Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 312 Chapter 312 Doing Nothing (2)

As the saying goes, if there is nothing to be diligent about, if you are not a traitor, you will be a thief.

In the eyes of Mr. Mu, Song Liguo is definitely not a simple fool, and he doesn't believe his sweet words about how much he loves his daughter.

Compared with these false and empty words, the mature old man would rather believe that Song Liguo was willing to endure the humiliation of marrying a married woman and marrying his daughter instead of marrying his daughter. His purpose is most likely not pure.

Although Mr. Mu at that time could not predict what Song Liguo would do in the future, as a shrewd and wise old man, many of the evaluations and judgments he made more than 20 years ago can be said to be a prophecy.

For example, he felt that Song Liguo was not a man worthy of his daughter's entrustment for life, his character was not good, and his future behavior was unpredictable.

that's the truth.

Once Song Liguo gained power, the first thing he did was to step on the Mu family who had humiliated him at the beginning, stabbed a knife in the back, and justifiably usurped the inheritance of the Mu family, changing it into his own. Under his name, he didn't even give a penny to his wife and daughter.

Even after his wife passed away, she didn't even leave the last bit of face to her, and within half a month of her burial, she grandly brought her mistress and illegitimate daughter in... As an illegitimate daughter, Song Xuewei was only younger than Song Yan for three months.

What does this mean?It means that when Song Yan's mother was married and pregnant for only three months, Song Liguo had already cheated in marriage, and even had a child with Xiaosan, and the age difference was only three months... But in Song Yan Less than half a month after her mother passed away, and even before the 49-day period of inactivity, her husband brought a newcomer into the house openly, and this "newcomer" was the mistress who secretly sabotaged her marriage. He also brought an illegitimate daughter who was not young.

All these back and forth actions are undoubtedly throwing the face of Ms. Mu and the Mu family on the ground.

It fully fulfilled Mr. Mu's evaluation of Song Liguo at the beginning - eager for quick success, poor character, dishonest behavior, deep city, not only the habit of superficial one thing but another thing behind it, but also the suspicion of mercenary in the future and watching dishes.

Every one is on point.

And it was more serious than Mr. Mu had predicted.

However, no matter how shrewd an old father is, he can't hold back a precious daughter who has been dazzled by love.

What's more, for parents who really love their children, no matter how angry and dissatisfied they are, they will eventually fail to meet their children's self-demand, and they are often compromises.

The same is true of Mr. Mu.

Even though he was not optimistic about his daughter being with Song Liguo anymore, because his daughter really loved him, after a stalemate for a while, he finally chose to compromise reluctantly.

However, in order to prevent his daughter from being hurt in this love affair, Mr. Mu also took a lot of preventive measures, but Ms. Mu didn't fully understand it until she died of illness.

When Ms. Mu married Song Liguo and gave birth to their first daughter, Song Yan, according to the agreed marriage conditions, Song Yan should have followed her mother's surname Mu, but how could Song Liguo agree?Don't look at how nice his words were before he got married, and coaxed Ms. Mu to be moved, but in fact, as Mr. Mu saw through at a glance, what he said were nothing but empty words. Nothing practical.

When things really came, he would say one thing and another in nine out of ten cases, without any sincerity at all.

And the reason why Mr. Mu commented that Song Liguo's character was not good was also seen from this matter.

If it was said that Song Liguo wanted to go back on what he had promised because he was unwilling to marry him, then he could have a frank and open talk with Mr. Mu and express his thoughts truthfully.

As long as he is sincere and honestly admits that he wants to go back on his word, even if he feels in a bad mood with Mr. Mu's character, for the sake of his daughter and granddaughter, he will not deny him this face, on the contrary he will Because of his frankness, I gave him a high look.

However, Song Liguo did not do this... On the contrary, he chose another method that was criticized and even more shameless.

That is to refuse to admit it.

He didn't want to give himself a reputation of breaking promises and going back on promises, so he coaxed his wife who had just given birth to come forward to talk with Mr. Mu, and even made the father and daughter quarrel over it.

Mr. Mu has never been able to hold back his beloved daughter, so in the end Song Yan did not follow her mother's surname, but followed Song Liguo's wish and followed her father's surname.

Song Liguo had finally got his wish, he didn't get a bad reputation at all, and Ms. Mu had to bear the consequences.

He even went to meet Mr. Mu later, apologized to Ms. Mu on her behalf, and said a lot of nice things.

After such two-faced calculations, for a long time, Ms. Mu was really grateful to him, and even Mr. Mu changed his view of him.

Unfortunately, there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

In the end, Mr. Mu finally found out about Song Liguo's double-decker practices behind his back, and all his good feelings for him turned into disgust and disgust in an instant. He couldn't believe that he let his daughter marry such a villain who only knew how to play tricks. , So in a rage, Mr. Mu forcefully asked his daughter to divorce, and brought his granddaughter Song Yan back to Mu's house.

At that time, Song Yan was still very young and basically didn't remember much.

However, she also had some vague impressions. She vaguely remembered that when she was young, the relationship between her mother and her natal family had always been very rigid, so that she didn't see her grandfather very much when she was young. The impression is very weak.

Mr. Mu asked his daughter to divorce, but Ms. Mu of course disagreed, because at that time she still felt that her marriage and family were very happy - her husband was handsome and considerate, her daughter was well-behaved and beautiful, the company run by her family was also thriving, and everything was fine. Only her father was critical of her husband in every possible way, he was not satisfied no matter what, and even forced her to divorce... How could she agree?So the father and daughter once again quarreled fiercely because of Song Liguo.

But this time the quarrel was different from any previous one.

Mr. Mu couldn't tolerate his daughter continuing to live with Song Liguo, so he told her many things that Song Liguo did behind his back, but his daughter thought that he was prejudiced against Song Liguo and deliberately slandered him...

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