate ship, carousel, exciting ones such as haunted houses, underwater treasure hunting, water rafting, and less common ones. Live CS field/battlefield, cross-country arena, archery range, horse farm, etc... The projects are very complete, the equipment is also very complete, coupled with the unique geographical location on the island, if it is opened to the outside world, it is bound to become a very famous and popular Amusement Paradise, making money every day is no problem.

However, this was just a birthday present from Mr. Lu to his grandson when he was five years old.

The property rights of the entire island belong to Xiaotuanzi.

The private playground on the island is also only open to him.

Unless he allowed it, even the children from the other houses of the Lu family were not eligible to enter the island.

It's a pity that Xiaotuanzi is not very interested in this amusement park. After receiving the gift, he never went to the island to see it, and just let that beautiful amusement park be lonely and deserted on the island.

It's really violent... Of course, I can't blame Xiaotuanzi for not paying attention to it.

He is only a little old, and he has no idea about the value of assets. Naturally, he doesn't know how big the private island playground that Mr. Lu gave him is... Maybe for him, a place hundreds of kilometers away, An amusement park located on the vast sea, the psychological concept is too strange, and it is invisible and intangible. It is not as real as the birthday cake in front of you, so naturally you will not take it too seriously.

Lu Yanchen and other adults in the Lu family knew the value of this amusement park.

But so what?It's just a birthday present for a kid!No matter how big the money is, the Lu family does not lack this little money. At most, it is a sigh of gratitude that the old man loves Cheng Cheng, and he is willing to spend several years of hard work and time to build a "gift". I feel a little envious.

But it's really impossible to say that because of a small amusement park, you will be jealous, hate, or even covet Xiaotuanzi.

But it's just a gift.

If it were an ordinary family, ordinary people would not feel jealous just because the old man bought a beautiful toy for their grandson, would they want to keep it for themselves?The Lu family still doesn't lack this little money, and naturally there is no one who is so short-sighted that he would grab a "gift" with a five-year-old child.

Lu Yanchen also didn't care about this "gift" from the old man.

It's just that at Chengcheng's birthday party, when Mr. Lu wrapped the property rights certificates of the island and the amusement park into red envelopes and gave them to Chengcheng, he took a look at them and handed them over to the butler to put them away for Xiaotuanzi. That's all.

For a long time after that, Lu Yanchen even forgot that there was such a thing.

Until one time later, he promised Cheng Cheng to take him to the zoo to see tigers, but he was busy with work and accidentally forgot.

Cheng Cheng was very angry and refused to talk to him for several days, and had a unilateral cold war with him.

Lu Yan coaxed him a few times to no avail. There was really nothing to do with him. In the end, his secretary made a suggestion, saying that children like to go to amusement parks, why not ask him to take Cheng Cheng once when he has time, so that the little ones can play. When you are happy, you will naturally not remember being angry.

Lu Yanchen felt that this was quite reasonable, so he asked the secretary to find a suitable amusement park, but after searching, he could only find some ordinary amusement parks, all of which were open to the public, and the equipment was old and in general , the number of tourists is large and mixed, and the safety factor is not high.

Of course, Lu Yanchen was worried about letting Cheng Cheng go to this kind of place, and then he remembered the birthday present that old man Lu had given him before - the island amusement park that had been vacant for more than half a year.

In order to please his son who was in a unilateral cold war, Lu Yanchen deliberately took a day out of his busy schedule to take his son to play.

But... Xiaotuanzi refused without hesitation.

Even the reason was very simple and rude, he just didn't want to play, and he didn't want to go out.

Don't want to do anything.

Just want to keep being angry.

Lu Yanshen: "..." Well, he's gone too.

The game plan died before it was born.

Lu Yanchen didn't remember how Xiaotuanzi calmed down afterwards.

It's just that after that unsuccessful proposal, the father and son once again completely forgot about the existence of the amusement park.

Almost never thought of it again.

At this moment, when Ning Ning mentioned the amusement park, Lu Yanshen remembered it.

This is also the only time he has been exposed to things related to the amusement park, and it happens to be Xiaotuanzi's private.

Therefore, Lu Yanchen really doesn't know much about how those ordinary amusement parks that openly entertain guests operate.

Ning Ning didn't care about this, he lay curiously in front of the car window, pointed to a red arc track on the river bank in the distance, "Is that a roller coaster? The kind you can sit on and walk around?" The arc-shaped track painted bright red is erected in mid-air, winding like a hovering dragon. The highest point is more than ten meters away from the river, about five or six stories high, but the lowest point is only a few meters away from the river. It's only a few meters away, as if you can touch the river with your hand.

On the track, from time to time, moving tools like trains can be seen shuttling back and forth.

Although I couldn't hear any sound from a long distance, I could only imagine the screaming and jubilant noise, which was full of joy.


"Lu Yanchen responded briefly, which was considered an answer.

Ning Ning didn't ask any more questions, just leaned on the window of the car, staring at the amusement park intently, with envy and longing involuntarily revealed in her eyes.

The car quickly passed the cross-river bridge, and the towering buildings on both sides of the river blocked the sight, and I couldn't see anything.

Ning Ning was a little disappointed, so she reluctantly looked away.

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