Especially those children who know that their father has an illegitimate child outside...

Nobody wants to be stepped on.

Because once they are stepped down by illegitimate children, not only they will lose face and status, but also their mothers who are closely related to them.

Even the Lu family will lose face because of this...

The Lu family has always been on the side of the first wife and legitimate children.

If a legitimate child who was carefully raised by the family is not as capable as an illegitimate child who lives outside, it will be a shame and a failure for the reputation and education of the Lu family.

Naturally, the Lu family didn't want to see this kind of thing happen.

Therefore, the Lu family's education and training of the family's children is very strict, and it can even be said to be a bit harsh and cruel.

The reason why Mr. Lu had such a heartless and indifferent personality when he was young is also inseparable from the Lu family's excessive emphasis on profit and education.

Later, after Mr. Lu had a son, he treated his son in the same way.

As a result, Lu Yanchen also developed a cold and reticent temperament. Although he is ambitious and talented in business development, he lacks a lot of emotional things compared to ordinary people...

To put it simply.

The Lu family's way of cultivating their descendants is rather extreme and extreme.

It only considers how to excavate a person's talent and cultivate it into an elite and talent, but ignores the spiritual and emotional needs of normal people, and even deliberately suppresses and controls them.

As a result, there is never a shortage of talents in all aspects in the Lu family, but these people's personalities and emotions are much thinner than normal people, and some of them are even so cold that they are almost non-existent. They are calm and rational like robots with programmed programs. .

Mr. Lu's indifference and indifference to his family and children, in addition to his nature, also has the problem of family education.

Lu Yanchen also grew up in this kind of education and training.

For some reason, although his personality was a bit colder, he was not as completely cold as Mr. Lu.

Regarding the family's cultivation methods, he recognized some of them and didn't think there was a big problem, so he used these methods on his son.

From generation to generation.

Lu Yanchen didn't feel how strict he was with Cheng Cheng. Born in Lu's family, almost every child came through like this. As many benefits as they enjoy, they have to bear as many responsibilities.

However, Song Yan couldn't accept his request to Xiaotuanzi.

She doesn't know how the Lu family educates their children, but no matter how you look at it, Xiaotuanzi, who is not yet six years old, is already very good, and even makes people feel distressed.

She has no right to accuse Lu Yanchen of being too demanding as a father, and she has no position to question the problems of the Lu family's education.

As an outsider who was hired to take care of Xiaotuanzi for a short period of time, the simplest thought in Song Yan's heart was to hope that Xiaotuanzi could live happily and contentedly every day while Xiaotuanzi was recuperating.

Like a real carefree kid.

Perhaps in this way, when the contract time between her and Lu Yanchen is over and she is about to leave, she can feel more at ease.

It's just that although she thought so in her heart, she was inexplicably sentimental, and she didn't know how to express her feelings.

She has always liked Cheng Cheng.

From the first time they met in the hospital, she felt that this child was born so beautiful, and he was so cute that people couldn't help but remember it in their hearts when they saw it.

So at that time, Song Yan didn't hesitate to donate her blood to him.

Later, by accident, she was hired out of nowhere to be the little guy's temporary nanny. Although she was very happy in her heart, she didn't dare to like him too much...

She was afraid that if she liked this child too much, when she was about to leave in the future, she would be very, very reluctant...

But there is no reason to continue to stay, and at the same time... it is not suitable to stay.

Lu Yanchen is not married so far. He is alone with a child, which is attracting attention. If he stays with a single woman for a long time, he doesn't need to think about how bad the rumors will spread...

Even if Song Yan and Lu Yanchen didn't mind, the Lu family would not allow this kind of thing to happen.

So, why wishful thinking?
It's better to be mentally prepared from the beginning, restrain your emotions, so as not to lose control when things come to an end.

Song Yan thought so at first.

But obviously, she overestimated her control over her feelings, and underestimated Xiaotuanzi's influence on her.

After only getting along for a few days, she couldn't help liking this little guy more and more. At one point, she even wanted to hang around him, and didn't even want to shoot scenes.

Especially when she left the little guy alone in the apartment and went to work by herself, Song Yan couldn't adapt to the deep sense of guilt she felt, and could only press it firmly in her heart.

This is also a very novel, even incredible experience for her...

Since leaving the Song family, she has been living alone all these years, and she has long been used to being alone. She doesn't need to worry about other people when doing anything, and it is enough to make her own decisions.

Although occasionally feel lonely and lonely, but more often, it is indeed very free.

But since the appearance of Xiaotuanzi, Song Yan suddenly felt a sense of entanglement. There was another little guy who would worry and miss her in her heart. The taste was very different, warm and reassuring.

Occasionally, there are some helpless headaches...

Is this what it's like to be a "mom"?It seems... It's not the same as other people, and it's not the same as she imagined.

But Song Yan didn't reject it.

On the contrary, he was a little happy, and couldn't help but want to pamper Xiaotuanzi more.


Lu Yan watched silently as she held the little guy in her arms and stood in the living room distracted. The expression on her face changed, sometimes dissatisfied and sometimes sad, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

He raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, he couldn't help but regret what he said just now.

She's just a woman, and most women are soft-hearted.

What's more, she has never lived in the Lu family, so naturally she doesn't know some of the Lu family's rules, and it's normal for her to be uncomfortable and unacceptable.

Don't worry about it right now, as the days go by, she will naturally adapt slowly.

Even if you don't get used to doesn't matter much.

Lu Yan thought indifferently, let go of his fingers, and lowered his eyebrows: "Forget it, today's situation is special, it's up to you."

Song Yan came back to her senses, and together with Xiaotuanzi who was lying tightly in her arms, she looked at him with surprise on her face.

The expressions of one big and one small are almost like retreating, and there are stars in their eyes.

Lu Yanchen's eyes softened slightly, and his tone softened a bit: "Rest early, it's not an example."

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