Xu Qingzhi froze.

She stared at Xia Mingxuan standing in front of her in a daze. Compared with Yu Yanchen, who had beautiful muscles due to long-term exercise, Xia Mingxuan looked too thin and thin.

But, it was such a man who stood in front of him, defending himself over and over again.

Her heart suddenly warmed up, as if something had melted away.

If five years ago, she hadn't experienced a heart-piercing betrayal, or she had never fallen in love with Yu Yanchen, perhaps, she would have really tried to fall in love with this man who wanted to protect her.

But now...

Xu Qingzhi's hand couldn't help but landed on her right chest, where her heart was still beating, but she clearly knew that as early as five years ago, the scorching heat here had turned into shards of glass all over the floor.

No more healing.

Yu Yanchen's face was dark, as if there was ink color on his face.

And around his body, a powerful aura emanated out, cold and sharp, and the strong coercion was overwhelming.

"Xu Qingzhi, it seems that I have always underestimated you." Yu Yanchen said with a sneer, "You can actually let a man do this for you. It seems that you are not the trash I imagined."

Xia Mingxuan frowned: "I don't allow you to say that about Qingzhi! She is a very good woman!"

"Really?" Yu Yanchen raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of naked contempt, and it fell on Xu Qingzhi's slightly pale pretty face without any concealment, "Since you know my identity, then you have also investigated her Bar?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Qingzhi saw with his own eyes that Xia Mingxuan's back froze.

An ominous premonition surged into her heart, her heart constricted suddenly, her lips twitched, and a "don't" intended to come out of her mouth.

However, it was too late.

"Since you know me, why don't you know her?" Yu Yanchen raised his jaw and said every word, "Xu Xiaochen's mother, and my ex-wife."

This was the first time he recognized her identity, but at this time, in this way.

Xia Mingxuan's face turned pale as expected, and this expression of emotion seemed to be caught by Yu Yanchen.He raised the corners of his lips, and the curvature of the corners of his lips became more and more contemptuous and cruel.

"Then you should know what she did five years ago."

Xia Mingxuan stared, he struggled to speak out: "No..."

As for Xu Qingzhi, her back was already icy cold.

"Five years ago, in order to take the position of Mrs. Yu, this woman caused a car accident and wanted to kill her best friend, that is, my lover."

Yu Yanchen's words are pearls.

"Five years ago, I also sent her to prison with my own hands."

"Now, tell me, you like such a woman?" Yu Yanchen's eyes were deep, "Your feelings are too ridiculous."

"No, that's not the case..." Xia Mingxuan said slowly, "I believe in Qingzhi..."

"Really?" Yu Yanchen said disdainfully, "The evidence of her murder has already been made public, and the prison records can also be found. Or do you think that all of this was carefully framed by me?"

"Just by her?"

He glanced lightly and glanced across Xu Qingzhi's stiff face.

"A woman with a femme heart."

The air was filled with depression, and Yu Yanchen's gaze almost crushed Xu Qingzhi's spine.


Finally, she uttered harshly.

She raised her eyelids, revealing black and white pupils.And in these originally clear eyes, at this moment, complex emotions are brewing.

Just like Yu Yanchen's eyes, as deep as the ocean, no one can see through.

"Have you said enough? Yu Yanchen?"

Obviously, she didn't do anything.

Obviously, she was an innocent victim.

But because of this man, he took on everything that he shouldn't have to bear.Even lost his father and was even sent to prison!
And since then, these have become stains on her body that cannot be washed away.

Ridiculously tearful.

"Why, you don't have the face to tell others what you have done with your own hands?" Yu Yanchen sneered, "Xu Qingzhi, you should know that when you try to seduce other men, you can think of this end."

"Don't forget, it was you who signed the contract with your own hands." He stepped closer, bypassing the dazed Xia Mingxuan, and stared at the woman's face.

"The you now are my property. You don't have any rights, and you can't violate anything against me."

"If you dare to disobey me, I will destroy all your things with my own hands."

She knew, of course she knew.

However, when this man told everything word by word, how could her heart hurt like a needle?
Xu Qingzhi's eye sockets began to turn red, and she could feel her hands trembling.

"As for you, do you think you will still fall in love with this woman?" Yu Yanchen turned to Xia Mingxuan, "I'm afraid you don't know that this woman is now in Yu's house, and she has a status that is not even as good as a mistress."

He didn't say any more, but it was shocking enough.

Perhaps it was the different expressions of men and women that pleased him, Yu Yanchen didn't say anything more, but turned around after sneering, and stepped into the Lamborghini again.

Just when he was about to step on the accelerator, Xu Qingzhi's voice came: "Yu Yanchen!"

Her voice was hoarse, as if her vocal cords had been ground by a stone: "Are you doing this to get revenge on me?"

Yu Yanchen didn't look at her, but only let out a cold snort, expressing his contempt.

When the car started, a series of gray exhaust fumes spewed out from the rear of the car, spraying all over Xu Qingzhi's face.

The unpleasant gas rushed into her nasal cavity, and she coughed a few times, trying to regain her senses.

She turned her head, Xia Mingxuan was staring at herself blankly, wondering what she was thinking.

"Qingzhi..." After a long while, Xia Mingxuan finally came to his senses, he spoke slowly, his eyes dodged a little, "Don't take what the man said just now to your heart. Don't worry, I believe in you..."

"is it?"

When the woman made a sound, the other party was stunned again.

In just a few seconds, Xu Qingzhi calmed down.

"Would you really trust me?"

Her words made Xia Mingxuan completely silent.

In fact, when he investigated Yu Yanchen before, he found Xu Qingzhi, and he also knew what happened a few years ago.It's just that he keeps hypnotizing himself, telling himself that Xu Qingzhi is not such a person, maybe he made a mistake.

However, when Yu Yanchen said all this in person, his self-confident heart began to shake.

He told himself, this is not right.He clearly knew that Xu Qingzhi was such a gentle and kind person, that he would give everything for his child.


Xu Qingzhi sighed: "Doctor Xia."

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