Zhan Jinxiao invited him to teach at University A. The principal welcomed him and specially vacated the entire top floor for him as an office.

Nan Yanni took the elevator straight there, and was stopped by two black-clothed bodyguards when she went out. She was taken aback, and hurriedly explained: "I, I am Miss Nan, the older sister of Nan Chengyue, who you Young Master Xiao just married yesterday... ...Young Madam, my sister."

She called Nan Chengyue the Young Madam with difficulty, almost vomiting blood with jealousy, and quickly said: "I'm rarely in a hurry to find Xiao Xiao, it's very important, let me..."

"What's the noise! ​​Master Xiao is resting!" Tang Qing came out of the room and issued an expulsion order coldly.

Nan Yanni was terrified, she didn't expect that it would be so difficult to meet Zhan Jin Xiao, she had meticulously touched up her makeup before she came, but when she was rushed to the elevator, she pretended not to be careful, and said pitifully: " I'm here to explain for my sister, my sister's boyfriend, no, they are not lovers..."

As the elevator closed, she pulled out a vicious smile in the elevator, she saw, there was a figure of a man in a wheelchair behind the glass door, Young Master Xiao heard it!
What Nan Yanni didn't know was that Tang Qing pushed open the glass door again and entered the office, but the man in the wheelchair laughed: "This is a school, or a palace fight. Women are cute, especially those who are jealous. Xiao Yan's fortune is not shallow, teaching a book can open a harem hehehe..."

Tang Qing took away the sunglasses he was playing with in his hand with a blank expression, put them on properly, and said dumbly, "If Young Master Mu can shut up, he will perform better."

Mu Qingfeng chuckled, "You and Xiao are both so bored. If I shut up, you won't be happy. Do you understand if you smile for ten years? Don't always put on a face and look like you are always on call. It's almost ten years." Don’t worry, your father won’t let anyone catch him, he’s a cunning old man, relax, come on, tell me about my sister-in-law’s boyfriend, what’s going on? Give Xiao a green hat as soon as he gets married, haha , I like this little sister-in-law more and more haha..."

"I will report your words to Young Master Xiao in detail." Tang Qing opened the memo on the phone and typed: "The last sentence is the key point, circle it."

Mu Qingfeng: "...it's not Xiao Qingqing, we have something to talk about, is it interesting for you to do this every time? Can't I be wrong?"

The two of them were talking, when suddenly the bodyguard stopped, and then the girl answered in a clear and sweet way: "I'm looking for Brother Zhan, uh, Professor Zhan! Me? I'm here to ask Professor Zhan a question. , not allowed in? Well, I am brother Zhan's newlywed wife, can I go in?"

"...Fuck! Little sister-in-law! Say Cao Cao is here!" Mu Qingfeng hastily put down Erlang's legs and pressed the scar on his face, "Try to stop her, don't let her in! I can imitate the voice, but if you want to kiss me , should I refuse or refuse?"

Tang Qing: "...shut up, you!"

The blue veins on Tang Qing's forehead kept twitching, he quickly pushed open the glass door and went out, and stopped the bodyguard who was driving Nan Chengyue to the elevator, "Stop! Miss Yue, Shao Xiao is resting, what can I do for you? Pass it on for you."

Nan Chengyue was fine, but she was worried that Nan Yanni would harass her brother Zhan. Before Nan Yanni said to go to the toilet, she felt uneasy, so she followed Nan Yanni from a distance, but she didn't expect Nan Yanni to come It went down in 2 minutes, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

But when Tang Qing said that Brother Zhan was sleeping, she breathed a sigh of relief, and asked tentatively, "Did Nan Yanni say anything? Did you wake up Brother Zhan?"

Tang Qing opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, the elevator opened again with a "ding" sound, the principal led the way, and led a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, Zhan Aotian.

"Mr. Zhan, Professor Zhan is here." The principal said respectfully.

Zhan Aotian said arrogantly "Yes", looked at Nan Chengyue and others who were standing in front of him, and frowned: "You...what is your name Nan, what are you doing here if you are not in class? What are you talking about! Not open? Jin Xiao is also, not honestly staying in the Zhan family, and you are dragged here to study with you! What kind of professor! Isn’t this a joke? People who lost the Zhan family!”

