Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 332 Chapter 332 Waiting for the "fish"

Cheng Cheng blinked his eyes and nodded obediently.

Song Yan didn't say much, seeing that Xiaotuanzi looked a little unhappy because of this incident, she turned her head and glanced out of the window, and suggested, "There seems to be a fish pond under the terrace over there. Why don't we go and see the fish?" Xiaotuanzi thought for a while and obediently agreed.

Song Yan took his hand and walked to the terrace.

When I got to the terrace, I realized that it was just a suspended platform, and the space underneath was not high, only about one or two meters.

Below the terrace is a small artificial indoor garden with small and exquisite landscaping, including brightly colored cobblestone paths, miniature bamboo forests, and even a winding "stream".

The stream is crystal clear, and the sound of water is gurgling.

The bottom of the stream is paved with pebbles and light strips, and the green water plants sway with the water waves, and the lights are dotted with green lights, which is very elegant.

The source of the stream is a man-made rockery. I can't see the specific direction of the water source. I can only see that the water flows on the steep slope of the rockery to form a small waterfall, then meanders down, converges into a small stream, and finally flows into a stream. In the Wangshui pool, it went round and round, but no water overflowed.

Due to the constraints of the garden area, the widest part of this creek is only about half a meter, and the narrowest part is only as thick as an arm. The depth of the water is about tens of centimeters. There are a group of palm-sized koi, swinging leisurely in the water The tail swims as if enjoying itself.

"It's so beautiful..." Song Yan couldn't help sighing, looking around, she found a small wooden door on the edge of the balcony railing, which can be pushed outward, and there are several layers of log steps under the small door. It is obviously prepared for guests to enter the garden to watch.

Really thoughtful design.

Song Yan thought about it, and led Xiaotuanzi down the steps.

Xiaotuanzi looked at the surrounding layout curiously, and said, "Mom, this garden is so small, it's not as big as our swimming pool.

"Song Yan froze for a moment, a little dumbfounded.

The swimming pool he mentioned does not refer to the swimming pool of the Lu family's main house, but the swimming pool of the apartment they live in now.

The top floor of the apartment is a sky garden with an open-air swimming pool and glass bungalows. In terms of area, it is at least two hundred square meters. It is not particularly large, but it is indeed much larger than the miniature garden in front of you. .

However, the two are not comparable.

The location of this restaurant is in the city center, and the land price is high. It is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is expensive.

The boss was able to save the space of a private box and use it to decorate this small garden that looks good but is not useful, which is considered very rich.

What's more, this shape is really good-looking and natural, which is pleasing to the eye.

After all, an apartment is for living. Although the price is expensive, it is still different from commercial use. Naturally, the value of the two cannot be compared.

Xiaotuanzi just said this casually, and didn't take it too seriously. Anyway, for his current small body, even if it's just a miniature garden, it's enough for him to play happily.

The stream in the garden was very shallow, so it didn't pose any danger, so Song Yan simply let go of her hand and let Xiaotuanzi walk around by herself.

Xiao Tuanzi happily ran to the stream, squatted on the cobblestone path, and opened his eyes wide to see the koi swimming in the stream.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his shadow was cast on the water, the koi that were still swimming leisurely seemed to be frightened, and swam away immediately. Some of them swam upstream, deftly rounded a few bends, got into the foam under the rockery waterfall, and disappeared.

The other two fish reacted slower and did not swim as fast as their companions, but they also flicked their tails away from Xiaotuanzi, spitting bubbles and looking like they were ready to flee at any time.

Xiaotuanzi frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

He didn't want to hurt these koi, but just wanted to see them. Who knew that each fish would swim faster than the other, and they would disappear in the blink of an eye... At this moment, the creek in front of him was empty, only swaying water plants and pebbles remained , which seemed very empty.

Xiaotuanzi poked the leaves of the aquatic plants depressedly, feeling disappointed.

Song Yan looked amused, so she walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, these koi probably haven't had much contact with people, so they are a little timid.

You squat here and don't move, when they find that there is no danger, they will swim over soon.

""real? "Xiaotuanzi's eyes lit up.

Song Yan bent her lips, "Just try it and you'll know.

"Xiao Tuanzi really became interested, looked around, and simply sat down on a decorative wooden stake by the stream, bulging out his big eyes, staring at the water with all his attention, motionless, looking forward to Seeing the koi swimming over quickly.

Song Yan suppressed a smile, and simply squatted down beside him, resting her cheeks with her hands, and waited with him.

Two people, one big and one small, got into a fight with the koi very naively!However, it turns out that not all of what Song Yan said is correct... Maybe these koi carp raised in the stream are really seldom seen by people, and they are very timid. I didn't dare to swim out for half a day.

Xiaotuanzi waited engrossed for more than ten minutes, his eyes were sore, but he didn't even see a fish tail... The little guy couldn't help being a little discouraged... Just as he was about to turn around to talk to his mother, he suddenly heard his mother lowering her voice. He raised his voice and said: "Don't move, look, there is a koi swimming out!" Huh? !Xiaotuanzi stopped moving in an instant, and looked into the water with blinking eyes.

Among the algae in the fish pond at the end of the stream, a bright red koi, the size of a baby's palm, popped out of its head while bubbling.

It seemed to be very timid, not daring to get out of the algae completely, only showing a small head, and thought it was hiding very well, so it spit bubbles and looked around, its small appearance was very agile.

But I don't know that its scales are bright red, thick like a red cloud, half hidden and half exposed in the green algae, as conspicuous as possible, but against its cautious appearance, it looks a bit silly.

Xiaotuanzi stared at it with a pair of eyes, and although his mouth was tightly pursed, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up a little, a little wanting to laugh.

Another few minutes passed.

The cute little koi seemed to have finally determined that there was no danger outside, so it slowly crawled out of the algae with its tail flicking, dived into the bottom of the water with a snort, rubbed against the pebbles at the bottom, and then It floated up to the surface of the water leisurely, and after playing for two laps, it finally shook its head and tail, and slowly swam over along the route of the stream.

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