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Chapter 120 Chapter 120 Changing Angle Disturbance (2)

Maybe Song Liguo would change his mind after listening to his words?
Xie Yihe thought so in his heart.

His thinking was actually correct, but unfortunately, he misunderstood a key issue - Song Liguo was not dissatisfied with Song Yan because of Song Xuewei's one-sided words.He hated Song Yan very much in his heart.

Therefore, Xie Yihe got the point wrong from the very beginning, and the more he said later, the more mistakes he would make...

Song Liguo listened to him praise Song Yan profusely, not to mention how ugly he was, but he couldn't express his dissatisfaction directly. After all, on the surface, he and Song Yan were "unacquainted" strangers people.

Even with Song Xuewei's instigation as an excuse to stand in front, after all, it is too weak to withstand the slightest scrutiny.

He is not some fledgling young man, but the chairman of the Song Group. No matter how stupid he is, he still has a basic IQ.

If it turned out to be full of malice towards a "stranger" just because he believed a few one-sided words of his daughter... This is really unreasonable.

Xie Yihe is not an idiot either. Almost every person in the entertainment circle is a shrewd and smooth old fox, and even a slight trace of him may be noticed.

And the last thing Song Liguo wanted was to let people know about his father-daughter relationship with Song Yan. He had kept it secret all these years, and of course he would not blow himself up at such a time.

Even if it was just a slight clue, he was too cautious to reveal it, with an old face, frowning tightly, without saying a word.

Xie Yihe also went all out. In order to dispel Song Liguo's idea of ​​changing people, he almost licked his face and said all the good things he could say, and at the same time he did not forget to secretly observe Song Liguo's reaction.

However, the more you observe, the more something is wrong.

Xie Yihe couldn't help but his brows twitched, and he was also puzzled and surprised.

He has already said so much, and he almost broke his mouth. Why is Song Liguo's expression...but there is no sign of improvement?

It's getting uglier and uglier!

Could it be that he said something wrong that made Song Liguo more dissatisfied?

Xie Yihe quickly recalled what he said just now, and made sure that what he said were all good things, although it might be a little exaggerated, but it was definitely not narrow-minded.

Even if Song Liguo didn't like to listen to it very much, he wouldn't show such an expression...

Seeing him like this, those who don't know would think that he and Song Yan have some deep hatred!She actually acted as if she didn't want to hear a good word from her at all...

Just as Xie Yihe thought of this, his heart skipped a beat, and something flashed through his mind.

But before he had time to think about it, Song Liguo felt his subtle scrutiny, frowned secretly, and said with some annoyance: "Director Xie, I don't even want to hear what you said! I'm not People in your circle don't understand your appropriate and inappropriate rhetoric, all I know is that the company has invested so much money in your crew, and it's not for you to take random risks!"

The tone of these words was already a bit harsh, almost the same as the previous reprimand to Song Xuewei.

Xie Yihe's thoughts were interrupted by him, and the flash of inspiration just now flashed by, and he could not find it again.

Xie Yihe was a little confused, but he didn't care too much. After hearing Song Liguo finally opened his mouth to respond, his first reaction was to frown, and he felt a little more impatient.

Dare to feel that Song Liguo didn't listen to all the things he said before, didn't he?
Or how can I say that they are the biological father and daughter...

Song Xuewei is like this, and Song Liguo is also like this. They both like to ignore other people's words, and pretend that they don't hear what they don't want to hear.

Xie Yihe was full of displeasure, and realized that no matter how much he said, Song Liguo was unlikely to change his mind.It can be clearly seen from what happened just now that he is a very typical person who has become a habit of Gang Bin.

So what else is there to say?

Xie Yihe simply wanted to give up. Anyway, he is the director of the film crew. As long as he insists on not agreeing to the replacement, even if Song Liguo is a shareholder of the investment company, he has nothing to do.

Huaxing is not the only investment company for the film crew, and Song Liguo is not considered a direct investor, but only holds the shares of Huaxing, so Huaxing has a share of dividends in all foreign investments.

This weight is not small, but it is big...in fact, it is not that big.

After all, with a company separated by one floor, Song Liguo's weight is nothing compared to those investors who directly poured money in their own names.

Xie Yihe really didn't want to offend him, but he wasn't so afraid of offending him. If in the end, differences and conflicts could not be resolved, he wouldn't mind refuting Song Liguo's face...

This is much less troublesome than directly removing Song Yan's role according to his unreasonable request!

Xie Yihe thought so, and he dealt with it with a haha, and was about to find a suitable reason to get out, when he glanced casually out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Song Yan standing in the corner not far away...

His eyes lit up slightly, and he said immediately: "Mr. Song, you may not have seen that artist with your own eyes, and you don't know her potential. After you have actually met her, you may understand why our crew We must insist on ordering her!"

Song Liguo's eyelids twitched, feeling extremely ridiculous in his heart.

Can he still see Song Yan?
But it's useless to know what he said, and Xie Yihe didn't know it, but Song Liguo couldn't say it clearly...

So I could only put on a displeased face, and heard Xie Yihe continue to say: "What a coincidence, that artist is here now, why don't I let her come over and let Mr. Song take a look? She is indeed a very Excellent entertainer."

Song Liguo was slightly startled, and Song Xuewei, who had been standing by the side listening intently without speaking, also changed her expression slightly.

Of course they knew that Song Yan was also at this banquet, but they didn't mention a word, and they never thought of asking her to come.

After all, in front of Xie Yihe, Song Xuewei made it clear that she wanted to fight against Song Yan, and Song Liguo acted like she didn't know Song Yan at all.

If Song Yan accidentally said something was missing after she came over, it would be a bad thing!

Song Xuewei panicked slightly, couldn't help biting her lower lip, and looked at Song Liguo.

In this case, Song Xuewei, as an artist who wanted to film under Xie Yihe, was not suitable to speak up to stop her, and her identity was not enough.

The only person who could stop Xie Yihe's decision was Song Liguo, but just as he was about to speak, Xie Yihe had already turned around, randomly pulled a waiter, and told him to call for someone.

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