Song Xuewei observed the words and expressions, secretly happy in her heart, but she shook her head with an innocent and confused expression on her face.

"I don't know too well. To tell you the truth, the director originally preferred the role of the second female lead to a newcomer in my studio! Later, for some reason, it was suddenly replaced by my sister, which caught everyone by surprise. , Confused! There are also rumors that..."

Song Xuewei knew very well the tricks to tease people's appetites, so she stopped abruptly at this point, with a slightly annoyed expression on her face, as if she felt that she had said something that shouldn't be said, followed closely, with a hesitant, slightly He glanced at Song Liguo with apprehensive eyes...

The effect of this series of expression changes was astonishing, Song Liguo was really fooled, and said with a cold face: "What did the rumor say?"

Song Xuewei bit her lip and looked embarrassed, "It's just a rumor, I don't know if it's true or not, don't be angry after you hear it, it may not be true..."

The more she concealed it like this, the more gloomy Song Liguo's face became. He had already expected that it would not be a good thing.

Otherwise, Song Xuewei would not have shown such a embarrassed expression.

"Just say it, I know it well." Song Liguo said with a sullen face.

Su Muchen also frowned and looked at Song Xuewei.He is not from the entertainment industry, and he doesn't know anything about the internal affairs of the crew. Hearing Song Xuewei's tone, his heart hangs high.

I couldn't help but wonder, what did Song Yan do to make it so difficult for Song Xuewei to even say it?

Then think about the female stars in the entertainment industry who often do things in order to get ahead...

Looking for a benefactor, holding a thigh, looking for a backer...

selling yourself...

Is it! !
Su Muchen's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, Song Xuewei bit her lip and said with difficulty: "There are private rumors in the production team that my sister seems to have brought money into the production, and I don't know which investor wants to support her, so she gave the production team 3000 yuan in one go. Wan, in order to get my sister to get the role, she even threatened the director to replace the originally appointed artist, so... so many people are saying that my sister may be given by an investor..."

She didn't finish the last sentence.

However, the hesitant tone and the unspeakable expression on his face were full of some obvious hints.

The words are not spoken, but they are more lethal than frankly speaking!

"Evil! How could she do such a shameless thing?" Song Liguo's eyes were about to burst, and he was trembling with anger.

"Xuewei, what you said is true? You can't joke about this kind of thing!" Su Muchen's complexion suddenly turned ugly, the corners of his lips twitched, his expression was stiff and livid.

He couldn't believe it.

How proud and stubborn is Song Yan?When he was stubborn, he was almost tougher than many men.

At that time, she would rather go out alone and suffer hardships than go back to Song's house and admit her mistake to Song Liguo.

Even though she was so down that she couldn't afford three meals a day, she worked around hungry, no matter how hard and tiring she had done, she never thought of turning back, let alone taking advantage of her own advantages to find a shortcut to the depraved land ...

If she really has such an idea.

To put it bluntly, with Song Yan's appearance and appearance, most men come to her door on their own initiative. Do you want someone rich and powerful?As long as she is willing to give up her bottom line and dignity, she can even live a better life than in the Song family, and she doesn't have to live on the streets and suffer that kind of grievance...

But Song Yan didn't do that.

Growing up together as a childhood sweetheart, Su Muchen understands her stubbornness and persistence better than anyone else.She has always been a girl who knows how to respect and love herself. Even when she was in a relationship with him, no matter how affectionate she was, she always abided by the bottom line, and she was so stubborn that she was even a little stiff and rigid...

It was also because of this that Su Muchen's reaction was so excited and decisive when he learned of Song Yan's unexpected pregnancy. He didn't want to hear any explanation from her, so he condemned her to death through gnashing of teeth!

Among them, there is not only shock and disbelief, but also a deep feeling of frustrated self-esteem that Su Muchen himself is unwilling to admit.

He thought that Song Yan had betrayed him, had an affair with another man, and even made a shameful child.

And it was precisely because of this that he felt frustrated in his self-esteem.

Song Yan showed self-respect and self-love in front of him, but she has been in love for many years but she has always adhered to the bottom line, and she refuses to let him touch an extra finger!

But the result...

But she opened up wantonly in front of other men, completely losing her bottom line and self-respect!Not only did she have an inappropriate relationship with someone and gave him a cuckold, but she was even willing to conceive the flesh and blood of another man without a name...

How glaring and clear is this difference in attitude? !

Even his real boyfriend and prospective fiancé are not allowed to touch her, so why can other men? !
Su Muchen had never been so humiliated.

For a man, there is probably nothing more damaging to his self-esteem than this kind of thing!Therefore, under the fright and anger, Su Muchen chose to fight back and take revenge without hesitation, venting his anger by desperately hurting Song Yan.

I have to say that this method is very stupid and irrational, and it cannot play any beneficial role in essence.

But people are like this, in the midst of anger and sadness, very few people can control themselves rationally.Most people will always impulsively choose the wrong method, even if it is harmful but not have to make yourself feel better.

However, for any impulsive choice, people have to bear the consequences.Not all damage can be undone, just as not all mistakes can be undone.

The matter has passed for many years, and no matter how deep the anger is, it will always subside with time. After Su Muchen calmed down, it is not that he did not regret it, but it was too late...

The feeling of regret is not pleasant, like a fine needle piercing the heart, showing the sense of existence all the time, unable to pull it out, and it is uncomfortable.

No one would want to try this taste, Su Muchen is no exception.

So he subconsciously chose to escape, convincing himself again and again that he did nothing wrong, it was Song Yan who was wrong, and repeated it too many times, forming a self-hypnotic effect, unknowingly forgetting the original mood.

But I don't know when, cracks appeared in this evasive psychology, overlapping one by one, causing doubts to emerge.

When Song Yan disappeared, Su Muchen was immersed in his anger, and easily believed Song Liguo's words, thinking that Song Yan had eloped with other men, so he never thought of looking for her.

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