Mr. Mu is ill, the situation of the Mu family is unstable, and Song Liguo, the only one who stands up to lead the overall situation, has ulterior motives. In addition, Ms. Mu, the only heir of the Mu family, does not know the inside story, and is kept in the dark from beginning to end. In the past, it never happened at all, and under the pressure of several circumstances, the Mu family collapsed much faster than everyone imagined.

When Mr. Mu realized that he was helpless, the only thing he could think of was to leave a way out for his daughter and granddaughter, and tried his best to help them last.

The marriage contract between Song Yan and Su Muchen, the eldest son of Su, was made at that time.

At that time, the status of the Mu family was already in decline, and Mr. Mu had no other choice, so he chose the Su family, which was not very popular at first.

Because the old man of the Su family is still alive, he also had some friendship with him when he was young. He didn't look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha. Under some conditions proposed by old man Mu, old man Su came forward and ordered this doll for his grandson. relative.

The marriage contract was made by the two elders in person, following the traditional rules of the marriage, because the two children are still young, and there is no such thing as an engagement banquet or not. The binding force of the agreement is much stronger than the so-called engagement banquet.

The so-called engagement is actually a part of the ancient three media and six engagements. It is a very traditional Chinese engagement rule, which was still very common until the Republic of China period.

Most of the famous families in Kyoto that really stand out are inherited from the period of the Republic of China, and this set of rules is still in use today.

Just like in ancient times, when two families combined their horoscopes and made a betrothal gift, it was tantamount to a certain in-laws. Unless it was an extremely special situation, the engagement would basically not change after it was settled.

Once the marriage contract changes, the two married families will immediately become enemies, and they must protect the family's reputation at all costs, and they will not let it go easily unless it leads to death.

Therefore, the aristocratic family respects the rules and pays more attention to the promises between the two parties.

Mr. Mu is a family member of the old school, and his style of behavior is naturally biased toward the family. Even if it is an engagement to his granddaughter, it is done according to the traditional rules of the family, not the Western procedures for marriage proposals and engagements in ordinary people's families.

After making an agreement with Mr. Su, and seeing the two children's engagement with his own eyes, Mr. Mu finally felt relieved.

Just like many people whose lives are dying, if you hold back your energy, you may be able to last for a while longer.

But once the tension is relaxed, it's like a dying person feels that he has lost his concern, maybe the people on the spot will die.

Mr. Mu belongs to this category.

At that time, his body was already at the end of his strength, but because he couldn't let go of his only daughter and young granddaughter, he barely held his breath. After he tried his best to barely pave the way for his daughter and granddaughter to retreat, his breath, Naturally, he couldn't hold on anymore... When Mr. Mu made the decision to engage Song Yan and Su's eldest son, Song Yan's mother, Ms. Mu, didn't know about it at first, but Song Liguo knew it well. After all, Yan's surname is Song, and the marriage contract made by Mr. Mu is also beneficial and harmless to the Song family. Song Liguo did not come forward to stop it, but was happy to see it come true.

Not long after the marriage was settled, Mr. Mu became critically ill. The same day when the hospital issued the critical illness notice, it happened to be the day when Mu's company declared bankruptcy.

Ms. Mu didn't know the fact that the old man was going to die soon until she received the notice from the hospital. At the same time, she also knew the way the Mu family was about to collapse.

Because in her eyes before, everything was fine, Mr. Mu was very good, so was the Mu family, everything was calm, except that she and Mr. Mu had a temper tantrum and refused to go back to her mother's house, nothing happened.

As a result, in one night, the whole world changed—the Mu family went bankrupt, the company closed down, and Mr. Mu was critically ill... Ms. Mu was like a little princess who lived in a greenhouse all year round. Someone smashed her glass greenhouse, and the cold wind and rain from the outside hit her all at once, making her completely unacceptable both physically and mentally.

As a matter of course, Ms. Mu fainted on the spot when she learned everything. Afterwards, she had a high fever and was in a coma for several days. No matter what medicine she took, she couldn't wake her up.

And during the few days when she was in a coma with a high fever, Mr. Mu died of a serious illness, and he couldn't even see his daughter for the last time.

It was also because Ms. Mu was unconscious that Song Liguo stood up in the name of his son-in-law and took over the remaining assets of the Mu family.

These assets, together with the fact that he worked in the Mu family company in the past few years, secretly embezzled public funds and extorted funds, gradually hollowed out the money obtained by the entire Mu family, and after being integrated together, it became the start-up capital of the later Song Group .

Song Liguo obtained a large amount of assets and cash by hollowing out the Mu family for personal gain. Not long after the collapse of the Mu family, he established his own company, and then borrowed the resources of the Mu family's previous connections. , grew rapidly, and developed a small company into a later multinational enterprise in just a dozen years.

Ms. Mu, who was used by Song Liguo as a pawn over and over again, did not know about these things at the time... When she finally got rid of her high fever and woke up from the deep-struck coma, the bones of Mr. Mu had all been buried. He was cremated by Song Liguo.

Not to mention the last one, she didn't even see the whole body of her father who loved her the most—this was undoubtedly another extremely difficult situation for Ms. Mu, who was already in an extremely unstable mental state and was under tremendous psychological pressure. Big hit.

Once the person is gone, when the living person recalls it, all they can think of is the other person's good points, but forget the other person's bad points.

Ms. Mu is the only daughter of Mrs. Mu. After Mrs. Mu passed away, she almost lived alone with her father. Even though her family was rich and did not suffer much, her psychological and emotional dependence was far higher than that of ordinary father and daughter. Deeper.

No matter how stiff and stubborn the quarrel with Mr. Mu was, Ms. Mu was heartbroken when she learned that Mr. Mu had really passed away.

She is not only sad and sad, but also regretful. If she had known that Mr. Mu was sick, she would never lose her temper with him again, let alone think that Mr. Mu didn't care about her anymore. Ken went back to see him...

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