Zhan Aotian turned on the training mode again, ignoring the presence of outsiders at all, but fortunately the headmaster is smart, he already entered the elevator when the situation was not right, and ran away alone.

The corners of Nan Chengyue's mouth twitched. Seeing that Tang Qing and the others had been trained to be boring, she had to ask herself: "What's the matter with Second Uncle? Brother Zhan is resting, and my nephew and daughter-in-law will help you to convey something."

Nan Chengyue can be said to be very polite. Anyway, this person is brother Zhan's elder, and she doesn't know the internal situation of the Zhan family, so she reused Tang Qing's perfunctory words.

But she would take Zhan Jinxiao into consideration, but Zhan Aotian would not. She ignored Nan Chengyue's weak persuasion and asked Tang Qing directly, "Where is Jin Xiao? Take me to see him!"

"Yes." Without any hesitation, Tang Qing led the way respectfully, and pushed open the glass door of the office, "Second Master, please."

Zhan Aotian was not polite, stepped in with his bodyguard, laughed and said: "Jin Xiao, aren't you resting? Is your wife lying, or are you lying to her?"

Nan Chengyue: "..." Lied to her?
She followed suspiciously, and sure enough, she saw a man in a white woolen sweater sitting in a wheelchair, drinking coffee by the French window with the curtains closed, with a leisurely and elegant posture.

The light in the room was very dim, and the lights were not turned on. Tang Qing took the initiative to turn on a chandelier very sensiblely, reflecting the scarred profile of the man in the wheelchair, still expressionless and indifferent.

"Second Uncle, please sit down." His tone was also light and he did not explain.

Zhan Aotian didn't sit down, frowned and waved his hands: "I have a lot of things to do, and I have a meeting later, you go to resign quickly, don't come out to show yourself! If you have this spare time to spend with women, why not spend more time with the old man!"

The man in the wheelchair smiled faintly: "Grandpa is not missing me, but Yue'er, I'm very worried."

Moon? !
Nan Chengyue was excited, and suddenly her eyes were slightly red, and when Zhan Aotian left with a sullen face, she rushed to hug the man in the wheelchair, "Brother Zhan, I told you that you will not forget me! You used to call me Yueer, and you are the only one who calls me Yueer!"

Nan Chengyue was so excited that she put her arms around the man's neck and almost kissed him. She had planned to do so, but she suddenly turned her head away and buried it on his shoulder.

Mu Qingfeng in the wheelchair was stunned, and suddenly laughed, playful and mocking: "Why don't you kiss? Is it because of my face..."

"Hey, why do you smell so good? It's very similar to Nan Yanni's smell... Did she treat you lightly?" Nan Chengyue raised her head suddenly, with a murderous look on her face.

Mu Qingfeng: "..."

"Miss Yue! Young Master Xiao is going to rest!" Tang Qing, who finally came to his senses, hastily stepped forward to pull the wheelchair away, with a series of cold sweats on his forehead.

Just a little bit, Young Master Xiao's head was green!This... miss this month!This young master Mu!Don't let him worry about any of them!

Mu Qingfeng smiled more suavely. Of course, without the ugly scars and sunglasses covering her, as soon as she entered the lounge and closed the door, she took off her sunglasses and winked at Tang Qing, "Yes, I'll just say her Will kiss me, there is no way, my charm can't be stopped even through this scar, hehehe..."

"You're still laughing!" Tang Qing took a deep breath, finally stabilized his wooden face, and continued to take out his mobile phone to record, "Master Xiao said that you should not wear a woman's perfume, if it is Zhan Aotian who sees through , Let's see how you excuse yourself!"

"Zhan Aotian won't lie on me and smell it." Mu Qingfeng was indifferent, and cared about another thing, "It seems that my sister-in-law is very obsessed with her brother Zhan..."

He didn't get a response, so he glanced at Tang Qing who was still buried in typing, and kicked him angrily: "Don't fucking care about remembering that I hugged my sister-in-law! You remember that my sister-in-law jumped over to hug me on her own initiative! Your Chinese is taught by the physical education teacher?"


