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Chapter 266 Chapter 266 Play (1)

With such a large base of audition crowd, the crew can naturally expand a lot to choose from. Who doesn't want to find better actors when they can choose?
Even if you only play a small role, whether it is a movie or a TV series, if you want to make a good-looking film, you cannot do without the foil and embellishment of these small roles.If good actors can be found, it will be beneficial and harmless to the crew.

Therefore, under the grand audition, the judges in the crew were selected as carefully as possible. Although the small supporting actors who were finally settled were not famous entertainers, most of them had their own strengths.

Some are particularly good-looking and unique in front of the camera;

Some of them move accurately and read their lines well, which is more than enough to play a court lady;
Some are experienced and have played various identities, their acting skills are not very good but they are enough...


Lin Lin selected from all kinds of places, but it also gave people a feeling of letting everything go.

After the industry learned of this result, they became more optimistic and concerned about the performance of this drama in the future.

Under such circumstances, the actress who can break out of the roles of a bunch of maids and maids and successfully get the role of concubine must not be too bad.

Those who are too poor will not be able to enter the gate of the initial audition...

At this moment, there are three or four girls dressed as palace concubines sitting with the group performers. They are all young, and because of the makeup, their actual age cannot be seen from their appearance alone. All of them have fair skin and lively eyes, and their bodies naturally exude a kind of vitality that only young girls can have. They are young and fresh, but they are also full of beauty.

They are all dressed in gorgeous and complicated concubine costumes in the court, with layers of hair on their heads, surrounded by jade ornaments and gold hairpins, giving them an air of wealth and nobility.However, compared with Song Yan's clothing and accessories, they are obviously simpler and more low-key, and they are not even in the same class, and they are not in the same style.

The theater costume on Song Yan is a noble concubine's palace dress, with ocher red background and gold silk embroidery. Whether it is the pattern on the clothes or the shape of the golden hairpin jewelry, they are all extremely flamboyant and luxurious phoenix patterns, which show that the noble concubine is in the drama. In the palace, he only favors the sixth palace, second only to the noble status of the queen in the main palace.

The reason why it is a phoenix pattern instead of other patterns is also a foreshadowing setting in the script.

The imperial concubine is domineering and domineering, and is proud of being favored. Even though she has won the favor of the six palaces and is the sole favor of the old emperor, she is still not satisfied with her status of being inferior to the queen, so she proposed to the old emperor that she To share the same power as the queen, including this phoenix pattern that only the queen can use.

The old emperor really loved her stunning face, even if she was vicious and arrogant, she never cared about her face, even if she could hand over the phoenix seal and the power of the harem to her, how could she Care about a little floral pattern?So he agreed without hesitation.

The imperial concubine was satisfied with this.

Since then, all her clothes and jewelry have been decorated with phoenix patterns. Even in the Bixiao Palace where she lives, the totems of the dragon and the phoenix are carved inside and out, making no secret of her provocation to the queen's status. And determined to win.

The old emperor pampered her, and the empress had no sons or favours. She was old and decrepit, so naturally she didn't dare to compete with her, so she could only hide in the Buddhist hall of Fengyi Palace. Completely fell into the hands of the noble concubine, her status is like that of a deputy queen, covering the sky with only one hand.

It is under such a setting premise that the imperial concubine can use the concubines in the harem to frame and frame the prince in the following plots, and then lightly push the crime on other princes, severely disturbing the muddy water, but in the end, there is nothing He retreated unharmed.

This kind of combat power is completely the halo of the villain boss. Apart from the male and female protagonists who are also in the halo, the imperial concubine's scheming city is almost invincible throughout the play. It is unlucky to follow anyone, and even the prince is indirectly folded in her hands.It wasn't until the princes were almost dead and the whole court was smoky, that the hero finally got hold of the noble concubine, and after a battle of wits and courage, the noble concubine revealed her true colors.

In the final revised script, the imperial concubine was not exposed until the first two episodes of the finale. The male protagonist collected countless evidences to execute her. On the day of his death, they will go to Huangquan together, and his body will be buried with him in the imperial mausoleum.The courtiers strongly opposed it, but the old emperor insisted on going his own way. In the end, the male protagonist couldn't bear it anymore, and deliberately designed to expose the flaws, so that the noble concubine escaped from the cage. In the name of hunting, the male protagonist pierced the noble concubine's heart with thousands of arrows and died not far from the gate of the palace. On the palace road...

Even the way of death is miserable and decisive.

At the same time, there is a very cruel little detail in the play.

Before the noble concubine fell from the horse, her official CP, the abolished prince, was also the culprit who fell in love with her but caused her country to be destroyed and her family to be blackened, and finally died under the scheme of the noble concubine. shoot.

The place of Bai Yanyu's death was also not far from the palace gate, which was exactly the same as the place where the imperial concubine died, and the method of death was also pierced by a sharp arrow through the heart.

Even in the script, a psychological drama was specially written. Before Bai Yanyu died, the last scene she saw was the figure of a noble concubine in a palace dress like a fire on the high steps of the palace.But the last image that came to mind in his mind was the scene of her walking towards him in a wedding dress when he married Princess Chaoyang under the alias of Bai Yanyu.

Before the concubine died, there was also such a psychological drama, but in order to create abuse and suspense, the screenwriter did not directly describe the picture in her mind, but focused on describing the eyes of the concubine, and the way she tried to reach out her hand forward, I didn't close my eyes until I died.

And before she died, the dragon-shaped floor tile that she reached out to touch was the place where the waste prince fell when he died.

What was the imperial concubine thinking at the time, whether it was nostalgia or resentment, it became a suspense without an answer.

The final ending of this pair of supporting roles CP is a complete tragedy. It was doomed from the beginning, and it was also intentional by the screenwriter.But behind the tragedy, there is a hint of sweetness. After people taste the sweetness, it is even more regrettable that their tragedy ended.

This is where screenwriting is at its best.

The so-called tragedy is not bad from the beginning to the end, but to smash the originally beautiful things into unsightly appearances, and then show them to you for appreciation.

At that time, Song Yan had a crush on the role of Princess Chaoyang, which was also inseparable from her tragic route.

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