Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 237 Chapter 237 Why Should You Care?

The car drove smoothly on the road, and the scenery on both sides of the window fell back one by one.

The atmosphere in the car was unusually quiet, so quiet that it made people feel uncomfortable.

Song Yan sat in the back seat restlessly, her eyes kept looking at the receding scenery outside the window. After two or three minutes, she finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and turned her head to look at the man across from her depressedly.

"I said...Mr. Lu, do you have something to say to me?"

It's been 3 minutes since getting in the car. Lu Yanchen just sat across from her without saying a word, staring at her without blinking, just like staring at a prey...

Song Yan felt her scalp numb even though her nerves were slow.

However, the interior seat layout of this extended business car is different from that of ordinary cars.

The rear seats are not side-by-side straight seats, but two opposite rows of seats. The seats are as wide and comfortable as a set of small sofas, and there is a coffee table in the middle.

However, the space inside the car is not a real interior. In order to ensure sufficient spaciousness and comfort, there is no coffee table, but a blank space is deliberately left. Instead, a small platform is designed next to the armrests on both sides of the seat. It's also a small coffee table.

This kind of seat design is indeed very user-friendly, but under such circumstances, it will inevitably appear a little unfriendly.

Song Yan and Lu Yanchen sat alone on one side of the seat. The posture of facing each other made it almost impossible for Song Yan to avoid the man's gaze. Even if she cast her gaze out of the window, she could feel the numbness of the back of her head from being stared at inch by inch...

That taste is really too uncomfortable.

Song Yan endured and endured, but in the end she couldn't hold back, she simply turned her head and asked directly.

Say anything you want to say.

What does it mean to stare at her without saying a word?
Seeing that goose bumps all over her body were about to pop out, she felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles.

Never before has the resentment in Song Yan's heart been so strong, and she is deeply depressed why Lu Yanchen is a silent and paralyzed face...

It was just too painful to communicate!She didn't even know where to start.

So I had to play a straight ball simply and rudely...

When Lu Yanchen heard her words, he raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was asking why she said that.

Song Yan secretly rolled her eyes in her heart, and had to explain: "You have been staring at me, isn't it because...do you want to tell me something?"

As she said that, she paused for a moment, and offered a suggestion with a sincere face: "If there is really something, you can just speak directly, and I will listen carefully."

As long as you are willing to speak up, everything is negotiable.

Saying nothing is the worst thing.

Looking at the expression on her face, Lu Yanchen didn't know if he could see the entanglement and helplessness in her heart, and finally said: "There is indeed something, I forgot to ask you yesterday."

Sure enough... She guessed what was going on.

Thinking of this in her heart, Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief, pulled herself together and asked, "What's the matter, just ask."

It's up to her whether to say it or not.

But Song Yan thought to herself, she hasn't done anything special recently, so there should be... nothing she can't say, right?

Lu Yan Shen said: "Who was the person who had an argument with you yesterday in the film crew?"


Song Yan was stunned for three seconds before finally realizing what he was talking about, she couldn't help being dumbfounded, "This is what you want to ask?"

She had a look of astonishment and surprise on her face, as if she was wondering if she had heard correctly.

Lu Yan looked at her calmly, nodded slightly, and asked again: "Is it convenient to say?"

"That's not true, what's so convenient about it..." After Song Yan was sure that she had heard correctly, the expression on her face couldn't help but be complicated.She glanced at Lu Yanchen who was on the opposite side, stretched out her hand and scratched her cheek, and asked with some embarrassment and confusion, "However, can you tell me first, what do you want to ask this for?"

She was a little unclear about the purpose of Lu Yanchen's question.

Yesterday in the film crew, she had an argument with the male artist Luo Kaige because of a misunderstanding, which was quite unpleasant. At that time, she happened to be on the phone with Lu Yanchen, and there was no time to hang up, so Lu Yanchen got through the phone call , indirectly heard the conflict between her and Luo Kaige.

This is actually quite embarrassing...

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see Luo Kaige's reason for coming. Song Yan is in the entertainment circle herself, so she is more or less familiar with it, but Lu Yanchen is an outsider. Hearing such "unspoken rules" suddenly, I guess I feel It won't be too good...

He didn't know Luo Kaige, so whatever thoughts he had in his mind would only fall on Song Yan.

As another party involved, Song Yan was able to speak sharply when facing Luo Kaige, the culprit, but she was somewhat embarrassed when facing Lu Yanchen, an outsider who stayed out of the matter.

She subconsciously didn't want Lu Yanchen to misunderstand anything.

But at the same time, I feel that this kind of thinking is quite inexplicable...

Lu Yanchen is not someone of hers, apart from the relationship of employment, they may not even be considered friends.

Since that is the case.

So what does it matter if Lu Yanchen misunderstood or not?
Why should she care about such things?

It's not necessary at all... is it?

Anyway, over the years, she has been misunderstood not once or twice.The number of times increased, and I gradually got used to it if I was not used to it.

Not even an explanation is necessary.

People who believe in you will naturally believe in you, and those who don't believe in you, no matter how you explain it, it's useless.

Song Yan understood this truth a long time ago, and gradually she was unwilling to explain anything to anyone.

very tired.

It is really tiring to want someone who doesn't believe in you to change his mind and believe in you.

And it's so hard to do.

It is even more impossible to want a group of people who don't believe in you to believe in you.

She would rather keep silent than waste her energy carefully explaining something to others.

Whether the other party believes it or not.

Anyway...it doesn't have any effect on her anymore.

She doesn't care anymore.

So yesterday, after discovering that Lu Yanchen had heard her dispute with Luo Kaige, Song Yan knew that he might have misunderstood something, and the first reaction in her mind was not to let him misunderstand.

She wanted to explain, but when the words came to her lips... she swallowed them back.

In the end, he still didn't say anything.

After learning that Xiaotuanzi was suddenly ill and hurried back to the apartment, she didn't even mention it, as if she had forgotten.
At first, she deliberately didn't mention it, but later she really forgot, and her heart was all on Xiaotuanzi.

Lu Yanchen didn't ask her about it either.

Song Yan originally thought that he didn't care about this matter, and felt a little disappointed in her heart.

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