Song Xuewei herself is not a small actor or entertainer, anyone with a discerning background can see it.

It's fine if it's a director of Xie Yihe's level. Even if there is any unpleasant conflict with her, Song Xuewei has scruples in her heart and dare not make it too obvious.Unless her fame and status continue to rise and climb to the top of the entertainment industry, otherwise, whether she holds grudges in her heart or secretly revenges, it will be difficult to have a substantial impact on Xie Yihe.

Therefore, Xie Yihe has nothing to fear from her.Although he would not intentionally make trouble for her or make things difficult for her, but if something happened to him, he was also afraid that he would offend her.

This is the bottom line.

To describe it in an easy-to-understand sentence, people like Xie Yihe belong to the category of "do not cause trouble, but are not afraid of trouble."

Song Xuewei herself knew it very well.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been suffocated when she had conflicts with Xie Yihe several times before, and in the end she didn't dare to really fall out with Xie Yihe.

The pool of water in the entertainment industry is not deep, but it is not shallow.

With Song Xuewei's identity and background, although she is not considered weak, she is far from being able to walk sideways.

Xie Yihe was not the first iron board she kicked, and naturally it won't be the last.

But to do this kind of "iron board", it is absolutely impossible to have no confidence.

Some things can be done confidently with Xie Yihe's status, but if it is an ordinary staff member, doing it is tantamount to courting death...

For example, now.

To stop Song Xuewei from getting carried away, unless Xie Yihe personally came forward.

If it were any other person, even if it was the assistant director, Song Xuewei would not necessarily buy it.

In other words, she bought it on the surface, and she would not make things too ugly in public, but she didn't know what she thought in her heart.

Maybe he will hold a grudge and bury it in his heart.

Looking back, just find an excuse to make troubles and troubles, which can easily make people suffer but can't tell.

This kind of superficial smile and politeness, turning around and settling accounts, is too much in the entertainment industry.Too many to count.

Among other things, there are only those artists who use their popularity and status to brazenly play big names on the crew, isn't it rare?

Although some of them were unlucky and were exposed by the media for playing big names, they were reprimanded and taught a lesson.

But in fact, there are more artists who have not been exposed.No matter how overly arrogant there are people, but this kind of people either have their own background, or they are very high-ranking. Even if they humiliate the staff with a big name, no one dares to expose it.

Although Song Xuewei hasn't reached this level yet, who can guarantee that if someone in the crew offends her, she won't use such disgusting methods to retaliate?
No one can guarantee.

Several people in the director's team were also thinking about the production team. They felt that Song Xuewei's actions were inappropriate and proposed to stop them, but they didn't consider that if they came forward, Song Xuewei might secretly hold grudges, and it would be another troublesome thing to turn around.

But if Xie Yihe had to come forward...

After all, he is the director, so if he personally stood up and reprimanded the leading actor for his inappropriate behavior, it would easily give people a feeling that the matter was serious, and at the same time, he would lose face for the leading actor.

Maybe it was just a small matter that could be dealt with peacefully, but Xie Yihe stood up and said with a straight face, the small matter has become a big one.

Song Xuewei is not the kind of person who is broad-minded and doesn't care about face problems.

Although she had some scruples about Xie Yihe, it didn't mean she was really afraid of him.

If Xie Yihe didn't give her face in public, and let her be reprimanded and humiliated in front of so many people, no matter how much she had scruples in her heart, she might not be able to help but turn her face.

At that time, things will really get serious...

The few people in the director's team didn't think so much at first, they just thought it was a trivial matter, but after listening to Xie Yihe's reminder, they realized that the small matter could not be handled, and it would become a major event with bad influence...

What's more...

If Xie Yihe's heart was a little darker, he could have asked them to stop Song Xuewei without reminding them.

If Song Xuewei is willing to listen to persuasion and doesn't hold grudges, then everything will be fine.

But if Song Xuewei held grudges, felt that their stop made her lose face, and wanted to take revenge in the future, Xie Yihe could turn a blind eye, pretend not to know, and let these people ask for trouble.If Song Xuewei was still angry, he could even kick those people who offended her out of the set, and it would be clean and trouble-free.

Anyway, they are just ordinary director's assistants, neither important nor indispensable.After kicking them away, Xie Yihe can still recruit others to replace them, it's really no big deal.

Many directors in the entertainment industry do this.

The actors and crew members had conflicts and conflicts...

If the actor is not well-known, or is just a side performer, the director will naturally protect his staff, he is too lazy to entangle with such a small actor, and he can tell the other party to fuck off with a single word.

But if it’s a well-known actor with a high status or background, no matter who is at fault, whether it’s the actor playing a big role or the staff really offending the other party, the director is helping the actor to speak, and the blame Instead, it's the staff.

To put it bluntly, it's just watching the dishes, being snobbish, bullying those who are easy to bully, and confessing to those who are not easy to bully.On the contrary, the staff inside the crew are like a brick, moving wherever they are needed.

It is undoubtedly very unlucky for the staff to encounter such a director.However, there are still many such people in the entertainment circle, not only in the field of directors, but also in all kinds of people who can come into contact with.

In comparison, Xie Yihe is already very nostalgic and a very good director.

Although the temper is a bit grumpy, and the requirements for work are a bit harsh, but at least there is a bottom line in being a person and doing things. I will not treat my employees as human beings because of their high status as an artist, nor will they treat their employees as low because of their low status as a group actor. Don't treat them as human beings.

Xie Yihe is a bit of a workaholic.

For workaholics, there is always only one criterion for judging others, which is the quality of their work.

In his eyes, those who can do their job well and do it beautifully and outstandingly are the best and the best. Whether it is an employee or an actor, he will not hesitate to protect and help.

And those whose work level is not good, who make excuses and reasons, or who affect their work due to personal reasons, are like living garbage in his eyes.

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