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Chapter 198 Chapter 198 Children's Nature

As soon as the words were finished, Song Yan hadn't reacted yet, but Xiaotuanzi, who was huddled in her arms, suddenly raised her head. A very angry expression appeared on her sad and wronged face, and she glared at her father!

Actually complained to Mommy!
Dad is so bad!
Xiaotuanzi was very angry, his little face became redder with anger, his eyes were shining brightly, but he was much more energetic than the sickly look before.

Song Yan: "..."

So, Lu Yanchen didn't actually lie to her?
This little thing doesn't seem to be a serious problem, and he still has the energy to get angry with his own father...

Song Yan was both amused and helpless in her heart, but she was not angry, but the urgent worry in her heart slowed down a lot.Before she was really sure that Xiaotuanzi was in good health, she couldn't feel completely at ease, but she was not as anxious as she was at the beginning.

Lu Yan lowered his eyes, stared at his angry son for a second, then raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a smile that was not a smile.

Then, he glanced at Song Yan again.

Xiaotuanzi didn't realize it at first, but subconsciously raised his head, and met "Mummy" helplessly looking at him, his little face was stunned, and the world fell apart instantly!


He was so busy being angry with his father that he forgot that his mother was still looking at him!

Mommy must be angry, thinking that he deliberately lied to her...

Xiaotuanzi became anxious all of a sudden, he didn't care about his own father, so he grabbed Song Yan's sleeve in a hurry, showing a pitiful expression, and said aggrievedly: "Mommy, Chengcheng didn't do it on purpose, mom Don't be angry...don't ignore Chengcheng..."

As he said that, he grabbed Song Yan's sleeve with his small hand and shook it twice, begging for mercy and acting coquettishly at the same time, looking really pitiful.

Lu Yan looked at his son's obedient behavior in silence, feeling a little helpless and amused at the same time.

Because he had no mother since he was a child, Chengcheng is different from other children from healthy families, and he is closest to his only father.

The Lu family is a family with many relatives, and the development of the clan is flourishing, and there are naturally many members of the clan who flow the same blood.The little guy was born in such a family, but he understood the difference between "family" and "clan" from an early age.

Once upon a time, Xiaotuanzi relied on Lu Yanchen as much as he relied on Song Yan now.

Only in front of him, Xiaotuanzi will be willful and playful, and occasionally play tricks and be unreasonable, but for the rest of the Lu family, even Mr. Lu who loved him very much since childhood, he is also well-behaved and polite, precocious and sensible , have never done anything willful in front of Mr. Lu...

It was also because of this that Mr. Lu valued him more and loved him more, thinking that he would definitely achieve something in the future.

Just like his father Lu Yanchen, like a father, like a son.

This is not because Mr. Lu is biased in his grandson's identity, but because the Lu family still upholds the old saying "you look at people when they are young, and they look at old when they are three years old".

It means,

It is best to start watching people from an early age.A child's character and behavior at the age of three is enough to get a glimpse of what he will be like when he grows up.

This proverb has been around for a long time. Although it seems a bit extreme, it is undeniable that it does have some truth.

Mr. Lu firmly believed in this. In Xiaotuanzi's various performances, he saw outstanding qualities that were different from ordinary children. He was extremely satisfied with this precious little grandson in his heart, so he naturally doted on him.

However, the old man never thought about it...

Sometimes, children act sensible and precocious to adults, but in fact it is a manifestation of alienation and strangeness.

Many adults always have a contemptuous and arrogant mentality towards children, thinking that little kids don’t know anything, and they can’t do anything, so they can only listen to adults obediently and be honest.

But in fact, young and ignorant children are more sensitive and intelligent than adults in some aspects.

They are like small animals, they are really ignorant, but they have a natural sensitivity and intuition, which is enough for them to judge and perceive their own situation more keenly than adults.

Only in front of people they can truly trust, children will unscrupulously show their nature, be it cunning or self-willed, have a strong desire to explore and curiosity about new things in the outside world, this is the nature of children Nature.

But for those who feel that they are not trustworthy, the child will restrain himself and dare not to toss and mess around unscrupulously, because he is not sure whether it is safe for him to do so... So he behaves quietly and well-behaved.

This is why, when some children are in their own homes, Hu Tian behaves like a little devil, and no one can control them, but when they are in front of outsiders, they become very quiet and shy. It's like a different person...

Of course, such acute natural traits are often only found in normal, bright-minded children.

For those bear children who are spoiled by their parents, there is no such thing as being sensitive or not.Their brains are blocked with paste, and wherever they go, they are so annoying that they want to pick them up and beat them up...

Xiaotuanzi Chengcheng naturally does not belong to the category of bear children.

Because of his single-parent family, he is even sharper and smarter than many children in normal families. In addition, he has lived in such an environment as the Lu family since he was a child, so he naturally appears more precocious and intelligent under the influence of his ears and eyes.

Although at his age, he couldn't express his feelings accurately in words, but under his keen nature, many things could not be hidden.

For example, Mr. Lu's doting on him, and Lu Yanchen's doting on him... seem to be exactly the same, there is no difference.

However, in Xiaotuanzi's heart, the same pampering and love felt completely different.

Mr. Lu treated him well with a purpose.

On the one hand, it was because of the blood relationship. After all, Xiaotuanzi was the grandson of his direct relatives, so he was naturally close and loving.On the other hand, because Xiaotuanzi is precocious and smart enough, Mr. Lu sees his future development potential and feels that he is a rare commodity, so he holds it in his hands and loves him even more, giving him whatever he wants...

However, if the situation is changed, if Xiaotuanzi is not smart enough, he will appear a little mediocre, or even have some intellectual problems...

Even if he is also the grandson of Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu treats him... I'm afraid he won't be as good as he is now.

It may even not even have one-tenth of the current love...

This is a very real thing.

Cruel as it is, it's undeniable.

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