Not only is it beautiful, but it also smells...

Xiaotuanzi smelled the faint scent of flowers left on the lipstick, it smelled so good, she couldn't help but raised her head, and saw Song Yan's face flushed a little bit, the color on her lips faded a little.

"Mom." The little guy understood immediately, pouted his lips, seemed a little helpless,

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't do it on purpose." Song Yan held back a smile and apologized, it seemed that she was very insincere.

But in fact, she really didn't do it on purpose, it's all because Xiaotuanzi's way of speaking was too cute just now, which made her dizzy for a while. Before, she remembered that Xiaotuanzi couldn't touch her face with makeup, but when she turned her head, she I forgot, I even put my lips on Xiaotuanzi's face...

Although the appearance of a lip print on the little face is also very interesting, the little guy doesn't seem to like it very much.

Song Yan couldn't help regretting that she couldn't take a picture of this scene with her mobile phone. After thinking about it, she handed the little dumpling to Lu Yanchen, "Hug it first, and I'll get a hot towel to wipe Cheng Cheng's face."

"Well, let's go." Lu Yanchen nodded and stretched out his hand, took back his son who was obviously reluctant, and sat in his arms easily.

Song Yan looked at his relaxed appearance with some envy, as if what he was holding was not a child, but a fluffy kitten, she couldn't help pinching her thin arms, feeling a little sore.

Cheng Cheng looks slender and thin, a small one doesn't seem to weigh much, but in fact, his weight is not very light, which falls within a very healthy and normal range.

The reason why he looks thinner than other children of the same age is actually because Cheng Cheng is born with a small frame, which is thinner than that of ordinary boys, but slender than that of girls, so even a well-proportioned and healthy body , looks thin to the naked eye, with a small body.

Song Yan was worried about the little guy's weight before, thinking that he looked too thin, and thinking about how to make him fatter and healthier. Later, she learned the real weight of the little guy and hugged her a few times, She was completely speechless...

The nickname Ganqing Xiaotuanzi is not wrong at all!
Saying he is a dumpling, he is really a little meat dumpling...

The whole body is covered with soft, tender little soft meat, and when the little hand is spread out, there is even a small dimple on the back of the hand!Although it looks thin and small, but that kind of's really not light at all...

When Song Yan hugged him for the first time, because she was completely unprepared, she almost twisted her waist. The unbelievable feeling of shock is simply not worth mentioning...

Even after knowing Xiaotuanzi's real weight, he was mentally prepared.

However, with Song Yan's physical strength, holding him for at most half an hour is completely unbearable. Her arms are so sore that she can't hold him even if she wants to...

It's not like Lu Yanshen, hugging Xiaotuanzi is like hugging a kitten, it's so light, it doesn't matter how long you hug it.

Song Yan was still a little envious.

But then again, although Cheng Cheng and Lu Yanchen are biological father and son, apart from their looks, they are not alike in physique at all.

Lu Yanchen belongs to the typical male body type, with a broad frame, slender and strong, which makes his body proportions particularly perfect and beautiful, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. Almost no faults can be found.

But Xiaotuanzi was different, even somewhat different from Lu Yanchen.

His skeleton is obviously much thinner than that of ordinary boys, and even looks a little thinner, less robust and sturdy.If it weren't for the slender skeleton, it would almost look like a girl.

The shape of the skeleton directly determines the proportion of a person's body shape. No matter how fat or thin, this proportion is fixed and innate, and there is no way to modify it after birth.

For example, how big is a person's head, how broad are their shoulders, what is the ratio of upper body to lower/half body, how long are their legs...

These are determined by the skeleton, as much as there is, and cannot be changed or adjusted.

This is why many people call the modeling industry "God rewards me with food".

Because every famous model has perfect body proportions and is born with it. Apart from the weight that can be adjusted later in life, their height, leg length, and the shape of the waist and hips are all born with them.

Without God's love, no matter how envied others are, they would not be able to snatch the model's legs and transplant them to themselves. At most, they would lose weight, exercise their muscles, and make their imperfect body look smoother and more beautiful...

Although Xiaotuanzi's skeleton is a bit small, the overall proportions are perfect, good-looking, and very slender, giving people a tall feeling. Compared with girls' skeletons, they are a little more restrained sense of power.

Even now, he is still young, but judging from his skeleton, he can already see that he is stunning and beautiful when he grows up, not inferior to his father at all.

It is also a kind of coincidence, Xiaotuanzi's skeleton body is not like his father Lu Yanshen, but has a strange resemblance to Song Yan.

Song Yan also belongs to the type with a slender frame, but it is much slender than the average girl's frame, which has nothing to do with being petite at all.

Although she looks thin, she is not light. She is about 1.7 meters tall. She is quite tall. She can reach 1.7 meters in casual shoes with heels. Standing next to a slightly shorter man, she is completely tall. Not to mention much, plus the body proportions are quite good, it looks taller than the actual height, completely crushing men under 1.8 meters.

What's more, she is an artist by profession, and high heels are basically standard equipment. You can step on a pair of shoes that are about five or six centimeters... Basically, no male artist would dare to stand with her.

She is really not tall enough to lose her face!
After all, a man like Lu Yanchen, who is close to 1.9 meters tall, tall and slender, with almost perfect proportions, is very rare even in the entertainment industry...

Song Yan was overwhelmed by half of her head standing in front of him, not to mention those male artists who were crushed by Song Yan.

According to the general situation, tall people generally have large skeletons and look stronger than others. There are very few types with small and slender skeletons.

Just like Lu Yanchen.

With his height, if the body proportions were not amazing enough, he would look very strong and strong.

If he was a little fatter, he could even be described as burly and strong. How could he feel like a tall and slender nobleman now?

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