Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 218 Chapter 218 The scum is so clear (1)

After Song Yan learned about these things, she simply didn't know what to say...

Cheng Cheng has lived in the old Lu family house since he was born.

Although Lu Yanchen loves this son very much, and he lives in the old house, he is not far away from him.

But he himself is busy with work, working overtime for many years, and hardly has a normal rest time.Especially in the years when Cheng Cheng was about two years old, when Disheng Group was expanding rapidly, Lu Yanchen, as the person in charge, was so busy that he couldn't see the end. He even spent a whole year on the plane almost every day. One can imagine how busy he is...

Under such circumstances, as a father, Lu Yanshen can know how much time he can spend with his son without thinking about it.

Like many children of the Lu family.

During the time when Cheng Cheng lived in the Lu family's old house, most of the housekeepers and servants took care of him.

He is the highest-ranked grandson of the fourth generation of the Lu family, and he is deeply loved by the current patriarch of the Lu family, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu.

However, the love of the elders of the next generation is different from the love of the elders of the direct line after all...

Lu Yanchen is the only biological son under Mr. Lu's knees, but he also grew up accompanied by servants and rarely gets close to his biological parents, so he developed a cold and reticent personality.

Even his own workaholic character is inherited from Mr. Lu's style.

Old man Lu's personality and style were similar to his when he was young, and even a little more excessive.

If it is said that a person's energy can be divided into [-]%, then Mr. Lu spent almost [-]% of his energy on work at the beginning, and barely left the remaining [-]% for his family.

And of this [-]%, another [-]/[-] was distributed to parents and other clan members.

One third was given to his own married wife, who is now Mrs. Lu.

The last third belongs to the son.

Even this little bit... was left out because of the need to cultivate an excellent son to inherit the family business.

Of course, Mr. Lu would choose to marry Mrs. Lu, and give his wife a rare one-third of one-tenth of his energy, also because he needed an heir of his own blood.

If not, with Mr. Lu's personality when he was young, he almost wanted to devote all his energy to work. How could he have time to find a woman to marry and have a son?
Even Mrs. Lu, the candidate for a commercial marriage, was chosen for him by his parents before their death...

Before Mr. Lu got married, he didn't even see what his fiancée looked like, so he got married directly.

Such a marriage, to put it bluntly, is a business union, marriage and mutual assistance.

To put it bluntly, it is actually no different from the blind marriage in the feudal era.

we can even say.

If it weren't for the continuation and inheritance of the Lu family, there must be a male from the direct line to stand up and lead the situation, so as not to be replaced by a side branch, and Mr. Lu was the only male in the direct line at that time, so he simply didn't want to get married. I have no interest in starting my own little family...

Marriage is to have a son so that he can inherit the family business in the future.

In addition, whether it is a wife or a child...

For the young and ambitious Mr. Lu, there was no value in existence at all.

On the contrary, it is a drag.

So in the end, even though he got married and had a son, Mr. Lu's ambition and nature have not changed. He is not enthusiastic about his small family, but appears very cold and indifferent.

Lu Yanchen was born under such circumstances.

Even before he was three years old, he hadn't actually met his father except in photographs.

Mrs. Lu...is a very traditional woman, because of her birth date, she received a relatively traditional education.

Although it has not reached the point of three obediences and four virtues, it is indeed the style of "taking the husband as the sky".

Although she has a gentle personality and loves her children deeply, she will never oppose any of her husband's decisions, and even obeys every word of her husband...

When Mr. Lu was young, he was full of ambitions and had no interest in married life. Instead, he only wanted to carry forward the family business and make himself more brilliant.So not long after he got married, he left his newly pregnant wife at home and flew abroad alone. He went away for several years, leaving only the words "take good care of the children at home, don't be too spoiled".

Because of his words, Mrs. Lu remembered deeply in her heart. She gave birth to the child alone, but never raised it by her side. Instead, she handed it over to the servants of the Lu family to take care of it. Independent, not spoiled by parents...

Several years after Lu Yanshen was born, there were only a handful of opportunities to meet his parents, and the servants around him changed from batch to batch, countless, but he had no real relatives.

A child has never seen his parents since he was a child, and only grows up under the care of a group of outsiders who come and go. One can imagine what kind of character he will develop.

That's why Lu Yanchen has been cold and reticent since he was a child, and he doesn't like to have close friendships with anyone. He is very polite and distant to outsiders or his parents, and there is no difference.

It wasn't until many years later that a major event happened to the Lu family. Mr. Lu was seriously injured, and his personality gradually improved, and he devoted more energy to his wife and children.

It's a pity that at that time, Lu Yanchen had already grown up, and his personality had already been finalized. He was completely uninterested in the belated "fatherly love" of old man Lu, and the relationship between father and son was as distant as ever.

The only good thing is that when Mr. Lu was young, his indifference to the children of the family was not only reflected in Mrs. Lu and Lu Yanchen, but he was also ruthless towards other women outside.

Mr. Lu cheated on him when he was young, and he had a lot of women outside. I'm afraid even he himself doesn't remember how many...

However, there is not a single woman who can be called his mistress or concubine.

Because Mr. Lu treats all women the same, he only cares about his kidneys but not his heart, he never takes cheating seriously, and he never pays attention to any woman who sleeps with him. .

His heart is all on his own ambition and future, even getting married and marrying a wife is to give birth to a son to inherit the family business, so why would he waste his energy on other women outside?
What's more, at that time, he already had an excellent son, who was born to him by his real wife. The name was right and smooth, so naturally he didn't need the messy women outside to continue to give birth to him.

After all, in Mr. Lu's opinion, it is enough to have a son with good qualifications to inherit the family business, and there is no need for too much.

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