On the other side, Nan Chengyue was left alone in the office, stared at the closed lounge for a while, and finally left in discouragement.

She originally wanted to spend more time with Brother Zhan, but that "Yue'er" made her heart flutter, thinking that Brother Zhan had forgiven her!And Nan Yanni, did Nan Yanni hug Brother Zhan, or brother Zhan...

Ahhh!She grabbed her high ponytail irritably, and instead of taking the elevator, she pushed open the heavy fire door and ran in. The bodyguards reacted and tried to stop it, but it was too late.

Nan Chengyue runs very fast, and exercise can let her vent her emotions. This office building has only five floors, but the corridor she runs is a fire escape, and there are basically no people there.

But the lights in the fire escape were all broken for some reason, and it was dark. She accidentally stepped on a banana peel that someone threw on the steps. Stars are shining in both eyes, and the buttocks are almost cut in half.


She couldn't help but swear, she collapsed on the ground, pouted and rubbed her buttocks, cursing inwardly that it was some wicked ghost who littered the trash!If there is a fire or something, isn't it a scam?
Especially Brother Zhan, who can't see and can't walk, if... well, she'll pick up the banana peels!Ouch!very painful!
She got up with support on her waist, and slowly groped in the dark, picking up banana peels, when she suddenly heard the sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground, although the pressure was very light, it was calm and powerful.

She was bending over and looking at the person who came up from downstairs, but the light in the corridor was too dark, and she could only see him tall and long-legged with the help of the green light, and his black body seemed to blend into the night .

The man also stopped suddenly, and there were steps at the corner. The two of them maintained a weird posture for several seconds before Nan Chengyue stood up and stood sideways, politely getting out of the way.

"Teacher, I'm picking up banana peels, hehe, please go first." She held the banana peels in both hands and smiled dryly.

The man was silent. After two seconds, he slowly raised his long legs, walked towards her calmly, and passed her by without stopping. The only reason is that the corridor is too narrow...

Nan Chengyue still maintained a silly smile, and suddenly grabbed the man who was passing by, and exclaimed: "It's you? It's you!"

She clearly remembered the figure of the man on the speedboat that night standing against the wind, comparable to a male model on a catwalk under the spotlight, low-key but hard to hide his nobility, like King Shura living in the dark night.

She felt a little familiar, and as he approached, she became more sure.

Looking up, she looked at his fair and delicate side face, which was deep and cold. Although it was not very clear face to face, but the more blurred, the more familiar she was. It was the same in the sea that night, as if the scene reappeared.

She grabbed his suit sleeve excitedly and didn't let go, and even tugged towards her, "Hey, why are you here? You are also a teacher here, right? Why do you take the stairs instead of the elevator? You..."

She asked one after another, and the previous doubt jumped out again as she asked, "Your voice is similar to my husband's, you won't...but he is in the office?"

Nan Chengyue was confused, and felt that she had a harbinger of schizophrenia, but before she could figure it out, the sleeve of the suit she was holding was easily taken away by the man, and the sticky banana peel in her hand just became a lubricant.

Nan Chengyue didn't care too much, she stuffed the banana peel into one of Ling's hands, and grabbed him again, "Wait, why are you going? Why don't you talk?"

She had so many doubts that hadn't been answered yet, she refused to let him go just like that, and chased after the man who had left two steps, but she didn't pick up the banana peel cleanly under her feet, and slipped and fell back straight again.

"Ah!" She subconsciously called out, which was more miserable, because she had just experienced this kind of high-quality wrestling, and it was really painful!

The expected wrestling didn't come true, because the man grabbed her back with quick eyesight and quick hands, and with a sudden movement, she reflexively threw herself on his hard and broad chest.

"Hmm..." The butt didn't hurt, but the nose hurt from being bumped. It felt so sore that it was about to bleed from the nose. I squeezed it hastily, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, but who are you?"

Zhan Jinxiao still didn't speak, frowning and staring at Nan Chengyue who was holding on to his clothes in his arms, he obviously didn't expect that she could still recognize him in such a dark environment, and he was so difficult to deal with, so guessable!

