From that time on, Song Xuewei no longer took Song Yan seriously, and felt very disdainful in her heart.

Because in her opinion, Song Yan, who can't even act and has a single-minded mind, is really stupid. She can press her down with her hands and feet casually, so there is really nothing to care about.

Instead of wasting energy on her, it's better to save some time and deal with other people well.As for Song Yan, she just needs to be on guard so that she cannot turn over.

Song Xuewei thought so, and at the same time did so.

After more than two years, things have been progressing smoothly, and Song Xuewei has relaxed her vigilance.

Although there have been frequent accidents recently, many of Song Yan's actions exceeded Song Xuewei's expectations, which caught her off guard.

Song Xuewei was shocked and angry, but after losing her temper, the contempt and disdain for Song Yan in her heart did not disappear, otherwise she would not have followed her so openly to mock her.

And Song Yan's reaction at this moment seems to confirm her inner thoughts from the side, more and more convinced that Song Yan is a coward, afraid of this and that, so she doesn't dare to go out and do anything to her...

For someone as courageous as Song Yan, even if she is really given a chance to stand up, so what?

Could she still come up with some tricks?

Song Xuewei thought mockingly in her heart, so she stood up straight again and rubbed her painful wrist, "Song Yan, are you still refusing to accept your fate? Give up, no matter how hard you struggle, after In the eyes of father and elder brother Muchen, you will never compare to me!"

She spoke so proudly and confidently, she raised her head slightly, her eyes glowed with arrogance, like a victorious peacock standing proudly in front of the loser.

So proud.

Song Yan raised her eyebrows and looked at her, with a smile that was not a smile, "You came here on purpose just to say these things?"

"I came here with good intentions to remind you that the character you bought so hard is about to come to nothing. You should be mentally prepared early and accept your fate." Song Xuewei said words of comfort, but her face was full of gloating expression.

Song Yan didn't respond.

Song Xuewei only thought that she was unwilling to accept the reality, or didn't believe her words, so she shrugged and said with an innocent expression: "It's fine if you don't believe it, anyway, the crew will notify you when the time comes, and I don't need to come Too much talk. Originally, I thought you were pitiful and wanted to give you this chance... Unfortunately, Dad didn’t agree anyway, saying that he was afraid that you would embarrass me in the crew, so he insisted on going to the director to replace you. I'm helpless too!"

She spoke seriously, her face was full of innocence, but the corners of her lips were slightly raised, with a half-smiling smile, her eyes were fixed on Song Yan's face, as if she was expecting her to show some special expression.

Unfortunately, the result disappointed her.

Even after hearing such bad news, Song Yan's expression did not change at all. Instead, she raised her eyebrows with great interest and said with a light smile, "Really? Then I'm really looking forward to it."

Song Liguo is going to find the director to replace her?Because she was worried that she would embarrass Song Xuewei?
Hehe, this is really what Song Lihui did.

There are even reasons.

In fact, it wasn't like what Song Xuewei thought, Song Yan had no doubts in her heart about the authenticity of her words, because she knew Song Liguo's behavior very well.

And the reason why Song Yan remained calm, not even showing any anger, was because she had already made psychological preparations.

Although it was an unpleasant accident to meet Song Liguo in the hotel at the opening ceremony this time.However, even if there is no such accident, after the opening ceremony, the news about the actors of each role within the crew will definitely be widely disseminated by the media reporters at the scene to achieve the purpose of publicity.

Therefore, the company can't hide it absolutely, and will get news sooner or later.

A little earlier and a little later, in fact, there is not much difference...

Although Song Liguo is an important shareholder of Huaxing Company, he is also the chairman of the Song Group. He usually focuses on the group and rarely participates in the actual operation of the entertainment company.

To use an inappropriate analogy, the current chairman of Huaxing is like the emperor of the company, holding a lot of power, while other high-level personnel, including the executive president, director, manager, etc., are under the emperor's jurisdiction The courtiers under him each perform their duties.

But in the joint-stock companies that have been listed, the chairman of the emperor is not supreme, because there is still a group of shareholders.

These shareholders are equivalent to the relatives of the royal family. They have no real power in their hands, and they will not intervene in the normal operation of the company under normal circumstances, but with shares in their hands, their identities are undoubtedly detached.

Even the chairman cannot forcibly disobey a group of shareholders.

On the contrary, on many important decisions of the company, the chairman will inevitably seek the opinions of shareholders, and only with their approval can he really make a decision.

Of course, shareholders who generally hold too small shares do not have this kind of weight. At most, they just hold the shares to receive dividends and have no other rights.Only those major shareholders who hold more than a certain amount of shares can occupy a place in the company's decision-making.

And Song Liguo was undoubtedly this kind.

Although he seldom appears in the company, except for favoring Song Xuewei's resources and secretly suppressing Song Yan, he will basically not intervene in the internal affairs of Huaxing Company.After all, at the Song family's side, there is still a whole group that needs him to lead, how can he find the time to manage a small entertainment company?

In terms of status, Song Liguo is like a regent with military power in his hands. He usually ignores political affairs, but because he has great power in his hands, others naturally dare not underestimate him. What should be respected should be respected. Confess him.

And regardless of the company's internal affairs, it doesn't mean that Song Liguo doesn't know anything.

His sources of information are very well-informed, but the company generally will not deliberately hide anything from him if he wants to know, and it can't hide it if it wants to.

So... the fastest is only a few hours, and the slowest will not exceed three days.

Song Liguo would definitely know about Song Yan's filming, and he couldn't hide it.

Song Yan herself never thought of carefully hiding it from other people—this is not something shameful!
Since it will spread sooner or later, there is really no need to hide it and hold it. Song Yan simply let it go, and at the same time made mental preparations.

With Song Liguo's usual temper, it was absolutely impossible for Song Yan to get the role so smoothly. Either she would be forced to give up voluntarily, or she would be forced to contact the crew directly to replace her.

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