Song Yan looked at the little guy's awkward and embarrassed look, and almost laughed out loud. She finally held back it with difficulty, but it was useless. In the end, she simply took the little guy and stripped him off. His clothes, stuffed him directly into the bathtub...

Xiaotuanzi didn't react the whole time, his body had been stripped naked... everything that could be seen but not seen was exposed...

After taking a bath that time, the little guy ignored Song Yan for a whole hour, wrapped himself in a small towel and huddled himself in the quilt, refusing to show his head, and sulked.

Song Yan coaxed him for a while and found it was useless, so she simply shrugged her shoulders, let him stay, and went into the bathroom to take a shower by herself.

——Because the little guy's wound can't get wet, she has to be extra careful when bathing him, and the little guy doesn't cooperate very well, he always twists his body shyly, and finally makes Song Yan covered in water, The clothes and pants were wet, so I had to wash them myself after washing them for him.

When she came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and wiping her hair, she found that Xiaotuanzi on the bed had obediently dressed herself, curled up in the middle of a pile of quilts, and fell asleep...

Still asleep, her little face was flushed, and her whole body exuded the milky fragrance of body wash, soft and cute.

Song Yan looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

Facts have proved that Cheng Cheng can never be angry with her for too long.

Even if she forcibly stripped him of his clothes and put him in the bathtub to take a bath, seriously hurting the little guy's fragile glass heart... But, after waking up, the little guy seemed to have completely forgotten about it, Sulking, she still looks soft and sweet in front of Song Yan.

It made Song Yan funny and soft-hearted...

Cheng Cheng has been recuperating for such a long time, Song Yan has to help him take a bath every two or three days, counting it has been quite a few times.

But every time, the little guy looks shy and embarrassed, refuses at the beginning, twitches when taking a bath, and is always embarrassed to see her after washing, and habitually shrinks himself under the quilt until the shyness After the strength is over, I will slowly crawl out and dress myself...

Then wait until the next time you take a shower, and start all over again.

This process is repeated almost every time, and Song Yan is getting used to it gradually, and sometimes she can't help being curious, wondering if Lu Yanshen is also so shy when bathing the little guy?
Maybe... probably not...

After all, father and son are of the same gender, so the little guy shouldn't be so shy.

Thinking about it this way, Song Yan still thought it was quite interesting. The little guy is young, but he has a strong sense of gender.

The first time she said she wanted to help him take a bath, the little guy blushed and refused righteously, on the grounds that "boys can't take a bath with girls!" It was serious and serious...

Whenever Song Yan thinks of his serious, old man-like expression, she wants to laugh unkindly in her heart, so she also develops a naughty little hobby, and occasionally likes to deliberately tease him.

But now, Song Yan's words were obviously teasing him on purpose, the deep smile in her eyes was full of jokes and ridicule.

Cheng Cheng can actually see it, but it's a pity that his skin is too thin, and before he has time to get angry with her bad taste, his little face is already red, so he can only open a pair of big eyes angrily, and look at her with a full face of accusation. she.

As if trying to force out the shame in her heart with her eyes...

"Pfft!" Song Yan was not ashamed at all, but couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the angry and shy dumpling with bulging cheeks that looked like a little frog, she could hardly stop laughing.

The little dumpling was completely blown up!

He wouldn't lose his temper with Song Yan, he would just hold back his anger.

And the way of sulking is also very unique...

Song Yan watched him so angry that his cheeks swelled up, his little hands grabbed the quilt vigorously, lifted the cover to the top of his head, and the whole person shrank into the quilt like a little hamster drilling a hole, full of anger into a ball...

The light and soft quilt covered his small body, and a ball bulged in the middle, round and round, which quite honestly outlined his body posture at the moment.


Song Yan bit the tip of her tongue, and managed to hold back the laughter that spread from her throat, but when she spoke, there was still a little smile in her voice that couldn't be concealed, and said: "Okay, okay, I'm sorry , I won't tease you, okay?"


The little ball of fur ball was stuffed in the bed and said nothing.

The smile in Song Yan's voice became stronger, and she asked, "Are you really angry?"


The little fur ball wrapped in the quilt still ignored her and didn't move.

Song Yan held back her smile and stretched out a finger to poke the little fur ball.The motionless little ball of fur shook like a cat with fur fried.

"Be good, don't get bored in the quilt, be careful that you get bored." Song Yan coaxed him softly, but her slender, white and tender fingertips poked the little fur ball one after another, with neither heavy nor light strength.

Xiaotuanzi was very ticklish, and he didn't know where Song Yan's finger had poked him, but the little fur ball curled up in the quilt trembled and trembled, as if it had been electrocuted, and it was still trembling quite a bit sense of rhythm.

It was so ridiculous that Song Yan's fingertips were trembling. If she hadn't bit her lips tightly, she would have been unable to hold back her laughter...

"..." Xiaotuanzi trembled for a long time, not only did not calm down, but was even angrier after being poked by her.

Song Yan saw the little fur ball huddled in the quilt suddenly move, first rolled to the left, then rolled to the right, rolled up the quilts on both sides, wrapped around her body, it was not a big deal at first The big fur ball suddenly "fat" around.

All the quilts on Song Yan's side were swept away by him, not even a corner of the quilt was left for her.

When she was sleeping, she was wearing two-piece long-sleeved pajamas. The style was a little conservative, and the whole body was covered tightly. In addition, the heating was always on in the room, and the temperature was moderate. Even if she left suddenly Under the covers, I don't feel cold.

Song Yan just leaned against the head of the bed with a smile and didn't move. Seeing the fattened "big hairball" on the bed, she pushed hard and rolled towards the foot of the bed. She was far away from Song Yan, obviously refusing to poke her. up.

"Ahem..." Song Yan coughed twice violently, suppressing the unbearable smile between her lips and teeth.

Seems like a bit of a joke...

If the teasing continues, this chubby hairball will probably roll all the way under the bed.

It's pitiful to think about it, let's forget it...

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