Xu Qingzhi was a little surprised by Zhang Ruanruan's invitation.

Only in the end, she nodded.

This time, Qi Yan didn't stop him either. After all, this guy's story is too pitiful, and he even killed Xia Ying, whom he hated, so he must not be an enemy.

Xu Qingzhi left with Zhang Ruanruan, but she didn't expect that Zhang Ruanruan took her not to her lounge, but outside the shooting scene.

Seemingly understanding Xu Qingzhi's surprise, Zhang Ruanruan explained: "Xia Ying has a relative who is a staff member of this competition. However, Xia Ying has always been harsh on that relative, and the two have a bit of animosity. Back then, that relative passed the exam well. Xia Ying persuaded her parents, saying that it was useless for her to go to college and she would spend money, which cut off her way."

"In fact, Xia Ying just didn't want her relative to live better than herself, and her original score didn't reach the cut-off mark, so she was jealous that the other party was able to pass the exam. In the end, Xia Ying succeeded in squeezing her out, relying on connections and buying assigned to the current school."

"What's even more ridiculous is that Xia Ying took advantage of her youth and beauty to catch that relative's boyfriend."

Xia Ying ruined that person's studies and love.

As for whether this is true or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

If it weren't for the contact with the staff, how could Zhang Ruanruan install a private camera, get those videos, and play tricks during the live broadcast of the game.

Xu Qingzhi had guessed before, but she didn't expect Zhang Ruanruan's assistant to be this identity.

It can only be said that evil people have evil rewards... Xia Ying's ending, in some respects, was predestined.

If she had no conflict with her relative, that relative would not join forces with Zhang Ruanruan.

If she hadn't bullied Zhang Ruanruan, she wouldn't have become a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten.

After a while, Xu Qingzhi asked, "What do you want from me?"

"..." Zhang Ruanruan was silent for a moment, then said, "I do have something to ask of you."

"Actually, on the 19th, I am also very grateful to you. In other words, you were my accident in this competition."

After all, at that time, when she was still struggling, it was Xu Qingzhi and Liu Liuliu who stood up and spoke for her.

Even bear the infamy.

Zhang Ruanruan couldn't think of all this.

After all, at school, no one knew that she was being bullied by Xia Ying, but in the end, that group of people always had the same reaction:
"I didn't see it, I didn't see anything."

"How could Xia Ying bully others? You must have misunderstood."

What a ridiculous lie.

Zhang Ruanruan grew up in this kind of despair, and in the end, he settled on this idea that can be called a dead end.

However, Xu Qingzhi was an exception.

"Number 19, I really, really, really appreciate you."

Zhang Ruanruan's eyes gradually became hollow, she took a deep breath, and spoke slowly.

Clearly saying thank you, Xu Qingzhi sensitively sensed something was wrong.

She subconsciously wanted to turn her head back, but it was too late, a pair of hands was obviously one step ahead of her, and they came around from behind her, covering her mouth and nose with a towel.

The pungent breath poured into her nostrils, making her quickly realize what it was.

However, she couldn't struggle, she could only let the breath penetrate, endless fatigue flooded her body.

"Number 19, I'm sorry..."

"You were an accident, and I don't want to do this to you."

"But I really have no choice..."

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