Lu Yanchen nodded to her, but said nothing.

Song Yan was also almost used to his cold and ascetic temperament, so she didn't care when she saw this, she glanced at the document in his hand, quickly took it back, and asked with a smile, "Have you finished your work, Mr. Lu?"

"Yeah." Lu Yan nodded lightly, then remembered something, glanced at Xiao Tuanzi's room downstairs, and asked, "How is Cheng Cheng? Has the fever subsided?"

Song Yan nodded, and said: "I've already retired, and I'm still in a deep sleep. I guess I won't wake up until later."

Lu Yanchen's eyes were slightly soft, and he said, "You took good care of me."

Song Yan smiled and didn't take it seriously: "It's nothing, it should be."

At any rate, she also charged Lu Yanchen such a high babysitting fee, she really deserved it...

Even if she doesn't talk about money, and only cares about the cuteness of the little guy, she is actually very happy to take care of him.


Song Yan lowered her eyes slightly, suppressing the "pity" in her heart.

Lu Yanchen suddenly glanced at her.

The morning light just opened outside the window at this time, the light was soft and light, and the air was filled with the moisture of mist, which penetrated slowly through the half-opened window on one side of the corridor.

The woman's face was soaked in this kind of light and mist, white and clean, her delicate eyebrows and eyes were more clear and elegant than usual, and a strand of slightly curly black hair slid down her cheeks, making her very gentle.

But her expression couldn't be compared with gentleness, her slightly lowered eyebrows and eyes were quiet, and compared to her charming and bright appearance after being dressed up, she was a little more cold and indifferent.

Lu Yan felt that she seemed to be thinking about something, and she was not in a good mood...

After pondering for a moment, he was about to speak, but was interrupted by the sudden sound of footsteps from the stairs.

Song Yan also heard this voice,
The two turned their heads at the same time.


After waking up early in the morning, the young but energetic butler, who changed into his butler's clothes, walked slowly up to the second floor. He seemed to be planning to go to the study room. He didn't want to see Lu Yanshen and Lu Yanchen when he looked up halfway up the stairs. Song Yan stood face to face in the corridor, the atmosphere was peaceful.

"Master, Miss Song."

The housekeeper was slightly startled, but soon regained his expression, stopped and stood on the stairs, bowed to the two of them, and said in a respectful voice as always, "Good morning, both of you. Breakfast is ready, young master and Miss Song are welcome to go downstairs to eat .”

"Understood." After being interrupted, Lu Yan calmed down, with no trace of expression on his face.

Song Yan knew very well that the housekeeper's respect and reminders were aimed at Lu Yanchen, and she couldn't get along with her, but at least he politely accepted her, and she didn't take it for granted like Lu Yanchen did, so He also nodded politely and said thank you.

The butler also nodded to her, and stood on the side of the stairs next to the wall, apparently to give way.

Lu Yanchen walked straight towards the stairs.

Song Yan paused, then followed him downstairs.

As soon as he walked into the living room, he could already faintly smell the aroma of the food coming towards his face, lingering at the tip of his nose, which made people move their index fingers.

As an entertainer, no matter whether he is popular or hit the street, he must control his diet and keep his body in shape.

Song Yan is no exception.

Her figure is quite standard, because she is born with a small frame, even if she is a little fatter, she still looks thin. After being on camera, her every move is light and beautiful.

But even so, she will control her appetite from time to time, especially when she has a job. Although she won't be like some female artists in the circle, go on a diet for filming, even at the expense of hurting her body, and end up with a whole body of diseases... However, under the premise of ensuring her health, Song Yan will also appropriately reduce her caloric intake.

For example, eat less for dinner, do not touch any beverages such as milk tea and fried snacks...

These have no harm to the body, but are quite beneficial.

Because Song Yan's own gastrointestinal function is not very good, she didn't pay attention before, and she suffered from chronic stomach problems.It is useless to take medicine for this kind of disease. It can only be recuperated slowly in daily life. It is a little bit to get better, but it is easy to relapse.

So when conditions permit, Song Yan still pays great attention to her body, and she doesn't even dare to go too far on dieting and losing weight. Instead, she tries to choose exercises that are good for her body and adjust her diet appropriately.

The only disadvantage of doing this is probably that it is easy to get hungry...

Especially if you don’t eat anything at dinner, if you have a big appetite, you may sleep until midnight and wake up hungry. You can’t help but want to eat supper, which will make you gain weight more easily, which is not good for your health.

And even if Song Yan's appetite is not too big, she won't wake up hungry in the middle of the night, but after waking up, the feeling of being empty in her stomach is very uncomfortable...

At this moment.

Song Yan smelled the aroma of breakfast in the air, and felt that all her internal organs seemed to be knotted in her stomach. She felt so tight and uncomfortable that her stomach and intestines were eager to rebel. With a "guji", she protested dissatisfied.

The voice is neither too loud nor too soft, but it is enough to be heard by the man walking in front of her...

Lu Yanshen's originally steady pace paused for a while, but he didn't look back.

The butler behind him seemed to have heard it too, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Seeing that Lu Yanchen didn't respond, he couldn't say anything. He just glanced at Song Yan's back slightly.

How could Song Yan pay attention to what was behind her...

She noticed Lu Yan's footsteps suddenly, even if he didn't look back at him strangely, her ears were faintly flushed, her face couldn't hide the slight embarrassment and embarrassment, she subconsciously pressed her hands on her abdomen, I pressed it angrily, wanting it to be quieter and stop making strange movements...

For children, it may be quite childish to have a hungry stomach growling.

But for grown-ups, it's rude and embarrassing to have a stomach rumbling...or in front of other people...

Song Yan was also born in a wealthy family. When she was young, her mother was still there, and her various training and education were very strict, and her every move was according to the standards of a lady.Although in the past few years, Song Yan has lived alone outside, and her life has become much rougher in all aspects, far from the exquisiteness of her childhood, but the etiquette and upbringing engraved in her bones cannot be covered up by external habits.

Therefore, I always feel extremely embarrassed about this kind of near-disrespectful thing.

The tips of Song Yan's ears were burning, and she didn't know what to do for a while, so she could only pretend to be calm and composed, pretending that nothing happened, trying to get over it vaguely.

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