He grabbed her and grabbed his slender wrist, and pulled her away forcefully, "Why, I have a similar voice to your husband, so you want to use me as your husband?"

He spoke in a deep voice, his voice was very cold, he didn't have time to learn ventriloquist like Mu Qingfeng, and it was unnecessary, but he didn't expect to be pestered by Nan Chengyue.

Nan Chengyue was choked up by his ridicule, and her wrist that was broken off also hurt badly. She was completely violent that night, and she silently rolled her eyes: "Did you forget what I told you? I My husband can turn you into scum in seconds! I'm just weird, everything about you is so weird..."

"Want to know who I am?" The man threw her away and said coldly, "Then come with me!"

Nan Chengyue: "..."

Nan Chengyue never expected that he would take her to the top floor, which was the top floor she ran away from before, Brother Zhan's exclusive office.

The two bodyguards stood respectfully on both sides of the heavy fire escape door as if they were standing in a military posture, and then stiffly moved their eyes to the back, following Nan Chengyue who was three steps away from Zhan Jinxiao.

Of course, the distance of three steps was set by Zhan Jinxiao. This man really avoids her like a snake. Does she look so scary?She won't eat him again!

However, when the bodyguard ran in to report, Tang Qing came out with a wheelchair after a while. The man in the wheelchair with a white sweater and sunglasses had a gentle voice that Nan Chengyue had never seen before.

"Zhuan, are you here?"

Zhan Jinxiao tensed up for a moment, and strode over with a blank expression, "Well, didn't you ask me to talk about business? You can only take the stairs of the fire escape?"

Mu Qingfeng, who was in the wheelchair, smiled, "It's me, I was also forced to do nothing, my second uncle just came here..."

"Young Master Xiao, Miss Yue is here too." Tang Qing reminded "at the right time", "I came with Mr. Fu."

Mu Qingfeng let out an "ah", quite surprised and even a little panicked: "Yue'er? You're here too? As I said just now, you won't go to Second Uncle..."

"I won't tell anyone!" Nan Chengyue hastily raised her finger to swear, and then thought that Brother Zhan couldn't see, and said seriously: "Brother Zhan and I will always be on the same front! Your enemy is my enemy! You of……"

She glanced at Zhan Jin Xiao tangledly, and said tangledly: "Your friend is also my friend, don't worry, I will never say anything about it!"

She deliberately slowed down her tone, obviously carrying a meaningful inquiry, and immediately greeted Zhan Jin Xiao's deep and cold eyes, also carrying her inquiry, as sharp as that night, no, sharper!
But Nan Chengyue was no longer afraid of him, raised her head to look at him provocatively, and still did not forget to complain: "Brother Zhan! Your friend is a bit dangerous. Didn't I fall into the sea when we got married? I met him !"

Nan Chengyue recounted the encounter with Zhan Jinxiao that night, except for the part where she gave him breath, everything else was in detail, and she almost explained their conversation in detail.

Zhan Jinxiao didn't have any expression on his face, Mu Qingfeng, who was pretending to be Zhan Jinxiao, almost burst out laughing, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and hurried away, "Yue'er, go back to class, let's go together after school."

Together?Nan Chengyue's eyes lit up, and finally found that Brother Zhan had forgiven her, and ran away obediently as soon as she was happy, and blinked ambiguously before leaving: "Don't worry, I won't say anything! You can do whatever you want, I'm fine! Have fun!"

Zhan Jinxiao: "..."

Mu Qingfeng: "...Pfft! The little sister-in-law made me admire again! Generous! Virtuous! You're also smart hahaha, to think of such a thing hahaha!"

"Didn't you deliberately attract that kind of thing?" Zhan Jinxiao said coldly, walked into the room quickly, took off the suit jacket that was soiled by Nan Chengyue, and threw it to Tang Qing who was following behind.

Mu Qingfeng still smiled, got out of the wheelchair and walked in by himself. He was tall and had long legs, almost the same as Zhan Jinxiao who was only wearing a black shirt on his upper body, no matter in terms of body shape or hairstyle.

