Instead, the wife and children who were abandoned by him continued to live in the Lu family. Not only were they not affected in any way, but they also received extra compensation from the family. On the contrary, their lives were more nourishing than before...

And the unlucky ones who were kicked out of the Lu family often regretted their stupidity and impulsiveness within a few months.

Because they lost the halo of the Lu family, they are just ordinary people without any privileges, and their lives are not as comfortable as those ordinary rich people.

And the woman they are willing to give up everything and want to be together, who can be the little/third mistress, is originally aimed at their Lu family's identity, but in the end they can't steal the chicken. After losing this layer of identity, they How many of them do not feel regretful and are willing to live a normal life with the benefactor?

It is conceivable that there are very few...

The end result is often a bamboo basket to fetch water, and people and money are empty, so among those stupid people who were kicked out by the Lu family, there are not many people who do not regret it.

It's just that it's too late to regret...

None of the decisions made publicly by the Lu family will go back and forth, and they have always been implemented to the end.

It is precisely because of this seemingly inhuman iron-bloodedness and ruthlessness, under the influence of orders and prohibitions, that the whole Lu family is united. No one dares to easily violate the family rules. It's coming...

Under such constraints and restrictions, the internal struggles of the Lu family have been greatly reduced. Although they have not completely disappeared, compared to other wealthy families, the Lu family is almost regarded as a power struggle that involves life and death lawsuits every now and then. It is a rare clean place.

It is simply a clear stream among the wealthy and famous families...

How else could the Lu family be smart?

If a huge wealthy family is compared to a big tree with luxuriant branches, most people can only see the size and luxuriance of the tree, but they can't see the intricate and intertwined roots under the roots and in the soil.

A healthy tree will seldom wither due to pure external pressure, just like a thriving wealthy family, it will seldom fail and go bankrupt due to pure commercial battles...

On the contrary, the withering and collapse of a big tree often starts from internal unfavorable factors.

For example, borers appear in the tree body.

Or the root system withered, unable to continue to support the growth of the tree...

As a result, the branches and leaves slowly withered and withered, and finally completely collapsed and fell down.

The same is true for wealthy families, together with their own properties, problems start from the inside first, and the problems become more and more serious, gradually affecting the outside, and eventually both internal and external troubles will attack, and the iron-clad country will collapse one day... …

There are no real idiots among the rich, and it's not that no one in the family or company is aware of the problem.

Internal troubles are more serious than external troubles.

The old adage that one must first settle down while fighting against the outside world is indeed very reasonable, except for special circumstances.

But the only one who really took it to heart, took it as a warning, and didn't even care about blood relatives, and really carried it out ruthlessly... was only the Lu family.

As long as the Lu family can really maintain the bottom line.

The illegitimate children were completely isolated, and the interests of legitimate children were protected by all means, so that the family's backyard was peaceful, and there had never been any serious troubles. ,
However, other families are often unable to do it thoroughly due to various reasons.

Either he was reluctant to bear the blood of his illegitimate child, or he couldn't bear the heart to punish the offspring of the family who made mistakes, or he was lucky and felt that it didn't matter once in a while...

So time and time again, the accumulation is too much, and the bottom line no longer exists.

There will even be scenes where the husband leads the illegitimate child into the house openly, the wife is ruthless and merciless, and repeatedly secretly plots, the backyard catches fire, the family fails to start a family, and the dirty and scandalous intrigues follow one after another.

Even if everything is not particularly serious, and it is far from being irreparable, it is precisely this cumulative damage time and time again that has caused more and more moths and wounds inside the "big tree". Slowly wither, sooner or later, the whole "tree" will completely dry up and die.

Whether in ancient times or modern times, intrigues about power struggles are always the most dangerous and the most bloodless...

But in the Lu family, other things may not be guaranteed, but as an outsider like a private doctor, as long as he does his job well, at least he doesn't have to worry about being involved in a wealthy family for no reason. Infighting...

If you are really unlucky and unlucky to meet...

As far as the Lu family's level of battle is concerned, ordinary small shrimps may not even be able to touch the edge line. If they touch it, they will die. They can give up even struggling. The chances are almost as good as natural disasters. .

This is one aspect of it, and on the other hand, the private doctor is thankful that he has not encountered a difficult and brainless employer.

Needless to say, Lu Yanshen is his number one employer, but he basically doesn't see each other all year round, and it makes almost no difference whether he is there or not.As for the young master Lu Shaocheng...the chances to meet are a little more, but not too much, and he is also not a difficult person. The doctor is quite lucky after the few times of contact, and sighs with himself several times. good luck...

But he didn't expect that Feng Shui will take turns, and there will always be a day when good luck and bad luck will be reversed.

How sensible and obedient Xiaotuanzi used to be, now that he loses his temper all of a sudden, it's a headache...


The private doctor originally stayed at the Lu family's old house, but when he received a call from the housekeeper, he hurried over with a medical kit when he learned that Xiao Tuanzi had suddenly developed a fever.

Because of the distance, when he arrived at the Rongya Club, he happened to meet Lu Yanchen who had also rushed back from the company after receiving the news, so they went into the room together and prepared to give Xiaotuanzi a temporary physical examination. If the fever is serious If it doesn’t work, you have to get an injection or a drip. If it doesn’t work, you have to go to the hospital, depending on the situation...

The doctor had planned this in his heart, but when he entered the room, he was met with an unprecedented resistance from the little guy. Not to mention a careful examination, he couldn't even get a little closer. As soon as he took out the thermometer, the little guy was Got into the blanket, rolled all the way to the corner of the bed, refused to come out no matter how coaxed...

If it was another patient, the doctor might still be able to treat him, but if Xiaotuanzi did this, the private doctor would have nothing to do.

How dare he force this young master?I don't want to cooperate, so he can only stare with big eyes...

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