Nan Chengyue also wanted to know where Zhan Jinxiao had gone, but now she didn't want to worry Fu Yanzhi, who was dying, so she had to perfunctory again, but before she could open her mouth, she received a message from WeChat on her phone.

She hurriedly took it out for a look, and finally waited for Zhan Jinxiao's reply, "Good boy, I miss you too.

"Nan Chengyue couldn't help curling her lips. She was a little angry that Zhan Jinxiao only replied now, which made her so worried, but as long as she replied, she would feel relieved, and she would call Zhan Jinxiao after she went out.

This time I finally got through, the moment she heard the other party's deep voice, she didn't have the heart to question anything, her eyes were slightly hot, she choked up silently, and then she said that Gu Sinian had sent the Gu family's black materials.

Sure enough, Zhan Jinxiao objected to her carrying out her plan, saying that everything was with him, and she didn't need to care about anything. He was still so domineering and autocratic, and protected her as a mentally handicapped person who couldn't take care of herself.

Nan Chengyue was very depressed, but she didn't protest. She just told him to be safe and come back early. She felt sorry for him, and felt sorry for him for his hard work for her.

However, it is already noon now, and there is not much time left. Although Zhan Jinxiao made a vow, Nan Chengyue was still anxious, but this time the anxiety did not last long, and he got the news from Gu Sinian.

Gu Sinian said that something happened to Gu's Group, and those manufacturers who cooperated with Gu's Group terminated their contracts with Gu's Group. The internal capital chain of Gu's Group was also frozen. It was hacked, and the transaction records of Gu's Group were found. , Gu's group was suspected of drug smuggling, and Gu Yunfan was also arrested for the crime.

When Gu Sinian talked about this, he was in a very happy mood, but he was just wondering: "Did you use the information I gave? But Mrs. Zhan, your husband is really good. Fortunately, I am not involved in the business world, otherwise, he must be a Formidable competitor.

"Nan Chengyue twitched her lips, feeling that Gu Sinian was really humble and arrogant. It might be a bit difficult for Gu Sinian to fight Zhan Jinxiao, but when fighting her, she felt that even ten Nan Chengyue were not Gu Sinian's opponent, and she felt ashamed.

However, the biggest reason why Zhan Jinxiao was able to attack the Gu family so quickly was because the Gu family had done bad things. Once evidence was found, the Gu family would be doomed to lose.

Gu Yunfan probably didn't know until now that his criminal evidence was betrayed by Qin Zhan and Gu Sinian one after another, although in the end, the black material was still in Fu Yanzhi's hands and was of no use.

These are not important anymore. The important thing is that now that something happened to the Gu family, Gu Yunfan can no longer cover Qin Zhan. I believe Qin Zhan will be caught soon. Nan Chengyue also asked Gu Sinian to help keep an eye on Qin Zhan's whereabouts.

Gu Sinian was also very straightforward. They helped her suppress the Gu family and avenged her murder of her mother. She was also willing to help Nan Chengyue, but the people she sent to follow Qin Zhan lost Qin Zhan.

Gu Sinian said that she would continue to help her find Qin Zhan, and asked Nan Chengyue about Lin Chao's situation here, and asked Nan Chengyue to tell her when Lin Chao would go back. She wanted to cook dinner by herself to celebrate.

If it weren't for Gu Sinian's normal tone, Nan Chengyue would have wondered if she was being ridiculed again. She had always ignored Lin Chao, but he still didn't want to leave, and Nan Chengyue also had a headache.

So, after she hung up the phone, she immediately went to find Lin Chao, conveyed Gu Sinian's original words, and looked at Lin Chao's indifferent face eagerly, trying to see some changes in his mood.

How could Lin Chao not know what she was thinking, twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at her and said, "Wait a little longer, Qin Zhan is too cunning, I don't worry if he doesn't get caught.

"Nan Chengyue was choked, and opened her mouth to say something more, but Lin Chao interrupted her, "Don't refuse me, I just want to help you, Yueyue, don't ask me to help you if you have difficulties, really follow me so distant? "Nan Chengyue: "... Chaochao, I now have Zhan Jinxiao and Xiao An'an. I feel very satisfied. God treats me really well. I also hope that you will be happy. I will not interfere with your feelings. I just want to advise you, you have already missed Mengmeng, don't miss Miss Gu again, life is really short.

"Nan Chengyue had been very preoccupied before and avoided Lin Chao. Now she finally has the time and energy to face this topic directly. She really hopes that Lin Chao will be happy. That is Lin Chao who is closer than relatives." .

Lin Chao also heard about Qin Yumeng, he didn't regret his rejection of Qin Yumeng, and he didn't feel that he missed anything, but Nan Chengyue wanted his happiness so much, he still nodded.

"Okay, Yueyue, I promise you, I will go back to Gu's house and have dinner with Miss Gu.

"Lin Chao made a solemn promise.

Nan Chengyue: "..." "Xiaoyue! Come and see your father! Your father is in pain again!" Rong Xiang's call made Nan Chengyue unable to continue this topic with Lin Chao, and ran away in a hurry out of the ward.

Fu Yanzhi's condition was very bad, and it was getting worse and worse. Even the analgesic drugs didn't have much effect. Rong Xiang was so anxious that he couldn't stop crying, and Nan Chengyue was also very anxious.

But Qin Zhan is good at hiding, the Gu family can't accommodate him anymore, he came out from the Gu family, followed by people from Gu Sinian, people from Fu Yanzhi, and people from Zhan Jinxiao, but until now there is no news of Qin Zhan.

After Nan Chengyue hung up the drip for Fu Yanzhi, she didn't talk to Lin Chao again, but called in a hurry, and called the several numbers Qin Zhan gave her through the phone, but none of them could be connected.

Qin Zhan was too cunning. He was worried about revealing his location. He made a phone call and changed another card. Nan Chengyue couldn't get in touch with him at all, but Fu Yanzhi's people arranged a strict defense here. Qin Zhan shouldn't be able to escape far.

Nan Chengyue didn't want to be in a hurry, so she ran to find Jerry to see where the antidote developed by Jerry had progressed. Although Jerry didn't have much hope, it was hope after all, but he invited a team of medical experts to come Develop an antidote.

Sure enough, Jerry said regretfully: "I have tried my best, three days, give me another three days, I will definitely be able to do it!" What? I’ll find you anything else you need, and I’ll give you ten times the reward, okay?” Jerry: “… Mrs. Zhan, even if you give me all the property, I can’t do anything. The problem is that the time is short, unless Mr. Fu can continue to procrastinate.

"Nan Chengyue was silent again. Fu Yanzhi's body has confirmed that today is the last time. It is not easy to delay until now, but Qin Zhan, even if Qin Zhan is caught, will Qin Zhan be willing to take it out? Nan Chengyue My mind was in a mess, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt uneasy.

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