"This is the easiest, quickest and most convincing method, there is no one, isn't it? Besides, you've already heard the rumors, and you're rumored to be gay, which makes sense haha!"

Mu Qingfeng's smile widened, and he tore off the thin mask of scars, revealing a flawless skin like white jade. With peach blossom eyes without sunglasses, he even winked at Zhan Jin Xiao, "I am so overwhelmed by the country, why do I wrong you?"

Zhan Jinxiao: "...mother."

Mu Qingfeng: "...I'm a man seven times a night! If you don't believe me, ask those girls who are drunk on Qixi Festival, which one is not dying on my bed? It's you, hehehe, Zhan Aotian sent so many women to your bed , you packed the original packaging and threw it out the door, isn’t it true that you don’t want to lift it? Huh? It seems that I have to study andrology..."

Zhan Jinxiao took out another thin scar mask from the password box, pasted it on his face familiarly, and said coldly: "When Zhan Aotian came, you also talked so much nonsense?"

Mu Qingfeng: "..."

"Young Master Xiao." Tang Qing stepped forward immediately, opened the memo on the phone, and handed it over, dutifully recording every detail as always.

Mu Qingfeng: "..."

Before Zhan Jinxiao started watching, Mu Qingfeng quickly took the opportunity to slip away, "Xiao! I'll leave when you come back! My little nurse is still waiting for me!"

Zhan Jinxiao: "..."

He raised his eyebrows, looked at the sensitive words on the phone that Tang Qing deliberately enlarged and underlined, and after a moment of silence, ordered: "From now on, every time Young Master Mu comes, grab and wash it!"

Tang Qing: "Yes, Young Master Xiao, do you want to wait for Miss Yue to join me after school?"

Zhan Jinxiao: "..."


After Nan Chengyue came back from the office building, she was always cheerful. She was so good-tempered that even the class monitor didn't get angry at making troubles. There were also those boys who came to Nan Yanni's door to accuse her of injustice.

Of course, just because she isn't angry doesn't mean that Ke Yuanyuan isn't angry. She was so tired of fighting with others that she turned into a dog. When school was over, she pulled and pulled Nan Chengyue, who was still slumped on the seat and sleeping, "Xiaoyue Xiaoyue! Wipe your saliva, come with me!" go home!"

Nan Chengyue lazily said "Oh", then stood up along with Ke Yuanyuan, and jumped again, "Another day! I'm going to be with Brother Zhan today, and he sent me off! Maybe he will treat me to dinner too." Candlelight dinner or something!"

In an instant, Nan Chengyue changed from a sick cat in class to a tiger released from the wild. The three-foot-high one jumped off the string first, and Ke Yuanyuan gritted her teeth in anger: "Smelly Xiaoyue! There is no humanity in the opposite sex! Heavy color You bastard! Thanks to me for buying you so many tools!"

Nan Chengyue was about to run down the stairs. Hearing this, she almost fell and staggered again. She rubbed her buttocks which still hurt a little, and she even had a psychological shadow on the steps!
She slowed down a little, and met the class monitor who gave her a hard look, and snorted: "Seeing that money is so vain! How could he have a girlfriend like you! It's really not worth it!"

Nan Chengyue has never known why the class monitor always targets her. She finally noticed something at this second. She was surprised and amused, "What about fighting against injustice? Why do women make things difficult for women? You can go to him and tell him that I love you when you see Qian's eyes open." Vanity?"

The squad leader looked strong, but in fact he was very thin-skinned. He blushed and glared at her, "Sooner or later he will see your true face! I'm already learning how to swim! I will win you by strength!"

Nan Chengyue was even more surprised. She didn't expect that she fell into the lake a year ago and almost drowned. The landlubber squad leader who said that he fell into the water when he was very young and was afraid of water, dared to learn to swim, just to win her?
Nan Chengyue thought of herself, looking at the current monitor was like seeing her former self, she developed a good impression of the monitor, and accompanied the monitor all the way to the school gate before ending.

She stretched her neck, looked around, and saw a lot of people watching at a glance.

A black stretched Bentley, understated and gorgeous, and a ostentatious pink Ferrari, right next to that car...

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