The assistant's face turned pale with fright, and before she could hide in the crowd, another female artist's manager grabbed her clothes, and she was furious.

"How do you do things? You can't even hold a boiling kettle! Look at how you scalded our artist's hands!"

Because of the emphasis on this audition, most of the female artists present were accompanied by their managers, and at worst they would also be accompanied by one or two assistants.Only Soo-yeon is alone.

Seeing that the official audition was about to happen, such an accident suddenly happened.

Managers and assistants of many unlucky female artists were very angry, and gathered around to ask for an explanation, but pushed Song Yan aside.

Lots of people.

The hall suddenly became noisy.

"What's the matter?" The staff of the crew hurried over, surrounded by the crowd, unable to get away.

Song Yan stood aside and was not busy talking. She quickly took off her coat, reached out and touched her shoulder, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief...

Fortunately, she didn't worry about her image like other female artists, so she took off her coat early, otherwise it would be miserable.

Others just got blisters from being splashed a little bit.

But at least half of the whole pot of boiling water was splashed on her shoulders...

If she didn't have a thick coat to block her shoulders, she would definitely lose a layer of skin from being scalded, so how could she audition?

Song Yan grabbed her drenched coat, looked at the "careless" assistant surrounded by the crowd, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Just careless?

When she stood up, she obviously felt that someone bumped into her from behind, with great force, it didn't look like she was careless.

Think a little deeper.

If she didn't stand up at that time, but continued to sit.

The assistant "accidentally" bumped into her, and the boiling kettle in his hand was very likely to splash on her face instead of her shoulder...

So, is it on purpose?

Song Yan narrowed her eyes slightly, and didn't have time to pester her.

She hurried to the staff responsible for calling the number, glanced out of the corner of her eye, but found a familiar face standing outside the crowd.

That bright face was slightly distorted, with a very ugly expression, and a pair of eyes were dark and cold, staring at her gloomyly.

Seems to be……

Artist of Star Entertainment, Liu Feifei?

Song Yan frowned.

"Are you number 37?" the staff member in charge of calling the number asked when she saw her approaching.

Song Yan just came back to her senses and nodded, "Hi, I'm Song Yan on the 37th."

The staff took a look at her, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The people who work in the crew, they see many big and small stars on weekdays, and they catch a lot of beautiful female artists, so it's not surprising at all.

But the ones that are as beautiful as this one... I've seen them before...

It looks quite strange.

Probably a rookie who just debuted, right?

The staff member thought so, without saying much, and pointed to the corridor, "The third room on the left, you go there and wait, and you can go in after the audition of the people in it is over."

There will never be a shortage of people for the audition of a large crew. In order to save time, sometimes it is normal to have two or three interviews at a time.

That's not bad.

"Thank you."

Song Yan knew it well, thanked her politely, and walked into the corridor.

Before reaching the door of the audition room, faint voices came, interspersed with a frivolous and charming laughter, faintly seductive.

It's the entertainer who is auditioning for the segment.

Song Yan glanced at the sound and found that the door was not closed tightly, revealing a thin crack.

The voices and laughter came from the gap.

Song Yan felt a little itchy, and couldn't help walking over curiously, and looked in through the crack of the door.

I saw that the huge room inside was brightly lit, and there was a long table and chairs facing the door. The director and assistant director I had seen at the bar before were all there. The filmmakers wait for the judges.

A group of people looked serious, either frowning or silent, looking at a female artist in the middle of the room who was wearing a short white skirt and performing with both voice and emotion.

On the other side, the woman who was sitting on the sofa on the other side of the judges' seat was Song Xuewei!

Sure enough, she came too.

And one of the judges...

Song Yan's eyes were slightly cold, but she was not surprised, her attention soon fell on the female artist who was auditioning in the middle of the room.

The artist turned his back to her, couldn't see his face clearly, and his voice was quite strange, as if he was not well-known.

But the back is slender and slim, with straight legs, and wearing a light and clean white long dress, looking from behind, it looks quite pure and flawless.

However, this does not seem right?

The role she auditioned for was obviously the second daughter, Princess Chaoyang. In the script, she was notoriously arrogant and reckless, her temperament and appearance were like a raging fire, scorching and dazzling.

Pure and flawless... are two completely opposite concepts, right?

What did this artist think, to come to the audition dressed like this?

As soon as Song Yan thought of this, she heard a chuckle from the artist again, but she was interrupted by the screenwriter unbearably in the middle of the laugh, "Enough is enough, stop acting! What are you acting in? ? I can’t bear to look at it!”

The female artist could only stop and stood there helplessly.

With her back to the main entrance, Song Yan couldn't see her face clearly, only the faces of the judges on the opposite judge's table were ugly.

The screenwriter even scolded angrily: "Why are you crying? What did I say wrong about you? You have the nerve to cry at me for acting like this! You are simply ruining the character I wrote! Get out and give it to me immediately!" go out!"

It turned out that I was scared and cried.

Song Yan understood.

The female artist was probably a newcomer with insufficient acting skills and no reputation, and she couldn't stand this kind of face-to-face humiliation, so she immediately backed out covering her mouth.

Song Yan hurriedly stood a little further away, so as not to be embarrassed by the other party.

Fortunately, the girl was immersed in the shock and didn't notice her, except that she quickly ran out of the audition room with her head down, and in a quick glance, Song Yan could almost see her red eye sockets.

But it is indeed a very green and clean appearance, and it is also very strange.

Looks like he's under 20 years old.

Song Yan didn't think too much, and stood in the corridor without moving for a while.

There was no call in the audition room, and she couldn't go in by herself, so she could only stand outside the door, but she heard the screenwriter's chattering and complaining in the room.

"The public audition is not good, any kind of rubbish dares to try it! I also don't measure my image properly, with a face of a little white rabbit, weak Liu Fufeng is like sister Lin, and yet he came here Tell me you want to audition for Princess Chaoyang? Blind her eyes! If I don’t scold her, she won’t know how much she weighs! I’m so mad!!”

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