Song Yan had no choice but to stop, and stood there looking at Luo Kaige's back in a daze, frowning more and more tightly.

This guy……

What are you doing?
How come seeing her is like seeing a ghost?
He didn't have this kind of attitude before, he couldn't be threatened by her once, and his attitude changed drastically, right?

Shouldn't be...

Although Song Yan didn't know much about Luo Kaige, from his many behaviors, Song Yan could tell that Luo Kaige was not the kind of person who would stop at the slightest setback.

This is not a compliment to him, but a fact.

Because he is full of thoughts about how to take shortcuts and how to make himself more popular. In order to achieve this goal, he can spend all his time and energy in calculating, so that Yao Leya will not regret his infatuation, then naturally he can use more thoughts and calculations, To treat the next benefactor you want to find.

In Luo Kaige's misunderstanding at the beginning, Song Yan was his next target, and she even had some interest in him, so he had no reason to give up suddenly.


Song Yan frowned, thought for a moment, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

Unless, he had to give up because he realized something else?
As for what it is...

Song Yan's brows gradually loosened, looking at the location where Luo Kaige's nanny's car was parked, and then at Lu Yanchen's car and where she was standing before, a meaningful flash of eyes flashed across her eyes.

If she guessed correctly, Luo Kaige should have seen Lu Yan sink just now.

It's even possible... He also saw Lu Yanchen touching her head.

Although Song Yan is a little embarrassed to admit it, it is undeniable that when a man strokes a woman's head, if the two are not immediate relatives, such as father, daughter, brother and sister, the meaning is a bit ambiguous...

At least ordinary friends of the opposite sex are unlikely to easily touch the top of each other's head, unless the relationship itself is ambiguous, or simply a boyfriend and girlfriend...

If Luo Kaige had seen what Lu Yanchen did to her, he might have misunderstood the relationship between her and Lu Yanchen. From this, it was normal to be frightened.

No matter whether he misunderstood that Lu Yanchen and her were boyfriend and girlfriend, or that they had other ambiguous relationships, in short, if he got involved with Lu Yanchen, he would naturally not dare to think of Song Yan again, and he might even worry about her Sued Lu Yanchen, saying that he had other thoughts about her...

Thinking about it this way, when Luo Kaige saw Song Yan walking towards him, he ran away in fright... It seemed understandable.

Song Yan sneered in her heart, with a hint of sarcasm.

If it's what she thinks, let Luo Kaige misunderstand, with Lu Yanchen's golden signboard, she is not afraid that Luo Kaige will make trouble, and he doesn't even have the guts to judge him.

It would be best if he was scared out of his wits, and stayed away from her from now on, tossing around as he likes.

As long as it doesn't involve her, she doesn't bother to meddle in other people's affairs.

And Yao Leya...

Song Yan glanced at the nanny car diagonally opposite, and could vaguely see that there were other people in the car, she didn't care, turned around and walked towards the film and television base.

After entering the crew, there were obviously more busy staff coming and going than yesterday, and all kinds of equipment that were scattered on the ground were also cleaned up and became orderly.

Song Yan glanced at it twice, and didn't go up to say hello to delay people's work. She just smiled at the staff who passed by, and then walked all the way to the dressing room.

The dressing room is next to the studio, next to the green room, less than 20 meters away.

At this moment, the landscaping layout of the studio has been prepared, and the multi-angle cameras have also been set up, and the tracks are laid on the sides and the center.

Above the ceiling, there are large and large lighting lamps hanging, and the angle can be adjusted. With the curtain, it is easy to create various light and dark lights required at different times.It's just that the filming has not officially started yet, and only two lights are turned on, hanging brightly above the head, easily illuminating the huge space below.

After a distance, Song Yan saw the director's team from a distance. The connected camera was ready, and there was a long table next to it. There were more than a dozen identical packed breakfasts scattered on the table, which seemed to be prepared by the crew. of.Both the director and the assistant director had already arrived, and they were sitting at the table, munching on a bun while whispering something.

The assistant director was born plump, wearing a vest like a community worker, with messy hair like a chicken coop, but he himself didn't seem to care, holding the same fat bun in one hand, and drinking soy milk in the other He was drinking and listening to the director next to him.

The image of the director is no better than him, or even worse, with the same messy hair, huge dark circles under the eyes, as if he hadn't slept all night, with a gloomy face, trying to keep his spirits up Talk to the assistant director.

The corners of Song Yan's mouth twitched, and she wanted to go over to say hello, but seeing the two directors like this...

She hesitated and stopped, a little puzzled.

At this moment, the assistant director raised his head inadvertently, and saw her, a smile appeared on his chubby face, and he waved to her.

Song Yan had no choice but to walk over and greeted with a smile, "Director, assistant director, good morning."

"Good morning." The assistant director nodded with a smile.Because of the impromptu photo shoot yesterday, he had a good impression of Song Yan, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the initiative to say hello to her.

The same is true for director Xie Yihe. Although he had a gloomy expression on his face, when he saw Song Yan coming over, he still smiled and nodded at her.

"I remember that your scene today is around ten o'clock, right? It's only eight o'clock, why are you here so early?" The assistant director asked in surprise as he checked the time on his watch.

"Isn't this coming here in advance to make preparations? Today is the first day of shooting, and there are many people who need makeup and styling. I am afraid that I will be too busy at that time. Anyway, I have nothing else to do, so I ordered to come here earlier." Song Yan explained casually , I didn't deliberately show that I was very dedicated, but told the truth.

After she finished speaking, she looked at the decadent and dejected faces of the two directors, and said a little amusedly: "What happened to the two directors today? They were quite energetic yesterday. Why did they fight with Shuang so early in the morning?" Like an eggplant, wilting?"

The director laughed angrily at this adjective, "How dare you say it!"

If it was another young actor who didn't have enough coffee, he would definitely not dare to joke with the director and assistant director like this, for fear that if he said a word badly, offending the director would not be worth the loss.

Unless it is those high-ranking artists, or they have a good relationship with the director, they don't have this kind of psychological burden.

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