This kind of mentality may seem selfish to normal people, who can drag the whole world into war without hesitation for the sake of one's own revenge, but it is very normal to consider it from the standpoint of a female supporting role.

She is the princess of the previous dynasty, and she is also an ancient person who received the education of "family world" since she was a child.For her, only the people under the rule of her home country are her subjects, and they are the ones she needs to protect and love.

But her home country is no more, and after the country was destroyed and her family was destroyed, so were her subjects.

To her, the people in the world are just the people of the enemy's country, and they all have blood feuds against her.As the old saying goes, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different. The same is true for Princess Chaoyang. The people of the Great Ye Dynasty do not belong to the same race or country as her. How could she give up for the safety of these people? To avenge his own country, his own subjects?
Revenge from a princess, not just for the deaths of royal relatives.

When the country is destroyed, there is no complete egg under the collapse of the nest.

The former soldiers and innocent people who died at the hands of Daye soldiers were also one of the reasons for revenge.

If she gave up revenge for the safety of the people of Daye, then those former soldiers and people who died in the war of destroying the country, her real subjects of the old country, her parents and family members - who should repay their blood feud?

This in itself is a dead end.Unsolvable.

So revenge is inevitable.The female supporting role is also the only result driven by the plot.Her righteousness is different from that of the heroine, and her position is also completely different.To put it bluntly, everyone has their own way, but to put it bluntly, the female supporting role is the standard extreme mentality of "I don't care about the flood after I die".

Because she has nothing but her own life.So she risked her life for revenge, and naturally she would not regret it.

After Song Yan got the role, she spent a lot of time and energy trying to figure out the role, and had many private discussions with the screenwriter before finally reaching a consensus.

Let's not talk about the time when the female supporting role was a princess.

But after her country was ruined and her family was destroyed, and she changed her name and surname to become a concubine, she completely changed.

A crazy person doesn't think about the future and consequences, because even she doesn't think she has a future, so she will only do whatever she can to get what she wants while she is still alive.Only in this way can I die calmly without regrets or regrets.

The imperial concubine has such a mentality, so she is domineering, reckless, and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

There is a line in her script that goes like this——

"On the day the country was destroyed, I was slaughtered in the palace together with my father, mother, brother, and my two nephews who were just born! None of the royal family surnamed Ji survived, and even the offspring Being massacred, let alone the first princess? The one who survives now is just a walking corpse, with no future, and no need for a future! If Daye is alive and the royal family is alive, I will not be able to rest in peace!"

At the very beginning, for better revenge, she would restrain herself a little, to protect herself from being found out by others.

But in the end, more than half of her chances for revenge were completed, and when she was about to complete, she became more and more ruthless and straightforward, because there was nothing to worry about.

She had regarded herself as a person who was dead and had no future, so naturally she would not be afraid of death, and she would not care about her life as a walking corpse.

For a villain who doesn't even care about her life and lives purely for hatred, it's impossible to expect her to know how to restrain herself.

In the play, the noble concubine relied on the old emperor's sole favor, seized power wantonly, provoked the empress, made enemies on all sides in the harem, even dared to provoke important ministers in the previous dynasty, framed Zhongliang, and interfered in the government. , which in itself also proves her madness and relentlessness.

And outside the play, in order to reflect the publicity and domineering of the imperial concubine, the costumes and props naturally cannot be left behind.Even Song Yan felt blinded when she saw it by herself. Compared with the other actors in the play who are also the concubines of the old emperor, the huge gap between heaven and earth is immediately reflected.

Even standing in the same space, it doesn't feel like a person from the same world...

Song Yan herself has a rough nerve, and most of her thoughts are only on the plot of the character, but she doesn't pay much attention to other aspects.

After all, the clothing and styling of a character is not up to the actor himself to decide.

Instead of wasting your time worrying about what's there, it's better to follow the requirements of professionals honestly.When you become an actor, you just have to do your job well, and you don't need to worry too much about other things.


Just because she doesn't care doesn't mean others don't care either.

Why did Song Xuewei object so strongly to Song Yan getting the role of female lead?

Aside from the fact that this show is a big production and I don't want Song Yan to get a role, the most important reason is that the lead actress is too bright, her appearance is too beautiful and flamboyant, overpowering the heroine?

Compared with the glamorous and glamorous concubine as soon as she appeared on the stage, whether the heroine is the eldest lady of the prime minister's mansion, or married to the hero as the prince's concubine, she always follows a clean and elegant route in terms of styling and dressing.

To put it bluntly, this is called simplicity and nature, with the beauty of clear water and hibiscus untouched by fireworks in the world.

To put it bluntly, this is called two words - shabby.

If Song Xuewei's appearance is beautiful enough, or even if she has a particularly good temperament, it's okay to dress up plainly and elegantly. Maybe she can still capture a kind of ethereal beauty like a fairy concubine.

It happens to meet the character requirements of the script,

The heroine is a kind and gentle little fairy who is not caught in the fireworks of the world, as pure as a snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain.

But the female supporting role is just the opposite. She is a luxurious, graceful, charming and coquettish witch, as flamboyant as a peony in front of the court.

The styles of the two characters are completely different, but each has its own characteristics. They can fight side by side, and neither is weaker than the other, so that people in the world can't tell which of them is more beautiful than the other, so they simply call them the same name. The most beautiful woman in the world.

This is the original setting of the script.

Song Yan's appearance and temperament completely conformed to the requirements of the script. After changing her makeup and appearance, she looked like a prosperous demon concubine who came out of the text.

But the tragedy is...

Song Xuewei's innate conditions are not as good as hers.

Neither has the appearance of a fairy, nor the temperament of a fairy, but in the play, it has a look of clear soup and little water.

Not only the clothing is simple, but even the jewelry is very simple, just a few pearl flowers and a few hairbands, and the shabby ones are even a little... pitiful.

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