Hidden Marriage Chief Marry One Get One Free

Chapter 124 Chapter 124 Who is the purpose (2)

In fact, there are quite a few people standing in a secluded corner like them.

There were several other people not far from Song Liguo's side, all of whom were still holding wine glasses, as if they were deliberately avoiding the crowd to relax, but unexpectedly, Lu Yanchen's secretary came in their direction instead, and for a while His face was full of astonishment and bewilderment.

No one knows the real purpose of the secretary.

But no one is willing to miss such a rare opportunity...

Like Song Liguo, the few people who were also standing in this direction reacted quickly after a short period of astonishment and shock, with a stinging light almost appearing in their eyes, they hurriedly put down the wine glasses in their hands, and pulled them away. Pulling off the clothes on his body, he showed an expression full of anticipation.

Song Liguo was no exception, even more obvious than others.

Because his ambition is greater and he desires more.

In the face of possible opportunities, even if it is only a tiny line, he will be more impatient than others.

However, not long after, before the secretary had time to come over, everyone including Song Liguo keenly noticed a detail...

When the secretary walked in their direction, his eyes obviously only fell on the same person.

It seems to be... Song Xuewei?

Such a discovery surprised everyone, and one after another of unclear gazes suddenly fell on Song Xuewei, without exception, with suspicion and scrutiny.

Could it be that Song Xuewei knew this secretary?What friendship?
Otherwise, there are so many people in the hall, the secretary doesn't look at anyone, doesn't care about anyone, and just walks straight towards her... No matter how you look at it, it looks like something tricky.

It's because the secretary's behavior is too directional.

Not only the other outsiders who didn't know, even Song Liguo and Su Muchen seemed to be a little bit surprised, turning their heads slightly to cast a questioning look at Song Xuewei.

Song Liguo couldn't hide the surprise and suspicion in his heart. He knew it shouldn't be, but he lowered his voice and asked, "Xuewei, what's going on? You and that... know?"

The location of this corner was originally secluded, close to the external balcony, it is a good place to hide from the banquet, and no one is talking at this moment, no matter how low Song Liguo's voice is, the people around can hear it, and all of them stood up for a while. He pricked up his ears, waiting for Song Xuewei's answer.

But what can Song Xuewei say?
She herself was at a loss, and had no idea what was going on.

However, Song Liguo asked as if he was dazzled again, and everyone around him stared at her...

If she said she didn't know, these people would definitely not believe her.Maybe even Song Liguo himself would wonder if she was lying, if she was hiding something on purpose.

Song Xuewei is well aware of Song Liguo's suspicion, so she always pretends to be innocent in front of him, trying to dispel his suspicion of herself.

Regardless of whether Song Liguo believed it or not, at least she was able to pretend to be in place, and in addition to being useful, Song Liguo would not make her face too ugly.

Song Xuewei and Song Yan are still different.

Song Yan has already severed ties with the Song family, and no one knows her true background to the outside world, so no matter whether she is magnificent or downcast, or she is shameful outside, it will not have much impact on the Song family.It can even be said to have no effect.

If it wasn't for Song Liguo's own selfishness, in order to achieve a certain purpose, Song Yan would have to be completely suppressed.In fact, Song Yan and the Song family could have broken up with each other long ago, instead of having a complicated and unspeakable relationship like now...

Song Xuewei was even more so.

She is now the only daughter recognized by Song Liguo to the outside world, the only daughter of the Song family, and she has already been firmly tied to the Song family.

The better her reputation, the more others will lament that the Song family has a good family style, and it is worthy of being a wealthy and famous family!And if her reputation deteriorates, the Song family will also be ridiculed and criticized. For Song Liguo, who regards face as important as his life, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Therefore, even if it is only for the sake of the Song family's reputation, Song Liguo will not let Song Xuewei down easily, but will try his best to protect her reputation, and try to help her without damaging her own interests, so that she can sit back and relax... …

And this is exactly the effect Song Xuewei wanted!
From the moment she stepped into the entertainment circle, she began to prepare secretly, bit by bit, passing it on to the media fans like water seeping, and when everyone subconsciously associated her with the Song family, her The purpose is achieved.

This is almost the most cautious thing Song Xuewei has ever done, because she dare not let Song Liguo find out, and she is even more afraid that after her thoughts are exposed, she will be directly rejected and exiled by Song Liguo—just like treating Song Yan generally.

That's why she was especially cautious, trying every means to find a lot of pretense to cover up, she would rather have a slower effect than take a risk easily.

With such caution, Song Xuewei didn't even show any flaws from the beginning to the end, and Song Liguo didn't even notice it.

When he finally came to his senses and was shocked to find that the Song family's reputation was tied to Song Xuewei alone, it was too late to change the perception of the fans...

Although it's not completely impossible, it would be extremely time-consuming to do it, and we had to be careful not to let Song Xuewei know, lest she come up with other crooked tricks.

The difficulty is too great, but the possibility of implementation is not high, and Song Liguo has no good solution for a while.Unless he is willing to turn his back on Song Xuewei like he did to Song Yan, cut off her relationship with the Song family quickly and ruthlessly, and not give her any chance to rebound...

Otherwise, in the next few years, Song Xuewei will always be the spokesperson of the Song family to the outside world, and even Song Liguo himself will not be as influential as her.

But still the same sentence, Song Xuewei and Song Yan are different.

A large part of the reason why Song Yan was framed so miserably was that she never defended the people around her, not even the slightest vigilance, that's why she was severely beaten by the people she trusted and closest to. Stabbed... then lost without warning, without warning.

Song Xuewei had witnessed what happened to Song Yan with her own eyes, and even though she gloated at her misfortune, she also took it as a warning.

She has always considered herself a smart person and would never make the same mistakes as Song Yan.

So no matter who it is, even Song Liguo and Li Huilan... her biological parents, Song Xuewei may not completely trust them. No matter how cute and innocent they pretend to be on the surface, they always keep a hand behind their backs to protect their own interests. .

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