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Chapter 184 Chapter 184 Start Shooting (2)

He had already left, but when he reached the door of the crew, he turned back, with a kind of secret firm determination.

The target is undoubtedly Song Yan...


Luo Kaige's role in the script is a noble prince whose biological mother is one of the four concubines in the harem, second only to the empress and noble concubine.Therefore, the prince played by Luo Kaige is also the most precious according to his mother. Among the twelve princes under the old emperor of Daye, he is considered to be the most favored one.

His roles are neither too many nor too few, and he can barely be regarded as a male number four.

Moreover, there is an ambiguous rivalry between his character and the "imperial concubine" played by Song Yan.

In the scenario set by the script
The old emperor of the Great Ye Dynasty admired beauty, but he was cold-hearted by nature. There were countless beauties in the harem, and he gave birth to a particularly large number of princes and princesses, adding up to almost twenty.

Of course, the script will not include all the roles of so many characters, but as a background setting, a few famous and important princes are selected as supporting roles, and the main line of the plot revolves around them.

Among the twelve princes, they were divided into three sects.

One faction is headed by Bai Yanyu, the prince of the Eastern Palace, and the fifth prince played by Luo Kaige belongs to this faction, and is the prince's most loyal dog-legged younger brother.

The crown prince Bai Yanyu was not the eldest son of the old emperor, but ranked second among the princes.

But his status is the most noble, he is the only flesh and blood left by the former empress, the blood is the most pure, and he is most recognized by the courtiers, but because of his birth, the empress died of dystocia, and was judged by the abbot of the national temple as a The fate of the lone star of Tiansha is not loved by the old emperor, but he is full of disgust for him.

Kong has the name of an orthodox East Palace, but does not have the real power of the East Palace.

The other faction among the princes is headed by the eldest prince.

The eldest prince is the elder brother of the prince Bai Yanyu, his biological mother is a concubine, and he is the old emperor's first son, the eldest son is respected, so he is quite favored by the old emperor, and he is incompatible with the prince. Conspire to seize the position of the Eastern Palace.

And the last faction, headed by the Ninth Prince, is also the leading actor in the play.

His status is equally noble, he is the direct son of the current empress, and his grandfather's family is even more famous in the town of the General's Mansion. The military power is great, which makes his status even more noble than the Crown Prince of the East Palace.

At the beginning of the plot, the Ninth Prince was still a hearty and free-spirited boy with a pure heart and no intention of competing for imperial power. Instead, he wanted to fight on the battlefield and become a general. The relationship is good, which is equivalent to being a neutral faction.

But with the development of the plot, his biological mother, the current empress, died tragically, and his grandfather's family was also slandered and framed, and all his families were ransacked on the charge of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

In order to find out the truth and take revenge, he also embarked on the road of seizing the throne, forming a three-legged situation with the crown prince and the eldest prince.

The characters who oppose the protagonist are undoubtedly villains.

And the villain is also divided into weights.

For example, the old emperor belongs to the ultimate boss, and basically cannot die until the final ending.

The imperial concubine played by Song Yan is the second boss, who is only one step behind the old emperor, so she died a few episodes earlier than the old emperor.

The crown prince Bai Yanyu was a villain of the same level as her, and the time to receive the lunch box was about the same. Coupled with the official CP, they died at the same time in the end, and the ending was tragic.

And a villain like the eldest prince is almost the male number three, and he has already left the scene in the middle of the plot to get his lunch.

As for the fifth prince played by Luo Kaige... he is a member of the prince himself, not even the third male number three, but barely the fourth male number one, but in fact he is not much better than those high-level cannon fodder...

In the plot story, the fifth prince died at the hands of Bai Yanyu, the crown prince whom he wholeheartedly sought after, and the root cause of his death was the imperial concubine played by Song Yan...

The noble concubine knew that the fifth prince was under the prince's subordinates, but out of revenge and teasing, she deliberately seduced the fifth prince with a beauty trick, and made the fifth prince so dazed that he couldn't help herself. She even wanted to plot against the prince for her sake. Being killed by the prince, the death was particularly tragic...

He was not the only prince in the script who died like this.

There are as many as three princes who were deluded by the noble concubine and killed with a knife. There are also other important court officials, military generals, etc... It can definitely be called a disaster for the country and the people.

Among these people, the fifth prince played by Luo Kaige was the first to die tragically, and also the one who died the most tragically.There are 68 episodes in the whole drama, and he went off the assembly line in about seven or eight episodes, so there are really not many roles.

But even so, because the imperial concubine wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, Luo Kaige and Song Yan still had some rivalry scenes, and they were still vaguely ambiguous.


Luo Kaige didn't notice this at first, but when he suddenly remembered it, he was ecstatic, thinking that this was God giving him a chance, and he couldn't miss it no matter what!

So, Luo Kaige, who was almost out of the crew, came back again, and just wanted to find Song Yan, but met the assistant director who was looking for artists to take makeup photos on the way, so he went to the dressing room halfway, and did a new look , and then came to the studio with other artists.

Because the role he plays is a favored prince, Luo Kaige's costume is naturally quite delicate.

Wearing a dark green robe, the hem is embroidered with golden auspicious cloud patterns, a jade belt is wrapped around the waist, covered with precious stones and colored ribbons, even the boots on the feet are covered with small pearls, and the golden crown on the head is large and luxurious , with a pretentious folding fan in his hand... His whole body exuded the smell of a dude.

Of course, this kind of dandy is not the chic and unrestrained kind, but a bit of a nouveau riche. No matter how exquisite the costumes are, they can't support his temperament, which makes people look a little displeased.

Naturally, this was also specially arranged by the screenwriter and the props team.

After all, he is just a villain cannon fodder, and some scenes are good, and the screenwriter can't set his image too well, so as not to waste his efforts.

So in the end, the image of such a dandy idiot was set.

Luo Kaige himself looks like a handsome boy with a weak temperament, and lacks a bit of fortitude and strength. If he looks better, he can dress up with a bit of elegance and gentleness, but once he puts on this vulgar clothes The dude's clothes, paired with modeling makeup, immediately distorted his temperament, and even faintly revealed a bit of lewdness/evilness...

Luo Kaige himself was actually a little dissatisfied with this, but helplessly, the director and screenwriter felt it was appropriate, so he could only grit his teeth and agree.

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