Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 168 Chapter 168 Changes in People's Hearts (3)

If Dong Fei really clarified the truth to the outside world, his ex-wife's reputation would be completely ruined, so what face would he have in the future?
This society is actually very unfair.

If something like cheating in marriage happens to a man, although it is not a good thing, it will not have too bad influence after all.

After the time has passed, the cheating man can still find a new wife, continue to live his chic life, and maybe he will be praised as "the prodigal son will never change his money."

But the ridiculous thing is, if it was a woman who cheated...she would be nailed to the pillar of shame by the public's discussion!Everyone, not just other men, even female compatriots, will spurn her, despise, scorn, ridicule... all kinds of bad rumors are enough to crush a person, and blow a good person to the point where he can never stand up again.

Simply because she is a woman.

Because of the gender differences between men and women, all kinds of helplessness and unfairness can be reflected in many things,

The most intuitive point is the chastity of men and women.

Men cheating is romantic.

The red flag at home does not fall down, and the colorful flags flutter outside the home. It is even regarded as a symbol of successful people, which is enviable.

And a woman who cheats is a bitch!
Once discovered by her husband, even if she was dragged to the street and beaten violently, others would just sneer and watch, thinking that this woman deserved what she deserved.

Things like this have happened too many times.In the subconscious of many people, the feudal thought that men are superior to women has always existed, but it has not surfaced, so they are not aware of it.


On the matter of his wife's cheating, Dong Fei, like many normal men, was angry and could not accept it.

However, there is something admirable about him.

That is, he was not overwhelmed by this kind of anger and did anything to hurt his wife. He just chose to divorce peacefully, and because he couldn't forgive, he simply separated completely.

That alone made him a real man.

Compared with those men who found out their wives were unfaithful, hurt others when they were angry, and even killed them...... more than twice as high-end?
His choice is not weak and cowardly, but a real respect for women—respect for his wife's love for him, and respect for his wife's lack of love for him now.

Good gathering and good separation, no hatred and no resentment.

It is the best farewell and kindness to a fruitless relationship.

Of course, this does not mean that Dong Fei's ex-wife's cheating was right.This has nothing to do with gender.

Derailment in marriage, betrayal of one's closest partner, no matter for any reason, cannot cover up the essence of the mistake, or even the problem of character.

It is human nature for Dong Fei not to forgive the mistakes made by his ex-wife.

But he did not rely on his wife's reasons for making mistakes, and unscrupulously retaliated and hurt her. Instead, he chose to let go directly, neither forgiving nor pursuing.This is what makes him truly admirable...

Even though it looks weak and not strong enough, in fact, there are very few people who can do this.

Even in ordinary love, if you find that your partner is in two boats, few people can break up calmly and decisively. On the contrary, most people tend to be immersed in anger and pain, and even act maliciously. revenge thing...

Of course, some people will say that the reason why those people hate revenge is also because they love too deeply.

But... No matter what the reason is, harm is harm, there is no taking it for granted, only the degree of personal choice varies.

For example.

Most people think it's normal for a girlfriend to slap a boyfriend in anger because he cheated on him.

But if the same boyfriend cheated, and the girlfriend killed him with a knife in anger, how many people would think that this should be done, and it would not be considered a crime?

This is a matter of personal choice.

This is true in love, let alone in marriage.

Homicides caused by emotional entanglements have always been common. Except for a very few people with extreme personalities, no one would think that this is normal.

Also personal choice.

On the issue of facing a lover's betrayal.

Some choose to retaliate with an eye, some choose to retaliate wildly, and some choose to endure and forgive...

Naturally, there will also be people who choose not to retaliate or hurt, neither to tolerate nor to forgive, but to completely end this relationship, so that they can get together and break up, it doesn't matter anymore.

Who can say that this choice is weak and wrong?
You must know that everyone has a different way of facing their feelings. It may be intense, it may be flat, or it may be endless. It is a personal choice.


Dong Fei chose to let go and no longer pursue it.

Under the begging of his ex-wife and father-in-law, he missed his old relationship and did not clarify his stigma to the outside world. Instead, he divorced his ex-wife in a tacit way.

He even left two-thirds of the property under his name to his ex-wife, as compensation for the hardships she had endured with him for so many years.

To be able to achieve this step, as a man who has been betrayed, Dong Fei has indeed done his best and has no regrets in his heart.

Even though the outside world speculates about the reasons for his insistence on divorce, and all kinds of stigma and smears come in waves, he has not announced the truth and saved his ex-wife's reputation, but his own reputation is notorious.

However, he underestimated the fickleness of people's hearts, and also underestimated the selfishness and greed of his ex-wife.

During the time just after the divorce, Dong Fei's ex-wife was still very grateful to him, and she really settled down a lot.

But the good times don't last long. With the intensification of external public opinion, fans, the media, and even passers-by who are idle and bored watching a good show, are desperately digging out the truth about Dong Fei's divorce...

Some people believed that Dong Fei had indeed cheated, while others firmly did not believe that he would do so, so they tried their best to track down the clues, trying to restore his reputation...

Among these people, there are not only Dong Fei's die-hard fans for many years, but also many artists in the circle...

The actor Jiang Chengluo was one of the well-known artists who directly stood up for Dong Fei at that time.

He alone has a huge fan base of tens of millions, who unconditionally support all his actions.Jiang Chengluo didn't believe that Dong Fei would cheat, and wanted to investigate the truth, so his fan base naturally followed suit, racking their brains to help the idol investigate together...

In addition, there are other artists who also appealed to their fans to help.

Dong Fei's good popularity and influence in the circle had already shown signs at that time, and the scandal that was supposed to end because of Dong Fei's divorce was completely escalated with the help of these people...

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