Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu are young couples. Although the relationship they have experienced through ups and downs is not as romantic as today's young people fall in love, it has a kind of warmth and perseverance.

Mr. Lu has always respected the old lady, and he also understands her pain after losing her son, and is very tolerant of many of her actions.

He could see the old lady's love and sympathy for Xiang Yiqing's mother and son, and he himself was also grateful for Xiang Yiqing's sacrifice, so no matter what his position was, the old man cared very much for Xiang Yiqing maintained.

Although Xiang Yiqing was Lu Junchen's fiancée in name and had a child with him, in fact, until Lu Junchen's accidental death, the two of them were not really married. Not really a couple.

So of course, Xiang Yiqing was not really married into the Lu family, nor could she be called the Lu family.

Without such a status, it would be inappropriate for her to live in the Lu family, especially for outsiders who don't know the inside story, and it will have a more serious impact on her own reputation.

Even within the Lu family, there are some people with shallow eyesight who would point fingers at her because of this and feel disdainful.

It was precisely because of such a precedent that Mrs. Lu was furious, and Mrs. Lu was even more furious because of this. Not only did she severely rectify gossip within the family, but she also treated Xiang Yiqing with more love and kindness. This made everyone in the Lu family not dare to underestimate her.

But then again, the elders of the Lu family are all old after all, not to mention Mrs. Lu, who is almost 80 years old now, even Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu are already in their 60s, and their energy in all aspects has long been exhausted. He is not as strong as he was when he was young, and it is inevitable that he will feel powerless when doing things. There is only Lu Yanchen, an adult child in the direct line of the Lu family. No matter how you look at it, the Lu family will be his one day sooner or later. of.

When the older generation gradually left, and Lu Yanchen was still young, and sooner or later he would have his own wife and children, what would Xiang Yiqing do?She didn't even have a husband to rely on, and her relationship with her natal family was very tense because of her insistence on giving birth to a posthumous child. After she took her son abroad, she had even less contact with her natal family. To the point of being strangers.

Although it is said that Xiang Yiqing has a son under her knees, and she will rely on her when she grows up, but this son has been weak since childhood, and whether he can grow up smoothly is still a problem.

Although on the surface no one dared to speak so clearly, but in fact, in their hearts, who could really pin their hopes on a sick child?So no matter how you look at it, Xiang Yiqing's future life is worrying.

And the cause of all this was Lu Junchen's death... If Lu Junchen hadn't died by accident, he would be the most prestigious eldest son of the Lu family and the heir to the family.

Even Lu Yanchen is just his young brother who will assist his elder brother in the future.

But he suddenly, and it caught people off guard.

Lu Junchen's sudden death changed the fate of many people, and Xiang Yiqing was just one of them, but because of her engagement with Lu Junchen for many years, she was also the most affected.

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