I'm really ashamed to say that I've been doing old fashioned things for two years since my debut, and I don't have any reputation at all.

Of course he couldn't have seen it.

"How many awards have you won?" Lu Yanchen asked again.


Her acting is all cannon fodder and extras, and she doesn't even have a name. Where can she win an award?
Song Yan's face was full of embarrassment.

Lu Yanchen looked at her with a clear face, "It seems that you are not doing well."

There was a hint of contempt in his indifferent tone.

Song Yan felt uncomfortable, and couldn't help retorting, "I'm not doing well, but there's a reason for that!"

If the company hadn't been suppressing her, and Song Xuewei and Meng Yang kept stabbing her, how could she be in such a miserable situation?

Lu Yanshen's tone was cold, "I only look at the result."

Song Yan choked suddenly: "..."

The topic has been chatted to death by him, what else can she say?
Lu Yan looked at her thoughtfully, and suddenly asked, "How much do you get paid for one episode?"

Why ask this?Still want to continue to mock her?
Song Yan felt upset, turned her eyes, and deliberately quoted a high price, "Not much, 50 an episode!"

With an understated tone, she looked at Lu Yanchen provocatively.

In fact, this is the price only for the leading actors of the crew. It is frighteningly high.

Song Yan herself was not well-known, and she played some cannon fodder and villains. The highest salary was only [-] to [-] yuan, not even a fraction of Song Xuewei's.

I thought that quoting this price was enough to scare people, and I could save myself some face.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Yan heard the words, he didn't even raise his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "It's really not many."

Song Yan couldn't help rolling her eyes in her heart.

Pretend who won't?

A salary of 50 yuan per episode is almost astronomical for ordinary people. You must know that the total salary of a TV series is at least tens of millions of episodes, which is not much?

He thought he was a billionaire!

Song Yan chuckled in her heart, feeling that she should be kinder, knowing that others are pretending to be coercive, so people don't let it go.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yanchen continued, "I'll give you the same price, and you will take care of Cheng Cheng."

"..." Song Yan was stunned for a moment.

"50, one day." The man's voice was cold.

The words penetrated into the ears.

Song Yan was dazed for a second, then sat up straight, her eyes widened, "Say it again? How much is it?!"

Lu Yanchen's face was cold, and each word was clear, "50."

Song Yan was stunned, she stared at him blankly, and involuntarily listed a long list of bills in her mind.

50 a day, 500 million in ten days, 30 million in 500 days...

What is this concept?
It means she can buy several designer bags in one day!

You can buy a luxury car in ten days! !
You can buy a big villa in one month! !
I go! !
This money is easier than robbing/bank/bank! !

Song Yan couldn't help taking a breath, her body trembled slightly with excitement, and her cheeks began to flush.

As if she won the lottery, she couldn't help imagining in her mind how she would spend the money, how many brand-name lipsticks, clothes, bags she could buy...

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

"Hey Hey……"

She didn't know where she thought, but suddenly she giggled smirkingly, her face blushed as if she was going to smoke, and her eyes glowed green, as if she had been possessed by an evil spirit.


Lu Yan looked at her silently.

Is this woman in good health?
Won't infect his son?

"and many more!"

Song Yan suddenly woke up from the excited fantasy, staring at him vigilantly and suspiciously, "You are not a liar, are you?!"

Hiring a babysitter for 50 yuan a day sounds nice, but if you think about it carefully, you will know how fake it is.

Not even billionaires dare to prodigal like this.

This man looks imposing, and he seems to be rich in clothes, but she doesn't know him, who knows if he's just pretending?

Could it be that the liar deliberately fooled her, trying to cheat money and sex?
Song Yan looked vigilant and suspicious.


Lu Yanchen almost laughed angrily.

He is a liar?


This is really the first time in my life...

He was actually scared by a woman who was so poor that even 50 a day would point to his nose and call him a liar?
Song Yan looked at his livid face and felt a little guilty, but she still insisted on defending herself and said, "That's what it is! Liars don't dare to lie like this... 50 a day? Do you think I'm stupid? I have the ability You just show this money, otherwise don't try to deceive me!"

So much money to hire a nanny?Inviting an ancestor is not so expensive.

Believe him is an idiot!
Oh, no, idiots are not so stupid!
Song Yan snorted coldly in her heart, with an expression of "You are either bragging or a liar, don't let me be fooled!".


The veins on Lu Yanchen's forehead twitched violently, and he stared at her deeply.

Suddenly, he smiled coolly, his thin lips curled up in a sarcasm, slowly took out his mobile phone, and asked, "How much is your bank account?"

"Bank account?" Song Yan looked at him vigilantly, "Why are you asking this?"

Could it be that she wanted to steal the money on her bank card?
"I'm not interested in your poor savings." Lu Yanchen saw through her narrow-mindedness, sneered coldly, and asked, "Besides, have you ever seen a scammer wire money into your bank account?"

"You want to send me money?" Really?
Song Yan still didn't believe it, and reported him an empty account as soon as she rolled her eyes, and said with a smirk: "Then you should take a look at Huihui, I'll wait."

I don't believe how much money he can remit.

For a liar, it would be nice if he could spend thousands of dollars to deceive people, but where would more be?

She just waited and watched.

See how much he can remit and how to continue downloading.

Another 50 a day...


Song Yan curled her lips, feeling extremely disdainful.

Lu Yan glared at her coldly, but didn't say anything. He lowered his head and pressed the phone. With his slender fingers, he entered a string of numbers very quickly.

Song Yan saw him pressing several zeros sharply, and laughed heartily.

You reload!
When the money is transferred to her card, she will see how he pretends!
Also deliberately press so many zeros.

To scare her, right?
Lu Yanchen seemed to guess what she was thinking, his thin lips became more mocking, and he pressed the confirmation button casually.

He put away his mobile phone, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her leisurely, like watching a play.

That's it?
Why didn't she receive the bank text message?
It won't be that the amount fluctuates too little, and the bank is too lazy to notify, right?

Song Yan was thinking this in her heart when she heard a "ding dong" on her mobile phone and received a new text message.



See how she slaps her face! !
Song Yan was gearing up, took out her phone casually, unlocked the lock screen, glanced lightly with a contemptuous expression, and thought disapprovingly in her mind——

Hehe, it really is just...

"Your bank/bank card with the end number 3751, the current deposit of RM currency is 5,000,000.00, and the available balance is 5,000,027.35."


Song Yan petrified.

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