He paused, and his thin lips suddenly curled up in a cold and sneering arc, his voice softened by two points, but it seemed even more contemptuous.

"I think there are plenty of opportunities for someone in the family to pick her up, and it's not just me.

"The old man was furious for a moment.

"How can others be like you? You know that Yiqing has been abroad for so many years, and you are what she wants to see the most! She is a woman, and she has been alone abroad for so many years with a frail and sick child. We can't see how much she has suffered. ? Now that you have come back with great difficulty, you should treat her better because of the sacrifices she has made to our Lu family and your elder brother, and don't always act like you are keeping a respectful distance!" The Lu family The old man is already very old, he has already retired to take care of his life, he usually pays great attention to health preservation, and has a peaceful mind. It is rare for him to get angry like this, and it is even rare for him to say such a lot of words.

What he said was protecting Xiang Yiqing.

Lu Yan listened quietly, and didn't bother to refute. Only when the old man mentioned his eldest brother, his eyes changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure, and said in a lukewarm tone: "Because Xiang Yiqing Because of her sacrifice, I should keep a distance from her.

Grandpa, have you forgotten?In name, but she is still my elder brother's fiancee——my elder sister-in-law? "Such an identity is itself a kind of sensitivity and embarrassment to him.

Is it wrong for him to keep a certain distance from his future sister-in-law?Even if his elder brother is gone.

When they were alive, they didn't have time to actually marry Xiang Yiqing, but they were engaged for many years, and their names had already been settled, not to mention that when his elder brother passed away, Xiang Yiqing was still pregnant with his posthumous child, who is now seven years old big.

A woman who has not had time to officially get married, after her fiancé died unexpectedly, she willingly gave birth to a posthumous child for her fiancé, and hugged his last bloodline for her fiancé and his family, but she herself became a notorious person. An unwed mother, being judged and judged in the social circle of the aristocratic family-it is indeed a great sacrifice.

Therefore, he had to keep a distance from Xiang Yiqing.

She is his elder brother's unmarried wife, the biological mother of his elder brother's posthumous child, or the young lady of the Xiang family whose reputation has been damaged by his elder brother and cannot be married. I don't know whether to say that she is single or widowed.

Lu Yanchen was also not married.

As a single man, it was not suitable for him to get too close to Xiang Yiqing.

And as the younger brother of Xiang Yiqing's dead fiancé, her former brother-in-law, he is even more inappropriate to get too close to Xiang Yiqing.

Otherwise what is it?Whether Xiang Yiqing is single now, or she is a sister-in-law-to-be who took her son and widowed before she got married, Lu Yanchen has always felt that it is most appropriate to keep a polite and distant distance from her.

Minimizing contact is also to protect her reputation. Lu Yanshen, a man, doesn't look at this anyway.

However, Xiang Yiqing didn't know which muscle was wrong, her mind was flooded, and she seemed completely unaware of the need to avoid suspicion.

While posing as a widowed sister-in-law, she also likes to be close to him, often saying things like taking care of him for his elder brother, intentionally or unintentionally narrowing the distance with him.

Everyone in the Lu family is grateful for her sacrifice, and pity her for a young girl who, before she had time to enjoy the happiness of being married and staying with her fiancé, was disrupted by her fiancé's sudden death and became a A single mother who was widowed and raised children before she got married... Therefore, the entire Lu family treated her very tolerantly and preferentially.

The old man and her grandfather were old friends who had a good relationship, but now they treat her like a granddaughter and protect her everywhere.

Lu Yanchen's parents even regarded her as their own daughter, and even Lu Yanchen, his own son, had to back off.

On the surface, Xiang Yiqing is still the unmarried eldest lady of the Xiang family, but in fact, she has always regarded herself as the eldest wife in the Lu family, and she gave birth to the first eldest grandson of the Lu family, Lu Shaoning, who is a Even more detached, not only the daughter of the Lu family who is of the same generation as her, but also the collateral uncles and their wives who are a generation older than her, all treat her very politely and respectfully.

Not to mention the servants, at the request of the old man and Lu Yanshen's parents, they completely regarded her as a mistress of the Lu family's inner house, and their attitude towards her was even more respectful.

Lu Shaoning is the posthumous son of Lu Yanchen's eldest brother, and the only bloodline posthumous son after his elder brother Lu Junchen passed away. He has just turned seven years old this year, and his status in the Lu family is very special and detached. not on.

Lu Shaoning had just turned seven years old this year. When Xiang Yiqing was pregnant with him for less than two months, Lu Junchen died suddenly in an accident. Xiang Yiqing almost collapsed under the grief, and found out that she was pregnant. Body, emotional ups and downs, for a long time can not calm down to raise the fetus.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Lu Shaoning was stunted in his mother's womb. He was born with a serious congenital disease, and his constitution was extremely weak. He lived in an incubator for several months in the hospital and had to be rescued several times before he managed to survive. down.

In order to keep Lu Junshen's only bloodline, the Lu family spared no effort in manpower and material resources, even Cheng Cheng was born to save him.

The old man of the Lu family personally named him "Lu Shaoning", the surname is Lu, the younger generation, and the single name is Ning, just hoping that he can live a healthy and peaceful life and grow up safely.

Cheng Cheng and him are cousins, they are of the same seniority, and they are also children of the younger generation of the Lu family.

Cheng Cheng's name was also chosen by the old man of the Lu family himself, but the old man had completely different expectations for the two children, one was called Lu Shaoning and the other was called Lu Shaocheng.

The difference can be seen from the single character name.

Because of Chengcheng's birth, Lu Shaoning was able to undergo an operation to save his life, but his body was somewhat congenitally deficient, unable to compare with normal children, and his physique was also very bad. When he was young, he couldn't even adapt to the four seasons in the country. Every day the weather changes, there will always be a serious illness, and even the doctors are helpless.

The Lu family was forced to go nowhere, so they had to prepare a professional medical and nursing team, let Xiang Yiqing take Lu Shaoning abroad to recuperate, and settled in a country where the seasons were like spring and the climate change was not obvious, slowly warming up and recuperating For Lu Shaoning's body, he will come back when he grows up and his physique is a little better.

Xiang Yiqing was reluctant at first, but she agreed to it somehow, and took her child abroad, and she left for five or six years.

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