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Chapter 164 Chapter 164 Script (1)

Song Yan recalled the scandalous incident that caused a great deal of vigor back then, and she couldn't help showing a bit of emotion in her eyes.

At that time, she was still very young, and she vaguely remembered that she was still in high school, she was busy with her studies every day, and she almost didn't hear anything outside the window.

But even so, she had heard about Dong Fei.

It was really such a big deal that even the students in the campus talked about it, you passed it on to me, I passed it on to him, and gradually it became known to everyone.

Song Yan still vaguely remembered that she seemed to have heard about this incident from the discussions among her classmates...

It's just that she never imagined that the gossip and chatter that she heard casually back then, thinking that she had nothing to do with her, but now, she is about to meet the person involved in this incident with her own eyes, and even soon, she will cooperate with the other party in a play ...

Really unpredictable!
Dong Fei's role in the crew this time is not someone else, he just happens to be the father of the hero and the biggest villain in the play, the emperor of the Great Ye Dynasty.

The second female number Chaoyang played by Song Yan was originally the first princess of a neighboring country.

Her country has been allied with the Daye Dynasty for generations, and the relationship has always been very good, but because of the Emperor Daye's ambition to rule the world, it was eventually destroyed in a conspiracy.

As a result, Princess Chaoyang's country was ruined and her family was destroyed, turning her body into a remnant of the previous dynasty.

And the male supporting role in the play—the direct murderer who caused Princess Chaoyang's country to be ruined and her family destroyed, Bai Yanyu's real identity is actually the Eastern Palace Prince of Daye Kingdom.It's just that he was born of a former empress, and he had the reputation of restraining his father and mother since childhood, so he was not loved by Emperor Daye, and instead wanted to abolish him wholeheartedly.

In order to keep her position in the East Palace, and because she knew about Emperor Daye's ambitions, Bai Yanyu thought of annexing neighboring countries. On the one hand, she wanted to please the emperor, and on the other hand, she wanted to gain fame for herself. Secretly develop their own military power.

So he changed his name and surname, using the name of "Baiyanyu" Pianpian, deliberately approached Princess Chaoyang, deceived her sincerity, successfully obtained the border control map of the neighboring country, and finally even borrowed the hand of Princess Chaoyang, Poisoning the emperor and prince of a neighboring country caused Princess Chaoyang to poison her father, brother and mother who had always loved her with her own hands without knowing it...

It wasn't until the end that the royal family members of the neighboring country died tragically one by one, and the gate of the country was broken, that Princess Chaoyang finally discovered the scheme of her lover by her bedside.

However, at that time, she had already married Bai Yanyu, and she even had his child in her belly...

It is precisely because of her identity as the concubine of the concubine that Bai Yanyu's various calculations can be carried out smoothly, and even until the truth is finally revealed, no one has ever suspected that he is the real hidden spy...

Because Bai Yanyu's camouflage power is too deep!
In order to achieve his goal, he not only cheated Princess Chaoyang into her sincerity, but also married her under a false identity, and spent three years with her husband and wife as a son-in-law, without revealing any flaws from the beginning to the end.

Because of this, when the truth was finally revealed, Princess Chaoyang almost went crazy... No, it should be said that she was indeed already crazy.

After all, Bai Yanyu has been married to her for many years, and she has the child they have been "looking forward to" in her womb. After all, Bai Yanyu couldn't bear to kill her twice, so she planned to arrange for Princess Chaoyang to fake her death. Change her identity and bring her back to Daye.

It's a pity that he underestimated Princess Chaoyang's cruelty, and also underestimated her hatred for him...

In the end, Princess Chaoyang, who was put under house arrest by him and forced to raise her fetus, not only aborted the fetus in front of him, but also risked her life, severely wounding him with a sword, and at the same time, she was also seriously injured and fell to the ground. cliff.

Because of Princess Chaoyang's sword, Bai Yanyu's heart was damaged, and she became weak and sick from now on, and her life span was affected by it.After falling off the cliff, Princess Chaoyang did not die, but was secretly rescued by the royal shadow guard who had been hiding in the dark.

From this moment on, Princess Chaoyang, who had recovered her life, was completely blackened.

She learned that she was the only surviving bloodline of the royal family, but because of forced abortion, she completely lost the right to be a mother, and even lost the last chance to pass on the bloodline...

The desperate princess attributed all the sins to herself, and hated herself for leading wolves into the house, but she did not stop there. Instead, she spent all her remaining life on revenge, even at the cost of herself.

She ruined her face, changed into a coquettish face, changed her name and surname, and became Emperor Daye's favorite concubine, the stepmother of Prince Bai Yanyu...

Relying on such an identity, Princess Chaoyang plotted and took revenge crazily, turned the Daye government upside down, framed Zhongliang and killed innocent people indiscriminately, and did countless bloody things.

She has only one purpose, which is to let Daye destroy the country, so that Daye's royal family members will be cut off like her own relatives, and they will not exist in the world.

In the end, she almost succeeded. There were as many as seven or eight princes and princesses who died in her hands, not counting those dragon fetuses who were not born in time.Until the end, except for the male protagonist who is the prince, there are very few survivors.

Prince Bai Yanyu is also one of them.

It was at that time that he finally knew Chaoyang's identity, but it was too late.

Chaoyang had given him a chronic poison long ago, making him sick for many years, unable to do anything.And the reason why Chaoyang didn't directly ask her to die was because she wanted him to live well, to watch helplessly, and to see how the imperial power he had worked so hard to obtain was gradually destroyed in her hands... …

At this point, the two have completely become enemies, and they will never die.

In the end, Bai Yanyu was tortured almost insane by her, lost all power and status, and was demoted to a commoner. The hero and heroine finally found evidence and exposed many evil things Chaoyang had done in front of the emperor. .

In a fit of rage, the emperor wanted to execute Chaoyang, but instead he was held hostage by Chaoyang, who was almost stabbed to death by her.At the last moment, Bai Yanyu, who was already dying of illness, rushed out, blocked the knife for him, and died at Chaoyang's hands.

Because of his death, Chaoyang was in a trance, and the male protagonist took the opportunity to repel him and saved the dying emperor. Chaoyang died because of thousands of arrows piercing his heart.Her body and Bai Yanyu looked at each other from a distance, but there was an insurmountable distance between them.



The old emperor, who was seriously injured, also passed away soon. The male protagonist ascended the throne as the emperor, and the female protagonist became the queen, with all the imperial power.

The deposed prince Bai Yanyu died to save the late emperor, and after his death, he was bestowed a title by the male lead and buried in the imperial mausoleum.

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