As soon as Yao Leya had an accident, she immediately took the initiative to distance herself from the relationship.

Although this kind of behavior of turning face and denying people is a bit criticized, but considering Yao Leya's outrageous things, many people can understand Song Xuewei instead.

Especially her fans...

One by one was making troubles on Weibo all day long, talking about Song Xuewei's grievances, saying that she was deceived by Yao Leya, so she chose to be friends with her, but in fact, Song Xuewei herself is still a victim. !

Look at how miserable she was by Yao Leya!Because of Yao Leya's scandal, she even lost the endorsement she already got...

But even so, Song Xuewei never said a bad word about Yao Leya in public!
At most, they silently unfollowed Weibo and deleted some of their previous interactions!

That's kind enough already, okay?
Song Xuewei's fans were so distressed that they burst into tears. They only felt that their idol and goddess had been greatly wronged, and after being wronged, they silently endured the slander and dissatisfaction towards her from the outside world...

Fans feel bad when they think about it.

There was no need for Song Xuewei to show up in person, they spontaneously united together, formed a group to swipe the screen on the Internet, coupled with the secret guidance of the navy hired by Huaxing Company, they quickly controlled and commented in a very short period of time, and forced some opponents Song Xuewei's unfavorable public opinion was suppressed.

Gradually, because the probability of fans swiping the screen is too high.

Many netizens and passers-by who didn't know the inside story gradually believed their words, thinking that Song Xuewei was really innocent and was implicated by her bad ex-girlfriend, so she drifted with the tide and developed some sympathy and affection for her .

And Song Xuewei is also very good at seizing this kind of opportunity.

After discovering that the public opinion of netizens has gradually changed, she immediately changed her previous silent attitude, and at the right time, intentionally or unintentionally showed her "sadness", the play was well done, and naturally attracted another audience. Wave fans favor.

For onlookers outside the entertainment circle, what happens inside the entertainment circle is like a good show on the stage.

The audience can only see what is presented on the stage forever.

Whoever acts harder and more realistically, the audience will naturally gravitate towards her and trust her, and will not even carefully investigate the truth behind it.

For most people, chasing stars is just a little fun in their spare time, and it is far from the whole of their life.

Therefore, they will not spend too much effort to find the truth.

Instead, with a mentality of staying out of the way and not caring about it, he watched and booed with a smile on his face, enjoying the fresh gossip one after another, but he didn't even think about how many hidden truths and inside stories there were behind those gossips.

Because it doesn't really matter to them at all.

They just wanted to have fun.

Who wants to waste time researching the truth?Carpe diem in time, and forget after reading it, is the essential reason why they chase fresh gossip.

Song Xuewei grasped the mentality of the netizens and walked step by step, but every step was in her expectation.

to the end.

Yao Leya reaped the consequences of her own misfortune and ruined her reputation in the entertainment industry.

Although relying on her family's wealth and power, she didn't get the legal punishment she deserved, but her own reputation...had already been stinking and corrupted to a mess.

Even until now, she is still a loner in the entertainment industry.Except for the snobs who want to profit from her, almost no one wants to approach her, let alone be friends with her.

Everyone is afraid of her young lady's temper...

In a fit of rage, he dared to let the bodyguard... even beat him alive until his internal organs ruptured, and sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment...

This kind of behavior is too much!Rounding it up, what is the difference between murder and murder?
However, those fans who were beaten were fatal, and they were rushed to the hospital for rescue, and their lives were saved, so the matter didn't make a big mess just now.

Even though other artists were scheming about future resources, they didn't yell like Yao Leya at every turn, with such arrogance... Who can be friends with her without worrying about it every day?I was afraid that I would accidentally offend this eldest lady somewhere, and be beaten into the hospital by her bodyguards when I turned around...

Scary to think about.

So of course, Yao Leya became a vacuum around her.

No one wants to approach her.

Even her current "underground boyfriend" Luo Kaige... If it wasn't for Yao Leya who took the initiative to chase him down, stalking him and refusing to let go, let Luo Kaige choose...

He may not be willing to choose to be with Yao Leya for a little benefit and resources.

The opposite of.

As Yao Leya's best friend in the circle, Song Xuewei.

She managed to get out of this turmoil. Although she was affected by some adverse effects in the middle, and there were even rumors that her endorsement was cancelled, in the final analysis, Song Xuewei's gains still outweighed the disadvantages.

Even... There is a faint trend of public opinion taking advantage of this turmoil, and the topic level has increased a bit more than before.

Looking at the development process of the whole matter, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Song Xuewei is really not at a loss.

But at the same time, that sentence.

Fans and netizens are just spectators sitting under the stage of the entertainment industry, and there are still feasible ways to deceive them.

But for those who are in the same circle, Song Xuewei's various behaviors... are not so secretive.

Even a person like Yao Leya who is not delicate in mind can feel it faintly.

She felt that she was being used by Song Xuewei, and she used her scandal as a tool for sensationalism, so she even took the initiative to find her and had a fight with Song Xuewei.

But unfortunately...

With Yao Leya's scheming mind, how can it compare to Song Xuewei?A few words and a few words completely fooled her.

In the end, Yao Leya not only understood Song Xuewei's "embarrassment" and "helplessness", but even let go of her previous suspicions. From a good friend on the surface, to a best friend in private, the relationship has not broken down, but has deepened faintly...

It is precisely because of this past that Yao Leya's trust in Song Xuewei is even deeper. I don't know if Song Xuewei is really so good at fooling people... or Yao Leya's character is just for her own use, and she is sure that Song Xuewei will not deliberately deceive herself.

Therefore, she never had any doubts about the things that Song Xuewei instilled in her intentionally or unintentionally.

Naturally, he listened to Song Xuewei's words.

And the matter about Song Yan's "seduce" Su Muchen is obviously one of them...

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